CWM FX - I Told You So !

the game will soon be up if there has been no payment, and will not be surprised if worms start falling out the woodwork very soon.

here we go, the first worm has landed. fell out the woodwork and posted to the babypips cwmfx thread

Hi there,
Thank you for your posts. I just able to read your post now which is too late for me now because I am one the victimize person from CWM Fx. I invested X amount of money to CWM Fx due to introducer promised me 5 percent of interest per month and contract for 1 years and money back guarantee. I just received 1 month interest after that I have not received any money. The introducer stopped picking my call as well, neither text me back. Now I came to know that CWM FX is on police case for suspicious of Fraud, Money laundering and Ponzi Scheme. Can anybody help me how can I get my amount back please.
Many Thanks!!!
here we go, the first worm has landed. fell out the woodwork and posted to the babypips cwmfx thread

OK well find the referenced post in babypips a little strange.

Firstly, why ask the question of how to get their money back in that forum? The individual claims to be aware of the police investigation so why not start there, I mean, they are asking for investors to make themselves known so that they can look to pursue those individuals responsible.

Secondly, the said individual makes no reference to what I believe are recent communications between attorneys acting for CWM and the investor clients. Again, I may be wrong but my understanding is that all CWM clients were meant to have been contacted by said attorneys.

Also, and as at the time or writing, and to the best of my knowledge, no actual charges have yet been brought against those arrested on suspicion of fraud and money laundering.

Time will tell of course on the true extent, truth and credibility of the suspicions and rumours...
OK well find the referenced post in babypips a little strange.

Firstly, why ask the question of how to get their money back in that forum? The individual claims to be aware of the police investigation so why not start there, I mean, they are asking for investors to make themselves known so that they can look to pursue those individuals responsible.

Secondly, the said individual makes no reference to what I believe are recent communications between attorneys acting for CWM and the investor clients. Again, I may be wrong but my understanding is that all CWM clients were meant to have been contacted by said attorneys.

Also, and as at the time or writing, and to the best of my knowledge, no actual charges have yet been brought against those arrested on suspicion of fraud and money laundering.

Time will tell of course on the true extent, truth and credibility of the suspicions and rumours...

many people ask questions via forum posts when they've gotten themselves in trouble.

quite clearly the poster was unaware of any police investigations until recently. also obveously unaware of anything untoward was happening regarding their investment, until it became apparent no monthly interest payment payments were landing into their accounts. this, coupled with the subsequent non reply from their cwmfx "introducer" has caused a need for information.

one must conclude the information provided by letters from a lawyer, in regard to cwmfx investments, if indeed seen at all by the poster, were not written clearly or did not contain enough information to allay concerns.

if the poster is genuine then it is clear, English obviously not being their first language notwithstanding, that they do not really come across as they type of individual that should have been involved in and sold such a scheme.
Today i was reading an article regarding football sponsorships and how the CWMFX has changed it as most of the clubs dont know what they are really agree to and the need to investigate it much more.
Word on the street is that it has gone tits up. No mysterious billionaire on a white steed in sight.
It looks like all their twitter profiles have gone....they are disappearing faster than Rolf Harris' reputation did.
They have changed their name too.
I guess they don't want people thinking of the terrible CWM name.
All their websites have disappeared as far as I can see....not looking great for the "billionaire" is it.... opps.....
the lights are on but nobody is home
Still live as of 10.30 on Sunday 28th June 2015

that is what I thought too, but look closer and it is now only a glorified landing page, complete with the Chelsea fc sponsorship info back up, with not much activity apparent at all if you try click your way through their site.

obviously the fx side of things were an early casualty and disappeared long ago. but it's recent replacement has now disappeared if you try clicking the link, same also with many links on their brands page are also defunct, especially their fund offerings which obviously after the belvedere fund debacle was not going to stay up. I applaud them for their front of keeping those fund pages up for as long as they did!! but it's all gone now. not even their media brands exist, is now parked at godaddy, other links there are unreachable.

a mary celeste site.

those sucked in will be feeling really stupid right now I'm guessing.

so where did they go on the web and what are they called now?
This is still up:
Also if you go to Facebook you'll find them, somebody has linked to a German news article talking about how the "billionaire" still hasn't paid for the charity crash helmet he bought last year....oh dear.
Also, he's not been seen for ages at any of the bike meetings they sponsor....oops.

I'm being told they are still saying to everyone there's nothing to worry about, a new FCA regulated fund is but moments away and all the money is safe.
This is despite two of the IFA firms who signed investments off for SIPP's both now shutting up shop and going into liquidation.

Lets just hope word of the new venture gets around very quickly.
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I see most of the old employees have now completely removed their cwm history from their linkedin employment profiles.

even mr craig “operating as normal” droste has been busy with the eraser.