CWM FX - I Told You So !

Wow, if that's true a ton of people are going to get very worried about their investments...... (or even more worried).

Interestingly I read through the information sent to Offshore Alert from those two clowns Sam Zumbe and Jean-Philippe Grange. Its absolutely hilarious 😆

Also Zumbe's Linkedin profile 😆
These people are beyond a joke, regulated by the Pentagon and "International FATCA Bank Regulators"........I've never read something someone claimed to be/do that made me laugh out loud so much.
I wonder if he really was educated in the UK, perhaps he should be on a special Jeremy Kyle show for the mentally deluded....

It never ceases to amaze me these people exist out there and actually get people to do business with them.
I really do hope this clown reads these pages, wouldn't that make a fun debate :smart:
grand bonfire of cwm web entities and companies.

talking of the burning, here's a list of cwm entities in the process of being burned and on their 1st gazette.

CWM Brokers Limited

CWM Wills Limited

CWM TV Limited

CWM Legal Limited

CWM Ventures Limited

CWM Operations Limited

CWM PSP Solutions Limited

CWM Asset Protection Strategy Limited

CWM Smoky Pixel Limited

still alive and kicking, so far.

CW Markets Limited

CWM World Limited

CWM Digital Limited

CWM Capital Limited (Sarah Sin Kwan Tien)

CWM Trading Limited (craig droste)
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I'm just waiting for the "Billionaire" to give people their money back like was promised all along.
The people that were sticking up for CWM on here seem to have disappeared. Can't blame them really, I wouldn't wanna look like a plonker on a public forum either.
I'm just waiting for the "Billionaire" to give people their money back like was promised all along.
The people that were sticking up for CWM on here seem to have disappeared. Can't blame them really, I wouldn't wanna look like a plonker on a public forum either.

last I heard is the "billionaire" was trying to find the odd spare cash of £49 m loitering down the back of his sofa. unfortunately the news is not good as only fluff found thus far. my source promises to keep us posted in the search for spare change.
last I heard is the "billionaire" was trying to find the odd spare cash of £49 m loitering down the back of his sofa. unfortunately the news is not good as only fluff found thus far. my source promises to keep us posted in the search for spare change.

Did you see that CWM had £49million of clients cash and I believe they only have £1.2million left of it which has been frozen by the banks. At least those who invested can feel good that CWM spent it so wisely, Boat Shows/Bike/Boxing Promotion.

Can't believe so many people got sucked in by the "Billionaire" Bull****ter. I guess they went the first and certainly won't be the last.

I hope the people pushing this 5% crap for CWM get held to account too. Where does the law stand on this?

Step in the "Pentagon backed bank" to save the day.. hahahahaha
Did you see that CWM had £49million of clients cash and I believe they only have £1.2million left of it which has been frozen by the banks. At least those who invested can feel good that CWM spent it so wisely, Boat Shows/Bike/Boxing Promotion.

Can't believe so many people got sucked in by the "Billionaire" Bull****ter. I guess they went the first and certainly won't be the last.

I hope the people pushing this 5% crap for CWM get held to account too. Where does the law stand on this?

Step in the "Pentagon backed bank" to save the day.. hahahahaha

lol and not forgetting Chelsea fc, Wigan Warriors and SVR's Clio Cup car racing. there were others too!

oh the money burn!!

so will the so called regulated entities right throughout the chain selling it all get there comeuppances? I have no idea who they all were to be honest, but we should all be hopeful the authorities know, or will eventually find who they are and are brought to book for their activities.

there's evidence that one such fca registered firm, mentioned earlier in the thread, furness financial management, of whom it was alleged of their involvement, and a subsequent post mentioning firms closing. they have indeed filed to be struck off and are on their 1st gazette. furness also have an application ongoing at the fca to cancel their authorisation.

other entities will no doubt follow as the authorities catch up with them. deleting twitter and/or facebook feeds of their involvement unfortunately may buy some time, but ultimately they'll have left a paper trail as wide as a bus.

the pentagon bank story is popcorn ready. you just couldn't make it up. look out for stories across the net of fools taken in.
Oh yeah, I forgot those other people that took CWM money for sponsorship.

It just really makes angry that these people selling this 5% managed ******** appear to have done nil to very little due diligence. I know of some people who were employed by you know who and they did no due diligence! I think they were sucked in by Mr Billionaire and wanted a piece of the cake too. By the look of him he was eating a lot of cake too!

I genuinely hope that everyone involved on the CWM side get their comeuppance! Even the people I know.

I'm just glad I said no when I went to visit them in the tower.

lol and not forgetting Chelsea fc, Wigan Warriors and SVR's Clio Cup car racing. there were others too!

oh the money burn!!

so will the so called regulated entities right throughout the chain selling it all get there comeuppances? I have no idea who they all were to be honest, but we should all be hopeful the authorities know, or will eventually find who they are and are brought to book for their activities.

there's evidence that one such fca registered firm, mentioned earlier in the thread, furness financial management, of whom it was alleged of their involvement, and a subsequent post mentioning firms closing. they have indeed filed to be struck off and are on their 1st gazette. furness also have an application ongoing at the fca to cancel their authorisation.

other entities will no doubt follow as the authorities catch up with them. deleting twitter and/or facebook feeds of their involvement unfortunately may buy some time, but ultimately they'll have left a paper trail as wide as a bus.

the pentagon bank story is popcorn ready. you just couldn't make it up. look out for stories across the net of fools taken in.
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It was said... "The people that were sticking up for CWM on here seem to have disappeared. Can't blame them really, I wouldn't wanna look like a plonker on a public forum either."

As one of those "plonkers" there seems to be a lot of "look at me, look at me told ya so" going on. Not sure that is conducive to rational debate but there we have it. Provides entertainment if nothing else.

Much said may be true, much said may be false, but speculation is rife and as an investor into one of their options I am playing the waiting game as no one in this thread, really knows what the truth is and what has gone on or is still going on.

It was said... "Did you see that CWM had £49million of clients cash and I believe they only have £1.2million left of it which has been frozen by the banks."

Can I ask where this information has come from and whether it is substantiated?
Check they have all the info you want on there.
I hope you get some of your money back but don't hold your breath.
Have you been offered the 16payments over the next 12 months by the "Pentagon backed bank" yet? :-/
Check they have all the info you want on there.
I hope you get some of your money back but don't hold your breath.
Have you been offered the 16payments over the next 12 months by the "Pentagon backed bank" yet? :-/

Have not been offered anything as yet.

All quiet as I expected it to be. Thanks for the link to offshore alerts, I will check it out.
You will get the offer and it will be exactly as I just said.
No problem, I hope it works out for you.
since the cwm 5% fund account has been alleged to have been found at dms bank, and with not a lot left in it by all accounts, here's some evidence that at least lends a lot of weight to this news.

there are no names, but it is very clear from the dates/locations mentioned who it involves.,-trust-company-managing-director/

The company claims Mr. Jones undertook several business and private trips at the clients’ expense without the knowledge or consent of his fellow directors. On one of these trips in September 2014, Mr. Jones and his family allegedly attended the wedding of the founder of one of the client companies in Greece.
DMS said other directors at the bank became aware on March 5 of a criminal investigation under way in the U.K. in which Client A and several related entities were implicated.

The writ stated that Mr. Jones was instructed to close the account with the client on May 29, 2014, and that he received a written warning when his private trip to the client’s wedding in Greece was uncovered.

DMS claims a fellow director also instructed Mr. Jones on three occasions between December 2014 and March 2015 to close the client’s account, when it was discovered that the managing director had failed to do so. DMS speculated that Mr. Jones refused to close the account so he would not prejudice his personal relationship with the client, who DMS claims had made him an employment offer to set up and operate a competing private bank in the Cayman Islands.

also one does wonder why it appears that the dms bank knew something was amiss but fails to freeze the account until the majority of the money went walkies 😕

oh well, chin up indignant, looks like your funds may possibly have slipped anchor and be parked in another cayman account.