Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies


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heres the last few weeks .................when the Violet (raw Gold)..... line gets outside all the other grey lines (other G8 currency indexes) that means the fiat currencies are being surpassed by a move to Gold .............then I REALLY like to play gold in trades

18/19th August saw a real push on Gold leaping above other G7 currencies as the usd fell..........nice nice signal for a change



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The price on EUR/USD moves to resistance level. When 1.1480 mark will be passed, I’m gonna sell.
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hey gang

just 2 days left trading for me then a few weeks in the sun .......

today we see a classic tightish range on USd to open the week ......

I will trade the bounces each way then attack the breaches when they eventually come

of my targeted pairs ...

AUD had a bad night so may sell AU as opp arises ....

Europeans are flat / Bull so that's the other side of usd plays sorted

game on



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The price on EUR/USD moves to resistance level. When 1.1480 mark will be passed, I’m gonna sell.

thanks for this ...D ....this thread is about trading forex strengthmeters and correlation so happy to discuss those subjects

otherwise plenty of live call threads elsewhere for you to talk standard PA signals :smart:

7am saw the last selloff of usd ...Europeans nice scalp buys so far

lets see where the bounce north comes

usd really giving us a run for our money this morning eh ?



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usd is net Bear gang

since the last usd selloff around 9am bar we really have the ucad and AU that would have provided some pips

lets see if we can improve on that re usd bear phase



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usd finally had to concede to bull strength ......I threw in the towel around 11.30 and playing bull usd scalps now..........



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usd finally had to concede to bull strength ......I threw in the towel around 11.30 and playing bull usd scalps now..........


USD still bull for 2 hours now that a live call ?......sorry if its not ..give back the pips ........:LOL:



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selling usd now for a while



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more resells on usd in last 40m or so .........GMT on charts

usd has been accompanied by Europeans AND cad so only orange AUD has been a solid bull play

Ive got 3 S/R's now that have formed and will try to respect them for rest of session


PS. NVP will not be posting on this thread until around September 20th


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Hey gang

Got banned for a while and now on holiday

Will pop in from time to time ......happy to answer questions on correlation and forex strength meters as usual here

Reference - historic links / main posts / indicators

Reference for all my historic links and main posts / indicators

just wanted to update some links to my historical post on this thread :-

a thread where I tried to summarise my strengthmeter approach to trading :arrowr:

links to my free indicators :arrowr:


G8 currency Indexes :arrowr:
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the greenback is back gang...........

the fed may have delayed any interest rate rises but look at why ..........greenback is virtually back to the high market crash values of 2008 when everyone fled to safety and the USD ..........

sure things got slack as the markets improved and summer 2011 had everyone trying to go to usa on holiday ...........but since then stronger and stronger ....and stronger !! :smart:

all hail the master currency :cool:



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Hey all

Not much to report from holiday Central

Been watching the vw and the FIFA stories on cNBC......both organisations have some rocky paths to,walk now

Vw is a real eye opener to's a once in a generation event that you find inconceivable it happened

Step,1 spend nearly 100 years building a brand around frills no spills no flashy lights bells and whistles.......promote generations of trust and reliability

Then risk it all on some hidden computer software

Really ?......Really ? :rolleyes:

Damage limitation processes in place now.......well tanned and wealthy old guard leadership will get payouts and rewards to,fall on swords........less well tanned and younger new guard step in the day and will be back inside 18 months

Also watch the German unions or work councils step in big now......plenty of great politics to enjoy as a German national institution gets a grilling
