Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

looks like the bull usd is truly over now ..................turning more to usd bears now unless a big hit on 10am bar change



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this is a very very scrappy selloff from usd .....I think we are going bull again soon

well that usd bull finally turned up about 10 mins later for me on the 10.30 bar change...........took its damn time :cool:

chart 1 is the turn .......I was realistically attacking from 10.36/37 if any second currency really floated my boat with selloffs into usd

Euro was a strong sell , then chf , then cad .....gbp came real late ..........but better late than never ;)



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my real regret today is that I didn't play more usd selloffs as there were plenty of pips on offer especially from 8am through to 10am

BUT I am trying to reduce my scalps ........remember I was doing 2-300 a day easy at one point this year :LOL:

still done ok though on the usd bull bounces so no harm done.....last hour or so is icing on the cake (y)



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ok may be back later to chase up some consultancy work that's coming in October hopefully

and if I was bothering to sell anything here ( i'm not;) ) you guys are passing me so many freebees its untrue

so please keep up the good work on that marketing thread of yours

and don't forget to mention my free youtube channel as well ? :cool:



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11 38 am

Its just been a "pip machine" last few days

No wonder Nick likes it

For example after 9 39 am - approx 70 pips up in 12 mins

After 10 22am - approx 60 pips drop within 60 mins

I reckon just ought to do special tips on just trading that pair - its so good on it busy days

Supports from 5820 to 40 area next

some nice runs on it last few days .........not my bag though

ive put the Euro, aud and usd indexes on the chart below

notice how the 3 of them will rarely all move together ........I would love to put AU in my scalping team but in truth I find 4 more than enough to watch ....................I am tempted to drop the swissie off the charts and bring in AU (swissie and eur are pretty tight mostly).....but then a day can come along when the swissie is the currency to trade :sneaky:




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see attachment

guys / everyone - I don't sell anything here at T2win ..........all free links

I think I put the badge on a few years back after discussions with the mods.......

but don't technically need it now .....

I think it would have linked people to my website but that's down at the moment and has been for a while as I dont have time or admin to load it up again with information

my Website directs people to another free thread of mine here at T2win.......

don't get me wrong - I really appreciate the mentions on other threads here but I have nothing to gain from their avid attention to myself and the others they continually comment on :cool:

hope that clarifies my position - but suspect it wont for some people here at T2win .....;)


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no worries guys - mods please feel free to remove the badge



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usd bull has been kind.............but has the fun ended ?



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usd bull has been kind.............but has the fun ended ?


the bull fun HAD sure ended for usd............nice steady selling of USD into the US session so far (y)

plenty of opps to pick off some great trades ...not many but ok

damn aussies were the better early buys from the usd selloff (not shown) .........grrr must trade those again :cool:



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in fact after some backtesting this afternoon I am now dropping the swissie and promoting the AUD into my fantastic 4 usd pair trades


g'day mate ............put another beer on the Barbie !



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usd is ranging a lot .see first 2 charts

in last 10 mins aud and CAd the buys

usd and Europeans selling off

i'm just playing the range bounces until we get some real moves (last 2 charts)

I now have in my usd scalp team

Green = USD
Brown - CAD
Orange = AUD
Red - GBP
Blue - Euro


F's work on time windows really helped my scalping .........


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Apol for not calling any entries, its just too fast for me to do so atm

no worries makes me die that (some) other threads and members seem to think scalpers can make "live calls" ........shows how little they understand the concepts of true scalping and speed of change in market :smart:

best I can ever do is poss 1 min after ...........most of my advanced comments are regarding the conditions and what I am looking for ....

so I have said here I am playing ranges with emphasis on Selling usd ............I didn't call the AU "live"

I have no idea of damn priceline on a pair until I go for the button....i'm playing index signals mostly :smart:

30 mins of selling usd

cad and aud will be the main winners.........with the blue Euro in the sell camp someone must have had success in the EA trade camp ?

Note again the AUD , EUR and USD will never ALL be buying or Selling together



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ok back later

the green usd is wavering on Bull/Bear now and we have 2 camps with Europeans in sell mode and AUD CAd buying

lets see who comes off the fence first ..................


ps - the AUD substitution of Swissie in my scalp team is going ok today !


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hey gang

I do get a few friendship requests ..............have to confess I really need to see some contributions from anyone before accepting those now here

we have had issues with some of the multi-nic dissers on T2win who are intent on just spreading negativity and creating problems for genuine contributors here so we have to be more careful sadly

same with the e-mails I receive as well...........sorry I have to be more guarded these days but it seems conditions have changed recently for the worse at T2win

see how usd went bear and the gbp bounced ?.........

back later ..usd looks like a bear run is now shaping up

overall the range on usd so far is still pretty expect plenty of opps to come soon

see how usd went bear and the gbp bounced ?.........

back later ..usd looks like a bear run is now shaping up

overall the range on usd so far is still pretty expect plenty of opps to come soon


hey gang ...........hows it going ..........USD is folding bear since last posts

aud and cad been my main attention..........nothing dramatic but steadier than rying to tame the Europeans

USD is a sell still for me ...............sure try to scalp the bounces but I am trying to cut down on my scalping habit :cool:



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must confess I am trying to play European sells into the usd bounces when they come

like last few mins ........this is scalping against the main usd bear trend though

getting away with murder here at moment time will come if usd goes chop on me .....until then :smart:



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and for all those alternative fans calling No live calls

heres a resistance line for you to chew on

resell below / buy above



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