Correlation Strategy

Hi Jon

Point taken. My argument did not favour one side or the other in the substance of the discussion - only in the mack-truck-vs-morris-minor event that effecively killed further input, and destroyed what may have (or not) been enlightenment even for pro traders.

I think Sparxfx did not dignify the response with further posts.

And the thread never did get to hear any more.

Despite the statement by Sparxfx that he "had been trading for years"

Perhaps it may have been better, in hindsight, to have allowed new members to fully state their case, before then ripping them to bits and chucking their flesh to the wild.

In essence, we never enjoyed the dialogue, nor a debate with the thread owner.

We will never know for certain if he did indeed have a fresh perspective.

I have respect for all members on this site - regardless of the number of posts under their names. Some members are rabbits, despite 4000 posts, and some are "required reading" despite only 50 posts.

This goes back a couple of years.

You would have to agree that Sparxfx did not get to first base.

Yes, as I thought ... thread ... and ideas ... killed off.
hi ivan...hope you are well !

wouldnt it be great to get this up and running again.... i tried to contact sparx a couple of times but no luck...

I would love his corelation insights/knowledge shared here or even on my correlation thread if he wanted to contribute with more supportive team around him.....

real shame as the dude has real class......

hi ivan...hope you are well !

wouldnt it be great to get this up and running again.... i tried to contact sparx a couple of times but no luck...

I would love his corelation insights/knowledge shared here or even on my correlation thread if he wanted to contribute with more supportive team around him.....

real shame as the dude has real class......


Hi NVP - happy NY etc etc 🙂

I also tried to contact him months back - no luck.

I know he was on to something - the dudes who slammed his rationale misunderstood where he was coming from - it was quite plain to me because I know your correlation approach too.

Those who ran off with their own ideas on a tangent, were also correct in what they were saying, but that was NOT what Sparxfx was saying - they missed the point, and consequently, now so do we. Pity they didn't allow him a full hearing.

There are a couple of things I might slip over to your thread and work on shortly (this month that is! 😀 ) Have a look at posts #60 to #64 or so on your thread - I was on to something there, and moved away from it.

Also, remember "Dreamliner" from Mataf and FF? He was also on to something, but again, didn't stick to it long enough to nail it completely.

I think we had best have a little wake and a silent prayer for this thread ... I'll see you on in a day or so.

I am at work right now, on a break, so can't do much - and my charts are at home on the Mac. ( Running Vista on Boot Camp). Should move to a VPS for my MT4, but waiting for the right one to appear.

Cheers mate, and as for this thread ...



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Hi NVP - happy NY etc etc 🙂

I also tried to contact him months back - no luck.

I know he was on to something - the dudes who slammed his rationale misunderstood where he was coming from - it was quite plain to me because I know your correlation approach too.

Those who ran off with their own ideas on a tangent, were also correct in what they were saying, but that was NOT what Sparxfx was saying - they missed the point, and consequently, now so do we. Pity they didn't allow him a full hearing.

There are a couple of things I might slip over to your thread and work on shortly (this month that is! 😀 ) Have a look at posts #60 to #64 or so on your thread - I was on to something there, and moved away from it.

Also, remember "Dreamliner" from Mataf and FF? He was also on to something, but again, didn't stick to it long enough to nail it completely.

I think we had best have a little wake and a silent prayer for this thread ... I'll see you on in a day or so.

I am at work right now, on a break, so can't do much - and my charts are at home on the Mac. ( Running Vista on Boot Camp). Should move to a VPS for my MT4, but waiting for the right one to appear.

Cheers mate, and as for this thread ...


yep RIP it is.........pop in to my thread anytime Ivan, always priviledged to
have you on board 👍

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"Dreamliner from FF and Mataf" is still here 🙂.

The reason I stopped trading my correlation method was because it simply did not work. The problem was in the charting, which made "big gaps", where we would clearly enter a trade, look like small gaps after the market kept gapping. In other words, there was no way to logically enter a trade and have positive expectancy that the gap would narrow, due to the way the charts would resize.

I'm still looking for a correlation trading method, and for years have not found one.

Hi NVP - happy NY etc etc 🙂

I also tried to contact him months back - no luck.

I know he was on to something - the dudes who slammed his rationale misunderstood where he was coming from - it was quite plain to me because I know your correlation approach too.

Those who ran off with their own ideas on a tangent, were also correct in what they were saying, but that was NOT what Sparxfx was saying - they missed the point, and consequently, now so do we. Pity they didn't allow him a full hearing.

There are a couple of things I might slip over to your thread and work on shortly (this month that is! 😀 ) Have a look at posts #60 to #64 or so on your thread - I was on to something there, and moved away from it.

Also, remember "Dreamliner" from Mataf and FF? He was also on to something, but again, didn't stick to it long enough to nail it completely.

I think we had best have a little wake and a silent prayer for this thread ... I'll see you on in a day or so.

I am at work right now, on a break, so can't do much - and my charts are at home on the Mac. ( Running Vista on Boot Camp). Should move to a VPS for my MT4, but waiting for the right one to appear.

Cheers mate, and as for this thread ...

"Dreamliner from FF and Mataf" is still here 🙂.

The reason I stopped trading my correlation method was because it simply did not work. The problem was in the charting, which made "big gaps", where we would clearly enter a trade, look like small gaps after the market kept gapping. In other words, there was no way to logically enter a trade and have positive expectancy that the gap would narrow, due to the way the charts would resize.

I'm still looking for a correlation trading method, and for years have not found one. ! 😱

I would be truly honoured if you ever did get a chance to comment or critique my thread here on T2W or even share some more private observations by contacting me at [email protected] as I would love to chat about this particular way of viewing the market and related trading strategies

respect and regards