Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

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selling usd ?..not live enough ?......

well time marches on and the usd Resistance band/line area has not really been broken I like to keep selling

that's it .........called way before it happened .........not live enough for our many alternative fans .....but i'm not here for them ...........just for a little friendly banter and to try to share ideas as well as learn a little along the way .....😉

the 5min lower chart (USD only) give me the days perspective so far ..........(recent bear - right ?)

the upper 1 min chart is trailing about 5 separate indexes fantastic 4 + usd again

so in this upper chart I am calling usd selloffs mainly I look for TWindow opps when the usd is more at the top of the chart and I look for fast selloffs from currencies reacting to that .............sure it takes time to learn and respect the behaviour of separate and groups of currencies but that's trading F says .......its not an overnight success in this business .............a few years really to find your edge and then perfect it

but frankly I hav found nothing else that resonates so well for me as using indexes and strengthmeters ...............I can see all the currencies and their behaviours .........then decide trades from there



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to still praise my core FXcorrelator .....I can scalp using certain settings on the original and basic indicator available free below in links ............but again that's a totally different feel to trading the raw indexes ............but still possible !

selling usd ?..not live enough ?......

I really wish we could offer more live calls here on this thread ...............damn .....wish we could .......this stuff seems so worthless otherwise eh ? calling usd sells from nearly 3 hours ago 😀😉



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selling usd ?..not live enough ?......

hey gang ...........and a little message for our alternative kind sponsors elsewhere 😎

warnings to prepare to sell usd off of resistance levels called from as early as 9.30 GMT today (10.30 BST)

remember those days ?

GU was around 5380
EU was around 1192

well Gu peaked recently at 5470 so far and EU at 1276 a while back .........of course there was a few wriggles along the way ........but I think calling opportunities at 9.30 GMT to scalp pairs that ended up 90 pips and 80 pips respectively higher probably allows people a little leeway to make some money ?

No ?...not yet acceptable for the live call crew ? 😏

ok i'll try again tomorrow then................jees tough crowd ! :whistling



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Abe , George..............I am struggling with my faked Live calls .......any advice ?


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I can see why but I have been watching for sometime and for sure many pairs need a few coffee's it has been a dull day so far.
Not sure will it be a big day as people wary ahead of next weeks fed.
We will all find some good scalps though as always.

hey N

just speaking for usd index ...............always pip moves most days F says you just have to wait them out then attack whilst the volatility is rolling

slow start today .........14 pip range from Asians .......I will bounce usd between those S/R lines shown........... then go big on the breakouts

gameplan ? calls ?.......bite me 😆



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hey all ......ive been calling on F's live thread in last 90 mins or so ............finally got some breeze on the usd bull move as it breached recent range (as promised in last post above)👍

Ucad and more recently EU have got me well into positive pips (see right of chart) so head down now to go for targets before lunch



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with some final wind in the sails from green Usd bull phase ..I now tend to step back a little and scalp the usd re-bounces north

back later



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clear divergence at moment

Europeans bull
usd flat/bull
cad / AUD sells

live calls ? ?

usd still booming north on dips 👍

wont bore you all with the scalps .too many to show as dynamics changed around the usd



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first time i've show most of my main scalping screen to T2win in last few days (cant be arsed to keep hiding stuff for posts).....not exactly rocket science eh ?

its all about the timing and experience these days for me ...........don't really need lots of FXcorrelators and other indicators to scalp ..I like having 3 fast LR's on the main pairs though

9 , 18 , 37

9.13 last rebuy on usd ..............aud and cad were my plays

still not exactly great but the scalps now generally are producing comfortable 5+ pip runs



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9.13 last rebuy on usd ..............aud and cad were my plays

still not exactly great but the scalps now generally are producing comfortable 5+ pip runs


USD STILL a buy dudes.......👍........

sure it can be a bit tricky juggling the other currencies to catch the moves ............sometimes you get on a fairly static pair and watch the others move away :whistling

but if you are already 50% right on the direction to trade your USD pair scalps...........that's pretty are surfing the main trend :smart:



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USD STILL a buy dudes.......👍........

sure it can be a bit tricky juggling the other currencies to catch the moves ............sometimes you get on a fairly static pair and watch the others move away :whistling

but if you are already 50% right on the direction to trade your USD pair scalps...........that's pretty are surfing the main trend :smart:


heres the usd's bull progress in last few hours on my 4 main scalp pairs

You cannot get steady progress on just 1 pair for hours on end ..............that's pretty lucky to achieve ...

usually you are having to work hard........ in and out of the currencies as they change correlation patterns and directions alongside the usd

today so far the GU has been pretty solid as a sell ...........but look at the other 3 .............some came early and some came late to the USD bull party

and you guys might want to trade Swissie , NZD and Yen instead ? ........but these days I just cannot trade all 7 pairs .....too slow for that :smart:



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Hi N

You are correct

That confuses many - especially the negative alternative fan club who have started having a go at the correlator method as well as my method

Still no need to worry - they just have not worked it out still😆

Ive had that thread on Ignore for a while as it was too tedious to watch ..........

ive asked the mods to unignore it for me now if someone has made false or unfair accusations against me and my systems then I better see it to defend myself :whistling

calling a forex strengthmeter worthless is the same as calling MA's , Bollinger bands , MACD's and every other MA based indicator out there worthless ........sure they have drawbacks re lag but unfair to just single my creation out ....:smart:

i'm sure John Bollinger doesn't lose sleep over the dissers 😉

superb 5-6 hours no ow USD bull trading ...........just buying on the dips

however as I said earlier cant just sit on a trade usually.......

you have to work the trends in the day as they come ..........

sure as F says you can get a runner and leave 30% on the table .............GU today in my pairs has shown the most potential to do so as no major retraces ...........even EU if you held back from 1300 levels to enter when euro finally sold off earlier .....

but otherwise its just scalp scalp scalp ..........5 pips upwards for first bite and then try to run the trailers............

theres easily 20+ pips on all the pairs shown and a lot more if you work it .like F and MM do

great day in the markets so far for usd pairs



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in at 29 the gu

update - 1.30 saw usd news send usd south so selling since (see F's thread)

39 was the high...👎...dogs breakfast that one .and EU only got to 82 but coming again now......

au was a better play on the usd selloffs so far ..........

anyways usd is selling solidly at moment since news .......sell usd on bounces



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another big hit on usd from 2.51/52


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other than GU and UCad atm - it looks boring

Will pop back in every 30 mins or so in case we get action after 4 30 pm

boring ?..............I must admit I was winding down as the usd was not really showing much bear pressure from earlier .....

then 4pm bar change was a scorcher 👍

better still the euro was already rolling north so no brainer scalp on EU

great end to week 👍


and a special Boom boom for the alternative fans we have 😉


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