I see the problem on this pair - my chart indicates a buy but I've learned from the corrie not to trade a pair that are both the same side of zero... looks like it's about to push higher though.
GMP (and anyone else who wants to join the corrie clan)
the corrie is quite intuitive...and the more you play the better you get...
get a pot of coffee and go through the thread....
😱...theres a lot of stuff (especially first half) that
must be read.... as Ingot54 and Alan5616 push me hard playing with lots of MA / Delta settings and interpeting results
I would also recommend you settle down and really learn how to interpret Moving averages as thats what the corrie is......a giant 3D moving average machine of the G8
when currencies cross that is where the pair chart would cross the MA settings you have (try it)..........so if U crosses G on a 20/1 corrie you will see the 1ma cross the 20 ma at the same time on a G/U pair chart.............and so on if you set the MA to 20 and the delta to 10 guess what ?.....you will see the 10ma crossing the 20ma on a standard G/U chart
👍 (well... within 95%+)
ZERO crosses repesent something diferent ...........this is where a currency moves above or below the
G8 Average (Based on the MA/Delta setting you have)
imagine a pair chart that represented GBP against the G7 and a 20ma/1 delta on it........when the 1ma crosses the 20 MA on your chart thats shown as the GBP crossing the zero on the corrie chart set to 20/1
Then theres interpretation of the divergent/ convergent lines.....remember (just like macd's , rsi's , stocastics etc etc )......divergence lines are the strongest and always take precedence over converging lines for strength of moves
a converging line (on lower MA's) does not mean the price is moving much...it just means the MA is catching up with the price that diverged away earlier on (try it looking at a standard MA relationship to price on any chart)......
for me on lower MA's I rarely pay much attention to converging lines.....the money has to be on
Divergence for entering trades.............
sure you may have to use a converging currency to pair up vs the diverging one sometimes but the real money will always be delivered from the diverger as it moves away from its MA ......
I use the 1000/1 corrie a lot as you know....at this size of MA the convergence/Divergece is of minimal importance/distortion so its great to just watch pure price movement.......but on say 10-200 ma settings you cannot see the pure stuff and can instead focus on convergence/divergence plays
use them both .....different versions of the same fantastic little basic indicator......and boy does it have a great set of brother and sister hybrids you can build from it.........
experiment..............use any variation of MA/delta settings .use the great settings from the world of MA's
3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89 etc etc
use the classic faster/slower combo settings as seen on macd's, Stochastics.....they are all as powerful on the corrie as on standard pair charts.......the sky really is the limit......
see why I never get time to trade yet........the more I learn the less I know ! 😱 )
anyway enough..............:smart: