Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

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Euros falling......cmon GBP

fyi..I have other indicators helping me - but this isthe main stuff !


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gold has shot up $10 with minimal downward move on USD.......cant remember this amount of inelastic response before......its like having wound up a spring so tight the metals bending

USd does not want to fall !!!
and the Aussie & Kiwi did not want to rise, so does that make it a divergent climb in Gold, which should be sold, or a case of waiting for the currencies to come into line with Gold? Which leads? Or is this simply too small a timeframe for correlations to apply properly?
ive actually got to go now for a meeting..........***???!!!

lets see what happens dudes......hope this has been of help to someone in the trading cosmos
and certainly been fascinating for me when I finally get a few minutes of eyeball time

later all
deffinately ranging back a little eh.......slowly slowly catchee monkey !
and the Aussie & Kiwi did not want to rise, so does that make it a divergent climb in Gold, which should be sold, or a case of waiting for the currencies to come into line with Gold? Which leads? Or is this simply too small a timeframe for correlations to apply properly?

what leads ?.........that my friend is the 2 billion dollar question....I mainly look for short term divergences hunting for the clues

the gold/USD relationship opens up a fascinating trading area regarding trading Gold....but thats still in my pending box 🙄

same for the Equity markets and the Yen......although in that case the Markets probably lead the Yen as I cannot see a weaker yen suddenly driving up the Global stock markets it would be vice versa !

Hi all

finally got back to the thread....we were actually trying to exchange on our house yesterday and I had to do some stuff to try to make it happen......which it didnt of course because the last thing solicitors want to do on a friday after 3pm is to help the customers paying them Sh*tloads to perform the most stressful /pivotal point in a conveyance...😡...........ah well perhaps next week....if they pop into their offices to do a little work..... 😢

(actually my Solicitor is Sh*t hot......shame re the buyers idiot)

anyway dear viewers why not join our big game hunt back at below and I will take up the story then :-

OK ?............then we continue :-

I was banking on the tag had moved $10 upwards and basically usd was nor really responding down at all....sooo my cunning plan was when gold stumbled the usd would rise like a bullet (lets not get into the chicken/egg on gold vs usd here🙄)

the retrace at 15.55pm was a pain and I was 1 pip off off target entry.......and the logical stop was at 4922 (shown below) so depended if you had the appetite for that size S/L........(Boris hasnt at BKforex).....BUT BIG RULE HERE....dont make the markets fit your model....adapt to its model :smart:.........reduce your trade to cover the bigger S/L ? 😏

anyway we didnt enter.......but I would have at 16.20 (second yellow verts) when :-

Gold started to fall again indicating a usd push up (and DJ30 was also falling fast)
GBP was hovering on that big support line ready to beach (right chart)

and it came good ........comfortable 20-30 pips south that G/U normally delivers if the timing is GBP is a very volatle little varmit 👍

EURO sell was a pain if you had gone for it......look at right chart .....Euro and USD had already been like bosom buddies all morning....and USD had been pretty flat through the whole morning session so any pips to be made needed some uber volatility spiced in.....and for that my friends you need to call on these dudes

GBP, CAD.....or even Yen**

(**hence my recent increase in U/J experimentation - BUT remember the DJ30 was falling fast as well, so a contra trade U/J was not on the cards really)

actualy G/Y sel was even sweeter.......but thats a wild pairing to trade (GMP !!!)

here it is all below.....i'll stop rambling because it could have gone the other way.......but it didnt :whistling

later dudes....


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Hi N,

Sorry to hear about the house exchange and hope you get all resolved next week, especially so you dont miss out posting on your thread! mentioning your thread, many congrats on passing the big 40k viewer mark -is that more viewers than watched last Wednesday's spurs / fulham game? Now I wonder, hust who is it that supports spurs on this thread....

Brilliant commentary on yesterday's (Friday) afternoon market action and some good calls made there as prices generally were dancing around all over the place.

With your kind permission I'd like to submit a strategy system for trading GU via a simple correlation technique next week, from what I've been tiddling around with so far it looks very interesting and I think that coupling it into your own corrie indy will enhance the idea further.

I also hope to let you know a bit more about your idea of whether or not building candlesticks is feasible for the corrie indy next week, as the coding guru will be making his initial comments and thoughts real soon - I'll need two days just to translate his gobbledy-gook-geek speak!

Enjoy the weekend and dont forget that on Monday your broker feed will have to account for our UK one hour forward hour change - regards,
Hi N,

Sorry to hear about the house exchange and hope you get all resolved next week, especially so you dont miss out posting on your thread! mentioning your thread, many congrats on passing the big 40k viewer mark -is that more viewers than watched last Wednesday's spurs / fulham game? Now I wonder, hust who is it that supports spurs on this thread....

Brilliant commentary on yesterday's (Friday) afternoon market action and some good calls made there as prices generally were dancing around all over the place.

With your kind permission I'd like to submit a strategy system for trading GU via a simple correlation technique next week, from what I've been tiddling around with so far it looks very interesting and I think that coupling it into your own corrie indy will enhance the idea further.

I also hope to let you know a bit more about your idea of whether or not building candlesticks is feasible for the corrie indy next week, as the coding guru will be making his initial comments and thoughts real soon - I'll need two days just to translate his gobbledy-gook-geek speak!

Enjoy the weekend and dont forget that on Monday your broker feed will have to account for our UK one hour forward hour change - regards,

hi Mate....

cut the spurs ribbing.....I'm sure we have thousands watching this thread that are spurs

I would be honoured if you drop something in the mix.....I know you get muchos respect on his site re your posts and have quite a go for it 👍

I tracked that damn trade for hours (ignoring work in the process 😱) so was nice to get the pips on G/U......trouble was I became to fixated on it and was going to trade it no matter what a lesson learned and thank corrie it delivered 😀

i'm pretty sure the reason we get minimal feedback on this site now is that the corrie is a proven /brilliant tool to support any trading system so people download it, read what we say re usage and then just get on with it.....Its a brilliant intuitive tool so anyone above novice level will pick it up quickly with no fuss and needs nothing more from us thats for sure......we are not selling or promoting pure systems here so no feedback is forthcoming...🙄

I have to be truthful here to all following this thread and say that after 40,000 views I have nothing much more to offer at this point apart from repetitive commentaries on what I have been preaching day in day out ......and I do not want to become boring - (dont anyone say a word.)...!!!

As I look around the forum world I notice a real burst of energy/focus on correlation strategies and certainly strengthmeters so I am pleased that its profle has been raised.....

As JRP knows I have developed hybrids of the corrie to (simplify and) fine tune the calls I make here, across multiple currencies and markets but I am not going to share them as they will ultimately be my personal trading edge (hopefully) helping me to return to (profitable) trading.....I dont see myself as a marketeer selling them at $199.99 on E-bay (spare me)........aside from the hassle (and the heavy responsibility I would feel towards customers) the damn things would be being sold elsewhere 2 days after I launched the programme 😱

i'm also gonna be real busy anyway next few weeks with moving and extra work (covering for vacations) so im just warning all that it will get lighter from me......apologies

lets see how the next month goes given my other committments at present .....even if we just tick along on impulse power providing daily updates and comments it will still kick the butt of most threads on any forum (assuming our posts remain profitable and informative)

lets see what next week brings and I cannot wait to see what JRP has in the wings

Best Regards and 40,000 thankyous to all who have visited us here at corrie central 👍

NVP, JRP, Ivan, GMP, Alan, Phreddy, all.........:cheers:
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d i v o r c e

Nope ............i'm not going to open the week with a country and western song 😛

just want to show the correlation on our 2 tag freinds who always travel together everywhere hand in hand.......right ? 🙄

that divorce last week was painful and large......heres a 1h showing the recent action and look at the 2 main markets I always use to follow these dudes trying to antiipate their movements

DJ30 = up all week .........and yen was.....a solid sell all week
GOLD = down most of week until Thurs/Friday .....and USD was bullish generally

always watch Gold/USD and seperately watch the DJ30/Yen relationship....forget the 2 zillion words spoken on why they move together or what moves what - just do it ! my correlation world when these intermarket partners correlate (inversely) you have an opportuntity to look for trades on that currency and then as a bonus ball if the tag team are also correlating (ie all 4 intermarket elements are firing together) thats when you really have a high probability trading situation vs the G6

So last week I was hunting U/J trades for the first time seriously as the situation was ripe for it (ie DIVORCE) ....this week if everyone settles more again its back to business as usual looking for TA vs rest of the G6.......lets see what happens



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tag going south with the fab4 (discussed above) all in agreement......GBP and CHF are strongest
in G6 presently

later dudes off to work
I also still see the yen as weak on 1 hourly's so I will be looking to buy U/J when opportnities arise

last op was very early hours this morning....

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the Fab4feast continues............textbook correlation so far with Eurozone providing the buying side of the trade (see charts)

Commdolls are trying to fight back vs Eurozone but not just yet.....

Buying U/J on every retrace opportunity looks buy above 92.69 regardless and i'd have a punt at any retrace if it gets down to those 92.56 zones .......JPY is weak compared to USD and has been for 3 solid days.....if dow30 stays more bullish (or less bearish on falls) than gold that will really help things along a lot...........

but overall the TAG vs G6 (eurozone) is centre stage for pips at present



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dont be to fooled on the yens improvement vs usd......I think its bluffing
now u/J has got clear and is breaching down it as it comes back (amazingly) into the pack it just left above it......

fingers crossed
hmmm this is the strongest that Yen has been on USD for a long long time on the 5mins....and unsupported by DJ30 vs gold....look to buy U/J now on retraces
