Cool it down

Don't understand the problem that the tractors have with Naz and Mr Charts etc. These are good guys who are good enough to spend their time posting quality info on this site.

Who the hell cares about proof of trades, etc ?

Keep on posting Naz and Mr Charts - you are greatly appreciated.

Forget the tractors.
In fact the tractors should go and sound off in somebody else's
f****ing farmyard.

And b4 a moderator deigns to give me some more well earned points, please count the number of asterisks.
Of interest ?

one trainer shows recent trading ......up to yesterday - I put web address on .....Z


  • jbtrades.jpg
    61.3 KB · Views: 534
Just to show how easy it is to make a fictitious trading record, here's one I have just made.

This is not having a go at anyone who publishes their trading records, it is just to show that it is not worth asking for trading records, as they are easy to make up. I would rather see how a person has entered and exited a trade.


  • fiction2.gif
    11.1 KB · Views: 519

It is fun to get rid of the bad trades and just show the good ones. I am sure your trading account wouldn't need to be falsified like the one I have shown above. I am not sure my screen is big enough to cope with your profits 🙂.
Anyone who asks to see anyone elses account balance as proof that their 'method' works is simply demonstrating how little they know about our business.

All successful traders know that if you give a 'system' to two different traders, with the same account balance, they will have different balances after trading the system for a while.

This is because we all have different tolerances of risk, different methods of money management (if this isn't specified in the 'system'), different perceptions of the validity of an entry signal, different timeframes, blah blah blah.

We are all different! The most important thing to remember if someone gives you advise, is to ask if it makes sense to YOU and if YOU are comfortable with it. If you are, try it. If not, stay away from it. Simple!

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the negative people who haven't realised this simple, simple truth yet for funding my account and my respective lifestyle.

Life just wouldn't be the same without the losers would it!

He's right of course.

BBB said:
Anyone who asks to see anyone elses account balance as proof that their 'method' works is simply demonstrating how little they know about our business.

All successful traders know that if you give a 'system' to two different traders, with the same account balance, they will have different balances after trading the system for a while.

This is because we all have different tolerances of risk, different methods of money management (if this isn't specified in the 'system'), different perceptions of the validity of an entry signal, different timeframes, blah blah blah.

We are all different! The most important thing to remember if someone gives you advise, is to ask if it makes sense to YOU and if YOU are comfortable with it. If you are, try it. If not, stay away from it. Simple!

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the negative people who haven't realised this simple, simple truth yet for funding my account and my respective lifestyle.

Life just wouldn't be the same without the losers would it!


Too true.

Bet someone will still contradict you rather than get off their butts and try things out.

But whats another Dee - tractor in Dee - Nile 😢
😆 😆
Big Buisness; that is really pathetic!

edited by ChartMan..personal abuse and a warning.

OK so let me get this right ChartMan it's quite OK to accuse someone with a good reputation (so it appears) of falsyfying his trading record. but I get a 4pt warning because I bring this to the attention of the members.! funny standards !
Last edited:
Do NOT get abusive towards members in this debate. If you are unable to express yourself in a civilised manner, then please don't post. That goes for every one.
Dee Nile
There's a lot of it about! :cheesy:


  • flowrate.jpg
    34 KB · Views: 597
Hi FTSE Beater

Thanks for your post to me yesterday.

I take my hat off to you for sending a measured response with point by point queries rather than just ranting like the other 'detractors of the detractors' (DOD's from now on).

Consequently, as I have said before, I believe you have the right to expect an answer your queries, point by point, rather than ignoring them or rubbishing you. We may disagree but it does't mean we can't question each other in a civilised manner.

If the other DOD's kept calm and gave measured responses, like you have done, rather than throwing insults and wobblies, this site would be much better.

I will read your points later, as I'm about to set up for the 2.30 US open, and will reply later today.

mos3329 said:
But, of course, the moderator was Skim who is so biased against the detractors that they went through.


What you have posted is pure rubbish. Why was I the moderator? There are four overall moderators on this site, and no moderator is assigned to any particular thread. No-one complained, so no action was taken.

I am NOT biased against the detractors - I AM biased against the two/three individuals who use multiple nicks and continually try to stir up trouble just because they are pathetic losers and are jealous of anyone who can make money out of trading.

I am the ONLY moderator who has not attended either of MrCharts or Naz' courses. I was the only one NOT invited to the joint course in November - now, doesn't that tell you something?

My apologies if I have misunderstood the role of a moderator, but I don’t think I have.

Past experience shows that moderators can, will and have pulled posts, and without anyone complaining.

You must have seen the offending posts as you were part of the debate and I assume you don’t have allocated hours of duty outside which you can’t pull a post?

Not being invited to the seminar doesn’t tell me anything. I have not said or intimated that you have any relationship with either of them. Even if you were their sworn enemy, nothing changes the fact that you fought their case, saw their posts, and didn’t pull the most offensive one. It naturally makes one question your impartiality as a moderator. Worse, it sets a precedent for others to post offensive generalisations about a group of members, knowing that Skim at least, will not remove it.

If you tell me that you can’t pull an offensive post unless someone complains, I will publicly offer you a sincere and humble apology on this site.

Regarding the individuals you refer to,

a) How do you know they are the same people using multiple nicks?

b) How do you know they are pathetic losers – surely not because you don’t agree with their viewpoint?

c) How do you know they are jealous of others who make money? They may be making more than you or I and as no one posts their cash gains for you to know, this looks just like one of those rants I have referred to!!!

As with all my posts, I welcome, and look forward to, your FACTUAL comments on any of the above.

Anyone else who wants to comment, only do so if it’s factual – Rants = no case to make.

nicks as in nicknames. Registering lots of times and then holding conversations with yourself to look as if other back up your views. Big thing in the early days of bulletin boards for rampers, show up having "heard a great rumour" then use a few other user profiles to say that "you'd heard it too" and eventually a user ID claiming "real insider knowledge and that you're not sure where you all got it from but its definitely true".

Hi FTSE Beater

As promised, my replies to your queries:

1) My understanding is that Moderators looked at posts and removed those that could be deemed offensive. In fact, this has been done recently without anyone complaining.

2) Skim may not be biased in general, but on this subject is firmly on the side of the DOD’s. She is, of course, entitled to take that position, but NOT when moderating! She shouldn’t be Judge/Mediator and complainer and I hope she understands, infuture, the need to be impartial when posting as a Moderator.

3) In answer to your question “which moderator is against a group” – see 2 above.

4) Re. BTW – I can assure you I have no intention of winding anyone up and you have not risen to any bait (anyway, my bait for fishing is normally pink maggots and you wouldn’t be interested in my bait for women – I hope). What you have done is felt the need to comment/query/question my post; you have done just that in a clear, concise and responsible way and consequently I have responded likewise. No heat, no snide remarks, no offence taken.

As I said earlier, if all the DOD’s posts were like yours from the beginning, this sometimes heated debate may have ended days ago.

Notwithstanding that, the debate will undoubtedly arise again as soon as a newbie asks one of the coaches to explain a trade and they are told they will have to pay for it.
The solution is not to post a trade unless you are willing to explain it from beginning to end, otherwise the only motive for posting it will be to brag or promote yourself; it may help the people who are well versed in chart reading but frustrate the ‘useless idiots’(not my words) who would learn by following an good explanation.

I’m all for good marketing, and I see nothing wrong in the coaches doing so as long as they don’t use ½ information. Obviously, they don’t want to reveal their methods, so they could promote themselves by listing ALL their trades,( just date, symbol, net points gain/loss) and provide ONLY Sharkey with copies of their Brokers’ statements once a month, so he can verify the trades and points are correct.

That will satisfy the understandable desire the coaches have to keep their income private and should hopefully stop the continual requests for proof. I believe if they had put their heads together before, they could have reorganised themselves to prevent the need for the demands they get. The answer is in their hands. If they are making the trades and points that are good enough to warrant being able to teach a method that can be replicated, then surely they will be proud to do so.

Once again FTSE B, thanks for giving a reasoned reply. (Now there’s a I-2-1 coaching subject quite a few members would benefit from. LOL)


mos3329 said:
Skim may not be biased in general, but on this subject is firmly on the side of the DOD’s.

I am not.

Shall I repeat that for you again as you appear not to able to grasp this little fact. Here goes: I AM NOT.

mos3329 said:
As with all my posts, I welcome, and look forward to, your FACTUAL comments on any of the above.

Anyone else who wants to comment, only do so if it’s factual – Rants = no case to make.

Perhaps you should also restrict YOUR replies to being factual instead of just asking others to do so.