Cool it down

"This business is not rocket science, but it does indeed require effort and thought and self discipline and education."

I think the above comment of Mr Charts is spot on. I have 3 out of 4 so far but I am still working on the self discipline which is arguably the most important and crucial attribute of all.
Would those detractors who have taken to detracting the original detractors please detract from detracting further as I am finding that detraction activity is driving me to detraction
To all the detractors of the detractors

You will see from the copy of the post below, that while several detractors posted, MANY do not like to make waves but felt they wanted to let Felix know they supported his views, as I did.

NOTHING will stop me questioning a fellow member and I will do it without shouting or swearing or using the juvenile remarks of some senior members and moderator. And I INVITE anyone to question me on any post I make - why shouldn't they?

What was noticeable was that none of the detractors of the detractors(acknowledgements to Trader333 for that phrase) gave any solid, or even weak, arguments, but resorted to general slagging off. The detractors mostly referred to specifics.

I had intended that my post on Saturday would be the last on this subject. But after seeing the 'triumphal' post about something happening in January that Mr C considers will upset the detractors greatly and he appears deliciously happy about, I thought NO, if the detractors of the detractors want to keep it going, fine.

By the way MR C, unless anything happening on the 301/1 makes me lose money I, and I assume the other detractors, won't give a *&$* what you do. If it is commendable I will post and say so - now I can't be more magnanimous than that. But, as you know, if anyone disagrees with 'IT', you know it will be commented on/questioned/ disagreed with. SO DON'T COMPLAIN (sorry, whinge) if you voluntarily do something that invites comment.

I was surprised that some of Naz and Mr C's rants weren't edited by the moderator; being specific is one thing, but calling a whole group of members ( ie. those newbies, learners and others, who can't read a chart and work something out) clueless and idiots is just not on. Maybe it's a new marketing method to get everyone to go on a course and wise up! But, of course, the moderator was Skim who is so biased against the detractors that they went through. Mind, it does mean that others can post similar without fear of being edited, doesn't it?!?

If a moderator is so against a group of posters, do they stand down from their moderating duties while joining in the debate ie post under their name without the Moderator status? Is that a reasonable question to ask Sharkey, or will I be accused of detracting a moderator.

On a lighter note, after reading how pleased Mr C was that his dinner guests made much merriment on reading the posts, I printed some off this morning, photocopied them and gave them to a few colleagues.

We've now started using the word Detractor to anyone who asks us a question including, most of our customers (after the telecon has ended) and how we've laughed! It's the current 'IN' joke at the moment. I, of course have been labelled Chief Detractor. It's all good hearted fun though.

I Think this post is well worth repeating:

Junior Member

Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Cambridgeshire
Posts: 27

(7 Votes)
Member of the month

Wow what can I say? I just wanted to say thanks for all the emails and personal messages everyone has sent to me. I just had no idea of the level of support out there from so many of the silent viewers on this site but I will stick to what I have said and quieten down.

Once again many thanks


Good on you Felix
Detracting is so distracting, debating preferable to fulminating.
But amusing, albeit sad, to watch the posturing.
Hi Mos3329

I wasn't going to post on this thread, but I FEEL I HAVE TO SPEAK OUT!! 😡

I was surprised that some of Naz and Mr C's rants weren't edited by the moderator; being specific is one thing, but calling a whole group of members ( ie. those newbies, learners and others, who can't read a chart and work something out) clueless and idiots is just not on.
No-one to my knowledge complained or reported the post

Maybe it's a new marketing method to get everyone to go on a course and wise up! But, of course, the moderator was Skim who is so biased against the detractors that they went through. Mind, it does mean that others can post similar without fear of being edited, doesn't it?!?
Skim, biased - that's a good one. I don't know anyone who is as unbiased as Skim!!

If a moderator is so against a group of posters, do they stand down from their moderating duties while joining in the debate ie post under their name without the Moderator status? Is that a reasonable question to ask Sharkey, or will I be accused of detracting a moderator.
The only moderator who could possibly "stand down" is me, and I'm not going to - unless there is enough people against me.
Which moderator is against a group? and have you got an example?

BTW Mos3329. Congratulations, you won, I lost - I rose to the bait and posted.

Now can we all get back to the only thing that really matters in trading (and life) - creaming as much money as possible from the market 😎
De tractors = these ones :cheesy:


ROFL means ****** the coach is Rolling On The Floor Laughing his A--- Off each time another m*g p*nt*r signs up to put his b*m on a seat in exchange for £***.

On this site detractor means someone willing to question those who make claims.
<i>On this site detractor means someone willing to question those who make claims.</i>

No, you see that is the problem. Neither Naz nor Mr. Charts nor TBS or any of the "approved" as it were coaches have made any "claims" that the detractors have asked them to back up. The detractors just keep banging on (in frequent cases despite promissing not to say anything further on the subject...) demanding them to show certified profit and loss accounts and the like.

None of these people have ever to my knowledge claimed how much they make and they certainly haven't claimed how much anybody else can make. You aren't asking them to back up their claims, you're just asking them for a bunch of personal information that they're never going to give and frankly it is BORING!!!!
