Firewalker stepping down

Just came back from holiday and saw this shocking news..... Sorry to see you go.... I have learnt a lot from you in the short time I have joined the forum. Thank you very much, good luck!
I don't know anything about the internal t2w politicking and I have zero interest in it, but it's a shame to see someone of your calibre lost to these boards.
It always seems the really good people end up leaving or posting only rarely.
I stopped posting here for a year and found I had a lot more time to myself and zero crap.
FWIW I have decided to post very occasionally only, so hopefully you might too, rather than leave permanently.
Good trading and a happy life to you,

"the T2W hierarchy"? If think you mean the Politburo.

I rarely agreed with Socco but I was dead against him being banned. He was certainly provocative but also provoked good discussions.

I am continually amazed at how everyone writes their own version of history...never mind the facts...who what where when....why bother with facts....just carry on making it up ! 😆

I have no intention of correcting anyone in their beliefs. :whistling

Yall have a nice day now.
It would be better if they at least proof read the rubbish they create CV.

"If think you mean the Politburo"

Come on grant. You can do better than that. And two provo.... in one sentence; it doesn't make for a great conspiracy theory.
FW sorry to see you go. Your views and stance on the dow thread were justified, in my view, and you were correct to highlight the issues.
I would just like to thank firewalker for his posts and leaving with what has to be the most positive thread on T2W - I've never seen so much Rep on a page!

Whatever did happen to Holy Grail anyway - I gave up on his thread long before it finished.
Very sad news FW. I do enjoy reading your valuable posts particularly the "All you need is... a chart" thread.

Life's too short to continually argue with someone on a forum so I understand your decision.
First of all, thanks to all those who have contributed and helped me on this forum in the past. It's always a sad day to say goodbye but, unfortunately, certain "events" have presented themselves that give me no other choice than to stop contributing in the public threads.

Therefore I am resigning as an advisor and will stop posting anything in the public threads.

I just wanted to say that I have appreciated all your efforts and contributions at t2w. Best wishes for the future.

It's a shame to see you go FW. You have been a great help to myself in my threads and you have given a lot to many people on this forum. All the best for your trading in the future.
I bet you trade the longer timeframes

It's a shame to see you go FW. You have been a great help to myself in my threads and you have given a lot to many people on this forum. All the best for your trading in the future.

Hi J

good post, I make it post of the day

I bet you trade the longer timeframes

month week day man for sure fw 🙂

you are going to be hanging for a bit longer fw ................:?:

or am I jumping in the market to quick .....again 😱

because ...............

"C'mon FW lets not jump overboard over a little fracas ??" 🙂
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I think you should re-consider. You have seen the reaction to your announcement and it is clear that a great many members find your postings valuable and useful.

Make a stand against all these idiots who try to derail threads for either their own personal gain as scammers, spammers and ego-trippers and encourage all your supporters to do likewise.

For those who wish to discuss trading matters seriously we can agree to disagree on our differences of emphasis, trading strategies, favourite trading instruments and so on and so forth. As serious traders we can also find common ground, even if it is only to agree that we pretty much have the common goal of increasing our wealth and, in that respect, we generally frequent these sites in order to share wisdom and knowledge.

In many cases this might be like casting pearls among the swine, but as serious traders part of our task is to distinguish good signals from bad, real moves from fake, strategies that work and those that don't.

You have been a major force on this BB in that endeavour and that is why I think that you should continue in that vein.

If, however, you no longer wish to do so (and I fully understand how it can all get to you at times) then please accept my very best wishes for the future

agree with the above. with such an overwhelming response its definately worth reconsidering. besides what else are you going to do next time you want to get your head out of the charts for 15 minutes 🙂
I'm just going to add to the weight of the argument you should stay. I think maybe barjon was having a bad day when he made those comments to you, and on reflection maybe even he would think they were a little harsh. Besides now that mp has been banned I think that your comments are somewhat vindicated and I applaud your candor at telling all that you think someone is a fraud and exposing the serious flaws in his/her arguments.
Sorry to hear you have decided to leave. You have put so much work into various threads and I am sure your contribution/s are going to be missed. I hope you might reconsider your decission and stay on the forum, though in a manner that would suit you. Totally agree with you that the quality of some postings is dubious, and that there is a number of experienced traders that have stopped posting. Some must have grown tired of facing the same basic posts, other have possibly outgrow it all together.
Whatever you decide I would like to wish you the very best and once again many thanks for all the hard work you have done.
Kind regards,
Sorry to hear you have decided to leave. You have put so much work into various threads and I am sure your contribution/s are going to be missed. I hope you might reconsider your decission and stay on the forum, though in a manner that would suit you. Totally agree with you that the quality of some postings is dubious, and that there is a number of experienced traders that have stopped posting. Some must have grown tired of facing the same basic posts, other have possibly outgrow it all together.
Whatever you decide I would like to wish you the very best and once again many thanks for all the hard work you have done.
Kind regards,

second that! couldn't put it better.
First of all, thanks to all those who have contributed and helped me on this forum in the past. It's always a sad day to say goodbye but, unfortunately, certain "events" have presented themselves that give me no other choice than to stop contributing in the public threads.

Therefore I am resigning as an advisor and will stop posting anything in the public threads.

I sincerely believe that every post I made, and every suggestion I made, has always been in the interest of the greater good of trade2win, but unfortunately the latest course of events lead to me to conclude that I can no longer function as an advisor.

The top of the iceberg was this post by barjon, but I already had doubts before that. It's about a whole number things, and it's basically about the way this site is managed and how trolls are handled. I'm also disappointed in the fact that a lot of good contributors left or stopped posting and are just lurking.

I felt this for some time now, and with more good old contributors leaving, and a fine moderator like nine stepping down, it became clear to me that the direction this site is taking, is not one I want to take part it.

My latest effort in trying to provide some "content" by starting a new thread were immediately derailed (6 times actually). The reaction I got was that the thread had "a broad canvas". It's become clear that the number of people who want to discuss trading on this forum are in the minority.

It would seem that Mr. Marcus & co were right when they posted "it is a waste of time and effort of sharing truly advanced knowledge in a bulletin board". I suggest the site administrators name their site "talk2win" instead of "trade2win".

Good trading and thanks to everyone who has supported me in the past.

😆👍F*ckin' A, bud. It's a dogsh*t site! Sharky boy swans off to Vegas leaving the rest of the nuggets to moderate and advise,....for FREEEEEEE! WTF!
😆👍F*ckin' A, bud. It's a dogsh*t site! Sharky boy swans off to Vegas leaving the rest of the nuggets to moderate and advise,....for FREEEEEEE! WTF!

Bloody hell, we better generate a bit of respectable content.Hows that gonna look at Vegas expo? I mean there has been threatened libel ,law suits, witch hunts , back biting, smear campaigns and thats just the advisors! 😆

Welcome to T2W ITs F****iN ORANGE JUICE TIME !! Ping POW BiFF!

Not to mention the possibility that the TEST-Ignore please dont post thread might make the front page soon. LOL.....

What a sad bunch we are.