Firewalker stepping down

Bloody hell, we better generate a bit of respectable content.Hows that gonna look at Vegas expo? I mean there has been threatened libel ,law suits, witch hunts , back biting, smear campaigns and thats just the advisors! 😆

I think you left out plagiarism.

Not to mention the possibility that the TEST-Ignore please dont post thread might make the front page soon. LOL.....

Anyhow, it would already be a step in the right direction if, instead of showing the "most viewed threads" on the front page, the latest "highest rated" threads show up, for example based on the total number of reputation points gathered there.

Just realized this thread would be on the first place then! Damn, kind of misses the point then.
Bloody hell, we better generate a bit of respectable content.Hows that gonna look at Vegas expo? I mean there has been threatened libel ,law suits, witch hunts , back biting, smear campaigns and thats just the advisors! 😆

Welcome to T2W ITs F****iN ORANGE JUICE TIME !! Ping POW BiFF!

Not to mention the possibility that the TEST-Ignore please dont post thread might make the front page soon. LOL.....

What a sad bunch we are.

Traders expo! There's companies offering the latest innovations in platform and charting technology, and Sharky puts this site on offer😆.

So i guess Sharky gets lot 101, inbetween the 'lucky dime' machines and the disabled toilets.:cheesy:
Traders expo! There's companies offering the latest innovations in platform and charting technology, and Sharky puts this site on offer😆.

So i guess Sharky gets lot 101, inbetween the 'lucky dime' machines and the disabled toilets.:cheesy:

You git, I just spat coffee across the desk! 😆
...........Sharky boy swans off to Vegas leaving the rest of the nuggets to moderate and advise,....for FREEEEEEE! WTF!

This is a high risk post in my view as it is very possible that a moderator may take offense and decide to ban you for it.

Traders expo! There's companies offering the latest innovations in platform and charting technology, and Sharky puts this site on offer😆.

So i guess Sharky gets lot 101, inbetween the 'lucky dime' machines and the disabled toilets.:cheesy:

I'd give you another rep point for that...but apparently I have to spread it around !!!

Laugh aloud that one !!
I was not making any form of judgement and was only looking at possible "cause - effect" consequences 🙂

First of all, thanks to all those who have contributed and helped me on this forum in the past. It's always a sad day to say goodbye but, unfortunately, certain "events" have presented themselves that give me no other choice than to stop contributing in the public threads.

Therefore I am resigning as an advisor and will stop posting anything in the public threads.

I sincerely believe that every post I made, and every suggestion I made, has always been in the interest of the greater good of trade2win, but unfortunately the latest course of events lead to me to conclude that I can no longer function as an advisor.

The top of the iceberg was this post by barjon, but I already had doubts before that. It's about a whole number things, and it's basically about the way this site is managed and how trolls are handled. I'm also disappointed in the fact that a lot of good contributors left or stopped posting and are just lurking.

I felt this for some time now, and with more good old contributors leaving, and a fine moderator like nine stepping down, it became clear to me that the direction this site is taking, is not one I want to take part it.

My latest effort in trying to provide some "content" by starting a new thread were immediately derailed (6 times actually). The reaction I got was that the thread had "a broad canvas". It's become clear that the number of people who want to discuss trading on this forum are in the minority.

It would seem that Mr. Marcus & co were right when they posted "it is a waste of time and effort of sharing truly advanced knowledge in a bulletin board". I suggest the site administrators name their site "talk2win" instead of "trade2win".

Good trading and thanks to everyone who has supported me in the past.

Looks like the sword of Damocles was too much. Quite understandable under the circumstances.

I hate to say I told you so but on 12-10-2007 I posted this
Rats and sinking ships.

PS I do not take kindly to having my posts deleted without notice.

Nanny's milky bosoms will smother the life out of these boards.

Not only are the rats deserting but much of the crew.

This ship has gotten too big and hit an iceberg. I suggest it gets broken up and turned into smaller, more navigable and sea worthy units.
I haven't been here long, but I can honestly say that your posts have had a positive effect on my trading, and have no doubt that you will be missed.

Best of luck.
I hate to say I told you so but on 12-10-2007 I posted this

Originally Posted by rols

Rats and sinking ships.

PS I do not take kindly to having my posts deleted without notice.

Nanny's milky bosoms will smother the life out of these boards.

Not only are the rats deserting but much of the crew.

This ship has gotten too big and hit an iceberg. I suggest it gets broken up and turned into smaller, more navigable and sea worthy units.

And a couple of months ago, I posted this:

Trading sites seem to carry with them the seeds of their own decline. This may be inevitable. Based on the last fifteen years' experience with the internet, it certainly seems to be. Perhaps this decline is hastened when those who run the site don't use it. I haven't been a part of enough trading sites to say. But it seems logical.

Remember when EliteTrader was a great trading site? Real traders posted there. Vad Graifer and I got to know each other there. And now? It's indistinguishable from the Yahoo message boards. Has been for a long time.

Trading sites need traders. It's the traders who attract other traders. They also, of course, attract those who want to learn to trade. But, at some point, they become overwhelmed by the Gimmees who have no interest in making any effort beyond taking whatever the traders are naive enough to give. Add to this the mobs of hucksters who sniff out the congregating Gimmees -- due to the Gimmees' eagerness to be fleeced -- and it should come as no surprise that the traders seek the company of other traders, usually elsewhere.

Ironically, the business of a trading site need not be trading. It need only be -- like any other site -- views. For that, a site need only give the appearance of being focused on traders and trading. And how will newbies know the difference? And if the newbie happens also to be a Gimmee, he won't care. He just wants. Just look at the extraordinary amount of traffic that ET gets. But then look at The Jerry Springer Show.

Can any of this be avoided? No idea. But the trader is wise not to get too settled in, to keep his bags packed, and to maintain contact with those who aren't perpetually asking Where do I enter?

T2W will be fine, of course, as long as it gets the views. And, like ET, it will get the views. Still, it's a shame.

I only started using the site last night and was trying to get used to the lingo before posting any meaningless comments.

As a newbie i was coming across some excellent threads and I am really keen on learning different trading strategies. Firewalker posts an excellent thread on one of his strategies and gets dogs abuse from some quarters.

There appears to be some very negative individuals posting on some of these threads and I understand and respect that everyone is entitled to their opinion but it seems some just go out their way with their own cynical views and are probably very frustrated individuals.

Shame to see you hang your boots up Firewalker, I was really looking forward to more about your strategies and experiences.

All the best

This thread seemed to have passed under my radar... So, seeing as you will invariably have more time on your hands, I thought the following might interest you;

Curry's Paradox from Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles

These are all examples of the triangle problem on the puzzle thread (there are about 6 or 7 if you scroll down the page to the links), "dissection paradox" - there is a clever little animation that shows you the "cheat", and interestingly enough, fibonacci pops up there too. Once you've finished with that, there are problems galore (thankfully with solutions) that you can keep your mind agile with (I am a particiular fan of the 70+ proofs of pythagoras' theorem; 78!).

I am certain that the above is a far better way to spend time in between trades, rather than playing online games and arguing about SB vs DMA.