Why I'm not going to give 'feedback' to let you know how you're doing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Black Swan
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Black Swan

I'm a newcomer to T2W and quickly realised that there is no website/knowledge base here other than the contributors/forumites. These are not your 'customers' from which you have a right to use as platform to further monetise your business, which IMHO has been run very poorly during the time I've contributed.

It's a very lazy business model which has got lucky on the back of readily available free forum software wrapped inside a simple website template and on that basis plenty of advertisers see the merits of putting banners/buttons on a niche site which attracts their core audience in order to advertise their business and products.

The sum total of the work involved to keep that ad revenue high appears to be encouraging some contributors to act as moderators (for free). The past 3 articles on the front page illustrate this perfectly.

The only strength in the model appears to be the number of registrants and forum users. To use these registrants to ask; "heh guys, any ideas how we can improve the site in order that we can generate some more ad reveune? We're thinking of then creating a paid for subscription depending on your answers can you help with this what would you pay for?" and further insult poster intelligence by the appointment of a 'paid prefect' is very poor business practice, particularly in light of the fact that there could have been others (already in the "community" as you refer to the forum users when convenient) who could have taken up the paid position.

The owners of the site should be leading, not having their tail wagged. Run it as a business and crack on, or run it as a 'hippy' "community" for traders, just please stop trying to bloke smoke up the 'community's' collective ass heh? 😉
Hi Black swan

I've been a member of T2W since early 2003 when the membership was less than 5000 and I helped moderate for a few years until recently, so I've watched it grow from an infant to the slightly unwieldy adult that it has become.

I think you're being unduly harsh. Of course T2W is a business, but it has always had the interests of its members at its core. It seems to me that is mutually advantageous - the more satisfied the membership, the more participation, the more revenue.

In the time I've been here developments have always been driven by the membership - even the paid subscription service was suggested by a couple of members who were fed up with the disruption of threads and thought that a paid subscription section would help filter out the bad boys.

Thus, I don't think it's unreasonable or somehow deceiving the membership to seek feedback.

good trading

Hi Black swan

I've been a member of T2W since early 2003 when the membership was less than 5000 and I helped moderate for a few years until recently, so I've watched it grow from an infant to the slightly unwieldy adult that it has become.

I think you're being unduly harsh. Of course T2W is a business, but it has always had the interests of its members at its core. It seems to me that is mutually advantageous - the more satisfied the membership, the more participation, the more revenue.

In the time I've been here developments have always been driven by the membership - even the paid subscription service was suggested by a couple of members who were fed up with the disruption of threads and thought that a paid subscription section would help filter out the bad boys.

Thus, I don't think it's unreasonable or somehow deceiving the membership to seek feedback.

good trading


Bring back the darkside is what I say....might be worth a private subscription.

The best ever stuff was in the older days🙂

I appreciate you and the others who have been and still are moderators. Nevertheless, when I answered the questionaire the other day I answered that the only reason that I come on this forum is to exchange views with other posters. I believe that the owner of this site is only interested in ramping up the membership. That suits my purpose fine, but I am not blind to the fact that the more members there are, the more valuable the site is.

Most of the other stuff provided by management for our use is, frankly, of mediocre quality.

If there is to be a charge, then it would have to be justified by a much better site than it is at present.
If there is to be a charge, then it would have to be justified by a much better site than it is at present.

Who the feck is gonna hand over their credit card number to a web site that has been reported to the police for publishing child porn ?

..................I believe that the owner of this site is only interested in ramping up the membership............


Well, I can only speak of my experience in chatting to Paul where that has not been apparent as starkly as you suggest. Clearly, though, it is important since T2W is a business but, as I said earlier, seeking to provide members what they want and gaining advertising revenue are not incompatible.

So far as content is concerned, that's down to the membership and whatever threads they start and/or participate in. It's a shame that so many threads have an ulterior motive of hooking people to some site/service or whatever (as are some of the articles - although that's no different to articles in trading magazines) but I suppose that's inevitable.

good trading (do forget DMGT 😈)


Still, in these times a lot of reporting goes on. How much truth there is in the reports is another story.

Well, I can only speak of my experience in chatting to Paul where that has not been apparent as starkly as you suggest. Clearly, though, it is important since T2W is a business but, as I said earlier, seeking to provide members what they want and gaining advertising revenue are not incompatible.

So far as content is concerned, that's down to the membership and whatever threads they start and/or participate in. It's a shame that so many threads have an ulterior motive of hooking people to some site/service or whatever (as are some of the articles - although that's no different to articles in trading magazines) but I suppose that's inevitable.

good trading (do forget DMGT 😈)


Good to know that you read my other posts! But that did not put me in a black mood--it happened a long time ago. 😀

I appreciate you and the others who have been and still are moderators. Nevertheless, when I answered the questionaire the other day I answered that the only reason that I come on this forum is to exchange views with other posters. I believe that the owner of this site is only interested in ramping up the membership. That suits my purpose fine, but I am not blind to the fact that the more members there are, the more valuable the site is.

Most of the other stuff provided by management for our use is, frankly, of mediocre quality.

If there is to be a charge, then it would have to be justified by a much better site than it is at present.

I suppose one could ignore the jollies/inducements offered by the site management and concentrate on sharing information with fellow traders. Mind you, that will not stop novices being snared into buying snake oil products.:whistling