Cool it down

......ah well....hornet's nest has been ruffled and they are after blood....

Look for all those complaining...this site is FREE...if you don't like anything about this site them move on...not one is forcing you to participate it was your choice to join and it will be your choice to go..!!!!
Thank you Mr Charts 😀

It will be fun 🙄 seeing the posts when the 30/1 event becomes more well known :cheesy:

Yes we will all be accused of conspiracy 😕

Cheers CJ
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Well, CJ, they will get their knickers in a serious twist when they find out.
In fact, they ought to take a fistful of downers and a few pints of vodka now and find a nice quiet, darkened room for a few weeks before they start foaming at the mouth with uncontrollable rage ;-)))
Am I looking forward to the day, or what......... ;-)))
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Never seem more learned than the people you are with. Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked. - Lord Chesterfield
Money don't make my world go round. I'm reaching out to a higher ground . - Des'ree

lol, gotta love 'The Office'. I like your quote too though, Fin.

I won't be posting on these boards for a little while. I've chosen to put full time trading on pause for a while until I can comfortably fund a directaccess a/c. I do 'ok' spreadbetting but because of the stakes i play with (generally 1pound per point) I am having trouble satisfying my uncontrollable drinking urges, and would be better off getting a guarenteed wage coming in for a little while. maybe a spot of bare-knuckle fighting....or some temping work through a local job agency. ..Guess which one I start 2morrow?...

Be lucky

This thread (and some others) are starting to resemble the Itchy & Scratchy Show. Mr Charts seems to have run amok and appears to be celibrating some sort of victory over 'The Detractors'

Why not give Naz and Mr Charts their own moderated thread?

I met a fella over the weekend from Zimbabwe, cant pronounce his real name but I call him Ozy, anyway I have spent a long time talking....well listening, to him & what an interesting & nice chap he is.

he has been here for 2 years now, he is just 21, & obviously cannot go back to his homeland at this time as he will be killed. he talked a lot about the current situation in Zimbabwe, like how u cannot mention your disagreement with the government or u will be thrown in jail........& much more!

anyway I will not go on, my point is this, his hatred for the current leadership was obvious......he even had tears in his eyes, though smiling, while he was talking about the conditions in the prison.....keep in mind I had only known him for a few hours, BUT he told me all this without sarcasm, abuse & voiced bitterness( though I imagine he is bitter deep down & who could blame him).........then I read some of the things on this board.

how easily we take our freedoms for granted, abuse them & turn them against each other......I wonder if someone Like Ozy would do the same.........I would hope not & very much doubt it.

I have said this before but it cannot do any harm to say it again

" To whom much is given.......much is required!"

Keano(one punch)

I have those fact I am of for a few soon.

hope it is the 'bare knuckle' option u r starting tomorrow........even though I do not know u .....this sounds more up your street.

seriously.....good luck m8 & hope u reach your goals soon


being a zimbabwean opposed to mugabe must be difficult but when you start confusing/comparing that with the silliness that goes on at T2W then its obvious that you have lost the plot

this is NOT the real world ! lighten up man !!
keano said:
Money don't make my world go round. I'm reaching out to a higher ground . - Des'ree

lol, gotta love 'The Office'. I like your quote too though, Fin.

I won't be posting on these boards for a little while. I've chosen to put full time trading on pause for a while until I can comfortably fund a directaccess a/c. I do 'ok' spreadbetting but because of the stakes i play with (generally 1pound per point) I am having trouble satisfying my uncontrollable drinking urges, and would be better off getting a guarenteed wage coming in for a little while. maybe a spot of bare-knuckle fighting....or some temping work through a local job agency. ..Guess which one I start 2morrow?...

Be lucky


Good luck Keano with building up a fund for direct access. It shows you have a plan, something many don't.

Hope to see you back here soon.

Sock it to 'em

gaza ,

maybe u r right .......maybe I have lost the plot..........what is the plot? maybe u can enlighten me.

the post was trying to get a point over, obviously some will get it some wont...this is no loss to me! I cannot lose what I have already given away.

maybe u should read the post again , maybe not. The post meant something to me & I feel better for sharing a little of his story..............if u have a problem with this or me then it is your problem not mine.

Cheers & good luck

Well Finlayson ( the pursuer of truth) has kept a few facts from us:

In particular:

Originally posted by Finlayson

"Mr Charts
thx , yes u may call me Jason if u wish. I hope u like the website.........I feel now u have mentioned this I have to explain myself. Coaching is not really something I had set out to do,"

NAZ wrote:

"Well i never.One of the detractors turns out to be another trainer with his own web site.Have some of these guys deliberately tried to upset this site,i wonder.

Last edited by Naz on 08-12-2003 at 09:26 AM"

Any more hidden agenda's peeps?
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as I have said, there is no agenda......people will see what they see.

I just didn't realise that because I have my own website I had to come out & declare it. it is really for people who contact me through previous reviews I have written & wasn't meant for T2W eyes, my fault for putting the URL in the profile.

but as I have said if I have made any previous claims to this in the past then I am open for question.

does T2W have a monopoly on the internet.......I am not allowed to build my own personal website ??


Wow what can I say? I just wanted to say thanks for all the emails and personal messages everyone has sent to me. I just had no idea of the level of support out there from so many of the silent viewers on this site but I will stick to what I have said and quieten down.

Once again many thanks

😆 😆 😆 😆

Even the robots have had enough it would seem ?

😆 😆


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