Brexit and the Consequences

Nothing leftie about it, well, maybe the self loathing, self hating and guilt trip aspects are.

You go around calling others bigoted and opinionated ladiladilaaa but you are not much different are you.

But you must if explaining the leftie PoV

My reference to shame has nothing to do with being a leftie or not. Don't do empathy or regret. It's life. Learn to deal with it. 🙂

Straight out of the leftie playbook, silly it is yes, I agree with you.

Soubrey is a racist and a bigot, you would be in good company.

Anna Soubry is a hard working very smart lady who has held a number of important posts in government. She is more informed and better educated than most.

Bigoted opinions are cheap and most peeps have a kilogram or two in their possessions. Hard work, brains and experience more difficult to come by.

You really are brandishing this racist label a lot aren't you? Every other blog carries the racist label. You feeling ok?

Are you a racist as well or are you pure gold or made of something perhaps even better?

Anna Soubry is a hard working very smart lady who has held a number of important posts in government. She is more informed and better educated than most.

Bigoted opinions are cheap and most peeps have a kilogram or two in their possessions. Hard work, brains and experience more difficult to come by.

You really are brandishing this racist label a lot aren't you? Every other blog carries the racist label. You feeling ok?

Are you a racist as well or are you pure gold or made of something perhaps even better?



LOL I'm sure they are all fine upright standing ladies n gentlemen of the finest pure white breed. 😉


How you manage to hold up Soubrey as your new hero as someone clever is beyond me, that is like you saying Farage is a hero and clever to a Brexiteer, what's the difference?

The difference is one has actually achieved something: Farage and Brexit, whereas Soubrey is a traitor to her own party and a bigot thrown in with it! Good grief man, get a grip. Which one of these two is the more clever, really (be honest with yourself)?
Stockpiles of anti-Brexit economic news running low
"The UK posted stronger-than-forecast first quarter GDP after consensus economists were once again surprised by stronger than expected gains.

GDP gained 0.2% from January, when it jumped 0.5%, economists had expected output to flat-line. The pickup in February was broad based, with manufacturing rising 0.9% and construction gaining 0.4%. Good luck to remainers attibuting the rise in construction to “stockpiling”…

The trade deficit narrowed marginally in February. Exports rose and there was little evidence in the data of firms supposedly hoarding foreign goods in case of a no-deal Brexit, with imports falling in both value and volume terms. Pharma was an exception – suggesting there will be no interruption in supplies in the event of a no deal exit.

GDP grew at the fastest rate since 2017. Despite Brexit!"
This shows how Brexit will be avoided in name only as a financial Brexit has already happened. American banks have been preparing for No-Deal Brexit.


The process began the moment the vote was in and has been going on both within and without.

The real implications of what has been done are only just beginning to be understood by the majority and IMO there are are going to be a lot more unhappy Brits as the story unfolds and people realise just how things have changed. I myself was outraged when Lidl blamed Brexit for running out of Italian manufactured dough for my matinal Pain aux Raisins; any more of this rubbish and I'll be donning my yellow vest.

0007: ...and as for GDP growing at its fastest rate despite Brexit - do, pray, get back to us with an update in a couple of years time😉
0007: ...and as for GDP growing at its fastest rate despite Brexit - do, pray, get back to us with an update in a couple of years time😉

Hmmm ... yes, that's probably the weakest point of the cunning plan. But it is good to wind up the Remainers – there is so little entertainment left in Brexit these days!
Hmmm ... yes, that's probably the weakest point of the cunning plan. But it is good to wind up the Remainers – there is so little entertainment left in Brexit these days!

Oh, I dunno.... I see Monty Python and Tommy Cooper - slapstick and pratfalls abound and if it wasn't reality the whole sorry saga would be great satire. Brecht would be rubbing his hands. A song about one of his best-loved characters -

Did our boy do something rash?

Nice to see someone (Bill Cash MP) writing to the Tusk with a legal threat that the intention of parliament, as expressed through the laws it makes, cannot be frustrated by the government and will be challenged through the UK courts if the EU was to implement a long extension, he was pointing out that motions passed by MPs have no standing in law, parliament has to pass laws to make their intentions clear.

At least someone other than Gina Miller has a handle on how parliament conducts itself and is prepared to make legal challenges and is a Brexiteer 👍

I foresee many long legal challenges ahead.
. . . So, is it time to wrap up this thread or, at the very least, put it on hold 'til mid October? In the meantime, the big question now for everyone on this thread must surely be: Brexit Party or UKIP? UKIP or Brexit Party? Such a shame they can't sort out their differences and unite as one.
Nice to see someone (Bill Cash MP) writing to the Tusk with a legal threat that the intention of parliament, as expressed through the laws it makes, cannot be frustrated by the government and will be challenged through the UK courts if the EU was to implement a long extension, he was pointing out that motions passed by MPs have no standing in law, parliament has to pass laws to make their intentions clear.

At least someone other than Gina Miller has a handle on how parliament conducts itself and is prepared to make legal challenges and is a Brexiteer 👍

I foresee many long legal challenges ahead.
It'll be a long struggle but we'll get there in the end. I don't think the UK voters will roll over as easily as the continentals.
. . . So, is it time to wrap up this thread or, at the very least, put it on hold 'til mid October? In the meantime, the big question now for everyone on this thread must surely be: Brexit Party or UKIP? UKIP or Brexit Party? Such a shame they can't sort out their differences and unite as one.
With Nigel back on the scene the fun is about to start. I suspect there will be behind the scenes cooperation between ERG/DUP/Brexit Party. UKIP is tainted and no match for Farage. May is putting the finishing touches towards trashing the Conservatives. Corbyn and Abbott have just had a "funny turn" over Assange which will remind the voters about their peculiar sympathies when all they have to really do is to sit tight! Field now wide open to anything other than Conservative/Labour. Suspect Liberals & Independent Group won't even get a look in.

This is the equivalent of a trade that looked good, went bad, but is now poised for recovery.
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With Nigel black on the scene the fun is about to start. I suspect there will be behind the scenes cooperation between ERG/DUP/Brexit Party. UKIP is tainted and no match for Farage. May is putting the finishing touches towards trashing the Conservatives. Corbyn and Abbott have just had a "funny turn" over Assange which will just remind the voters about their peculiar sympathies when all they have to really do is to sit tight! Field now wide open to anything other than Conservative/Labour. Suspect Liberals & Independent Group won't even get a look in.

This is the equivalent of a trade that looked good, went bad, but is now poised for recovery.

Following the developments in UKIP, it seems there are many unhappy members and voters that see Farage as [yet another] traitor to his party, even worse he slurred UKIP on the way out. So it will be interesting to see how the old UKIP vote is split between the new UKIP and Farage's Brexit party. As I understand it the Brexit party is a subscriber membership meaning no voting rights and no real say in its direction and will only be fielding MEP's. He will take alot of the old UKIP mainstream vote, but UKIP has been steadily building a largely non-mainstream following as a result of the various debacles of the the last 3 years, plenty of fodder for both parties.

I doubt there will be enough UKIP votes to get any real power in domestic elections, although there is a chance for one or two seats no doubt.

Agree Libdems and independents are nowhere on the scene, hard to call it a LibLabCon cabal anymore, it's more just LabCon nowadays.
. . . So, is it time to wrap up this thread or, at the very least, put it on hold 'til mid October? In the meantime, the big question now for everyone on this thread must surely be: Brexit Party or UKIP? UKIP or Brexit Party? Such a shame they can't sort out their differences and unite as one.

Wrapping this thread up would be premature, the parliamentary idiots are only on leave for 2 weeks before they get back to not agreeing on anything.....and then there are local and EU elections, that will take us into June at least, with only 4 months after that before we reach a no-deal compromise 🙄😵🤣
We all know what will happen before the EU elections. TM will try to get her deal agreed and she will fail again
Too many self serving Prima Donnas and not enough pragmatism, common sense and patriotism imho.
TM isn't trying very hard hoping the whole question can be kicked into the long grass with a fudge to stay in.
Anyone noticed the Brexit Party logo is very similar to T2W's arrow icon?


All the indications are that the Tories are haemorrhaging members and losing massive support as a result of Brexit, enter Labour or a new party altogether, the Tories and the EU have miscalculated the strength of feeling. Of course Labour have also miscalculated over Brexit, both parties are going to be scratching their heads at the next elections.