Jill Seymour, Margot Parker and Jane Collins have all made the move, with Seymour accusing Gerard Batten’s UKIP of switching to “the extreme right of politics”.
Principalled lady has just realised UKIP is switching to "EXTREME RIGHT" of politics?
SC what's your take on this UKIP move to the EXTREME RIGHT of politics.
You CV buddy is a Norway model Farage man. Where do you stand in all this political jive talking?
What’s my analysis?
UKIP is the same as any other party, plenty of members don’t agree with each other, splits have occurred.
Farage tried to sabotage UKIP on the way out, endorsed Henry Bolton to wreck it, trashed the finances. Batten appears to be the Phoenix of UKIP.
AMW split to create her own party, For Britain.
Farage has created a one trick pony party, once Brexit is done and dusted he will retire again.
I don’t disagree with any of them, they all have their nuances, plenty of choice if you don’t want to vote Tory or Labour.
UKIP and For Britain are perceived to be less mainstream because of views on Islam, many politicians are scared of confronting the subject and find safe havens elsewhere.
Only principled brave politicians in the current climate will openly talk about the problems of Islam, unfortunately there are too few others willing to debate the subject.
Then you have the inevitable MSM slurs when the Islamic subject is broached. It’s just another sad reflection of the low journalistic standards that are prevalent nowadays. And the poor quality of debate that our modern day politicians have sunk to, that and they are just scared for their own careers.
No one seems to be able to properly discuss religion or ideology anymore and just reverts to political correctness.
UKIP & For Britain both have wide ranging manifestos beyond Brexit and Islam that MSM doesn’t give them credit for. I don’t even know if the Brexit Party has a manifesto as they only appear to be focussed on EU elections.
I think there is a level of willingness that both UKIP & For Britain could work together to gain seats from Tory and Labour held areas. I’ve not seen any level of willingness by them to work with Farage, they don’t appear to get on with him much.