Farage will sort you lot out👍
You mean like the way he sorted out his UKIP party?
Ooops sorry that's the party who effectively closed the door in his face.
Farage will do what he does best. Rubbish everyone else's good work.
His a niche player. Public have seen him to be what he is. Deserter. TM is far better leader than he is, toughing it out.
UKIP sorted Farage out. UKIP happy without him.
Farage will simply split the vote helping Labour.
Go figure! 👍
It's only one poll .......... details here:Can't be right, no way have the greens got 10%
So Att, whaddya think of these potatoes! 👍🙂
LOL - Yes I do support the demonstrators. They make a valid point. London is well overrated.
Waterloo may be shut down 😱
but Earth continues to spin on its axis 😍
Was listening to Nick Ferrari on LBC and what a remarkably daft baffoon he can be when it comes to climate change. I usually agree with him but other than some indignant response to whoever telephoned trying to explain anything to him he was blind to it all. What about all the other people in London trying to get to work. Incessant non stop babbling. Wouldn't let anyone speak. What a schmuck.
Anyhow with respect to Brexit Party, I'd be more interested to know what his plans for UK are? Talk is cheap.
All I remember from his past answers to that same question was that UK could do much more with the commonwealth and Norway does well outside of the EU.
If you could enlighten me on what his policies are other than leaving the EU I would be grateful. 👍
but Earth continues to spin on its axis 😍
Got to be Attila – he started it didn't he?7 to go, who's going to get the coveted 10,000?
Not me nope. Gotta be Farage the main man. Somebody send him an invite plz. SC use your contacts. 👍
A lot of twists and turns in your post Sig' - with questions at every juncture. Not too sure of the point(s) you're making or what it tells me that I need to know???If Tories and ex-Tories are endorsing the Brexit party then that raises some questions . . .