Brexit and the Consequences

Is that your migration policy? Pathetic!

What and we already don't have thousands of civil servants dealing with the ECJ? What's the difference?

Sounds easier than the nightmare EU rules we need to conform to.

The EU needs our military to implement it's military strategy, do you really think that UK, France, Germany are acting outside of EU military authority?

UK stands to gain from an EU army imo. Generals don't want to play together. It's like relinquishing power. What do you think UK will be able to do on her own when the EU does form an army. Especially so with the rise of the Asian Tigers.

So it’s either a customs union or we don’t leave, what sort of choice is that?

Gotta laugh at what a pathetic prime minister she is.

May warns ‘Brexit won’t happen without compromise on both sides’
Brexit is a pile of pooh.

Revoke article 50 and go back to the drawing board.


You know it makes sense! 👎
This is such b*llshit, as if France is going to veto a delay. This is pure propaganda designed to brainwash the sheeples that there is an ongoing argument with the EU.

May restarts Brexit talks with Labour after calls for 'compromise'

How a No Deal Brexit COULD happen this week

The main French MSM organs are currently making little mention of today's meeting aside from Theresa May and the UK looking foolish and undecided.

That the source is for the Macron veto narrative is the Daily Mail explains almost everything.
This is such b*llshit, as if France is going to veto a delay. This is pure propaganda designed to brainwash the sheeples that there is an ongoing argument with the EU.

May restarts Brexit talks with Labour after calls for 'compromise'

How a No Deal Brexit COULD happen this week

Agreed SC. Too many vested interests and some sort of compromise is the higher probability.

Only reason for veto-ing deal imo is to facilitate the Article 50 revocation which is the ideal outcome and one that Blair is pushing for. 👍
How many of the 17.4M will now be voting UKIP and not the 'Conservative, Labour and Remain party' in both the local elections on the 2nd May and EU election on 22nd May?
How many of the 17.4M will now be voting UKIP and not the 'Conservative, Labour and Remain party' in both the local elections on the 2nd May and EU election on 22nd May?

And the big problem here is, the smaller parties won't have the resources and time to field proper candidates, let alone develop policies and get the message out. All by establishment design of course.

Thing is, there probably is enough time to mobilise the eurosceptic vote for the EU elections, where our representatives can inflict the "special kind of hell" policy. Hopefully, many other countries will elect their own reps to bolster the numbers. I can't wait to see Junker, Tusk, and Verhofstadt's reactions on May 23rd. 😆
And the big problem here is, the smaller parties won't have the resources and time to field proper candidates, let alone develop policies and get the message out. All by establishment design of course.

Thing is, there probably is enough time to mobilise the eurosceptic vote for the EU elections, where our representatives can inflict the "special kind of hell" policy. Hopefully, many other countries will elect their own reps to bolster the numbers. I can't wait to see Junker, Tusk, and Verhofstadt's reactions on May 23rd. 😆

Apparently UKIP have 1400-1500 candidates for local elections, so there will be plenty to choose from for MEP's also. They tripled the vote in the Newport by election, if that translates into local elections.......bye bye Tory & Labour controlled councils, interesting times ahead.

From my reading, UKIP have been working hard for months to get it sorted as this was all predicted. Then you also have the big social media personalities joining UKIP and the membership has soared.