Brexit and the Consequences

Issue with you CV is you are either talking about LibDems abstaining to vote instead of focusing on Brexiteers split in Cabinet or TM's vote and situation the Tories find them selves not much different to Labour.

Then you talk about EU as if it's collapsing or in decline when it has strong growth and continues making new trade deals. In fact recent trade deal with Japan is a major threat to UK car industry. The BIA of this agreement at this conjuncture of negotiation should be a wake up call. It really should.

Instead Brexiteers and JRM insisting UK price of food will fall when collapse in pound will significantly raise prices, import inflation, raise interest rates and wages will stagnate. He continues to peddle his one line BS to the masses.

You and JRM are obviously good at focusing and talking about BS instead of realising and dealing with the big issues.

Uncertainty abounds all over the UK, investments on hold or withdrawn and now businesses clearly into making contingency plans including to leave and Brexiteers laffing and frothing in the mouth.

Why would Japan go into an agreement with the EU if her interests are to greater benefit in UK braking away from EU?

Is it beyond your capacity to analyse anything outside of your daily trash interests.

It's sad but Brexiteers as well as our leaders are utterly clueless, rudderless and spineless blundering fools.

Probably too much information of substance and no titillation from your daily trash here. Reading age above 9 too so might need a dictionary. ;)

My my, this Brexit thing is really getting to you. You need to calm down dear, it will all be ok in the end (y)

Can you remind us how many MP's the Pro EU LibDems have? We can't remember, but we think it might be single digit. :)
My my, this Brexit thing is really getting to you. You need to calm down dear, it will all be ok in the end (y)

Can you remind us how many MP's the Pro EU LibDems have? We can't remember, but we think it might be single digit. :)

Thought so. Clueless. (n)
There's no sweeter sound to the ears of a Brexiteer than the sound of a bitter and wound-up remoaner :p

Shame all that latent energy can't be put to good use, such as doomsday prepping :LOL:

Instead they just scream at the sky, such a waste :cheesy:
Btw, did you see the news today. EU has told member countries to prepare for a No Deal.

Seems to me that they are not interested in doing a deal! What are your thoughts on this?

I just can't see member states towing the party line, there will be breakaways and all sorts of shenanigans over a no deal, bring it on.

Free trade deal with Japan? Having some of that.
Leave without a deal, then, negotiate a future deal when were in a position of strength and not desperation..

The Remain propaganda machine is still at full throttle on twitter, Did they have some cash left over from the campaign ??
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Backfire of the week goes to Remainer Jack Dart Who started a facebook poll to test sentiment on whether people would today ether Remain or leave.. After 54700 votes its 63% leave...37% Remain :cheesy:
Backfire of the week goes to Remainer Jack Dart Who started a facebook poll to test sentiment on whether people would today ether Remain or leave.. After 54700 votes its 63% leave...37% Remain :cheesy:

Got a link bud? I'd like to vote....leave vote needs shoring up :LOL:
The Times

The Times reports that Theresa May will put the country "on a no-deal Brexit footing" with "weekly bundles" of advice being given to consumers and companies.

Apparently Japan and the EU have agreed a limited free trade deal, however, it does not include free movement of peoples.

Well whooda thunk it ! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

EU likes to operate double standards.

Japan looking to import young people as they are a literally an aging and dying race.

Can you imagine all their clever hard working engineers flocking to EU. They'd be lapped up pretty quick.(y)
Btw, did you see the news today. EU has told member countries to prepare for a No Deal.

Seems to me that they are not interested in doing a deal! What are your thoughts on this?

Er, thought they were going to be falling over themselves to do a deal, or so you told us :LOL:
Japan looking to import young people as they are a literally an aging and dying race.

Can you imagine all their clever hard working engineers flocking to EU. They'd be lapped up pretty quick.(y)

Those evil globalists transporting people around the planet again.

If it were true, from which earthly regions do you think the Japs would traffick their human capital?

Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines? Or would they enslave the Middle East and Africa as the EU has done?