What's this I am listening to about the referendum electoral law being broken?
Who's John Major?. . . Did you see John Major's precise depiction of where we are today on Andrew Marr's Sunday morning show . . .
Who's John Major?
Did you see John Major's precise depiction of where we are today on Andrew Marr's Sunday morning show on BBC?
I thought it was a pretty accurate and fair assessment imo. 👍
😆 Asks the man who has no idea of ignorant dignity! 😆
I know as I do, you are are asking tongue and cheek Tim so please do not demonstrate as I plead ignorance just like you?
To clarify from before some Brexiteers actually are ignorant but still demonstrate dignified indignity with their protests perfectly demonstrating two cheeks of their rears.
Another example is Trump's interference. When Obama said a few words and they were honest words like when negotiating with USA, that they would look for the bigger party market interest which as we all know is EU.
On the other hand Trump said we'd be first in the queue but then materialised well not really as he'd need to talk to EU first.
And then he publicly interferes in British politics at a fragile moment BS-ing what a horrendous bad deal UK is conducting with EU. All the Brexit hooligans on this thread lap it up, as if it's the 2nd coming. 😆😆😆
Crazy stuff? 👍
Does this include me Att'; am I a 'Brexit hooligan'? I rather like the idea of being thought of as a hooligan - much like ne'er-do-well yoof regard getting as ASBO as a badge of honour.. . .All the Brexit hooligans on this thread lap it up, as if it's the 2nd coming . . .
Hi FXX,I see this thread has degenerated to the point that it really should be closed. Nobody is taking on board others opinions and what looks to have started as a debate has become a mud slinging match. . .
Does this include me Att'; am I a 'Brexit hooligan'? I rather like the idea of being thought of as a hooligan - much like ne'er-do-well yoof regard getting as ASBO as a badge of honour.
Have you noticed how the Brexit side have hardened their position since the Chequers proposal. Davis and Johnson fill the newspapers, Raab has effectively told the EU that unless they shift position and speed up trade talks, then they can whistle goodbye to the desperately needed 40Bn.
Some good news though. Olly Robbins has been given a 20k bonus for all his hard work on the whitepaper, that no one agrees with. 😆
I see this thread has degenerated to the point that it really should be closed. Nobody is taking on board others opinions and what looks to have started as a debate has become a mud slinging match.
Nobody knows with any certainty what is going to happen. Everything up to this point have been threats, out of context facts, and finger in the air assumptions sugar coated as fact.
One thing for sure is the eu are playing a risky game that could derail their recovery. They have scope for compromise but predicate this off the UK delivering brexit in name only. I hope we have a no deal brexit and sure we will have to toughen up and reinvent ourselves, but they won't break from this with minimum consequences.
Financial services
A significant amount of financing for eu businesses is held in London including Italy and Greece. The cost of banking in Europe will have to rise because the eu doesn't have the infrastructure to simply pick it up. According to the global financial centre index, London is in the lead ahead of New York. Luxembourg is 18th and Frankfurt is 23rd. This in my opinion is the pressure valve we should be squeezing with the eu.
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Does this include me Att'; am I a 'Brexit hooligan'? I rather like the idea of being thought of as a hooligan - much like ne'er-do-well yoof regard getting as ASBO as a badge of honour.
This is for you Att' - you'll love this - not! It's a proper interview with someone sensible: Julia Hartley-Brewer. Is there anything she says that's not bang on the money? A rhetorical question of course because the answer - quite obviously - is an emphatic 'no'!
Enjoy . . .
You need not worry about past deals.
It's future business that's the issue and where it will relocate too. Even there the issue is not where it will relocate too but fact that along with pharmacuticals, motor and finance, good many companies will leave the UK.
So when you say we can reinvent our selves and toughen up, can you provide some ideas as to what how where when?
Can you provide details of companies leaving the UK and not just threatening or like some cases, planned this before brexit?
By toughening up I mean we bits are for the most part lazy when compared to other countries. This laziness is going to be slapped out of us through brexit and this is a good thing. We have lost our mojo. As for ideas I think we should invest heavily in engineering, design and entrepreneurship in the tech space and we should prevent that IP from being bought out but provide incentives to balance it out.
We should also start our own sovereign wealth fund.
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EMA and EBA have already left. That's a fact.
Motor industry case in point. Government will not tell us what they've agreed. Japan has written a letter to UK Gov about their expectations and wants. That's a fact.
Airbus have issued a public warning it could leave. That's a fact. Whether peeps wish to debate 'could' or whether it's an empty threat is up in the air. The point remains why would these companies give these warnings?
Both Morgan Stanley and Goldman have rented spaces in Frankfurt and Paris. Fact.
Deutsche Bank moving most of business from London to Frankfurt fact.
Pharma industry in similar situ not full announcements but work in progress and indications are 45% of operations likely to follow EMA to EU.
Agree about getting lazy long termed unemployed back to work but you know it's about material. Some materials no matter what training or effort you put into it can not be moulded into desired product. UK productivity all ready at a low and major concern. All this will simply eat into productivity, raise wages and reduce UK product competitiveness.
Just don't see the case for Brexit being made other than fancy words. It's like an 8 year old stating one day he is going to be an Olympic champion whilst not putting any effort into training but drinking cola, eating crisps and playing xbox in their bedrooms financed by DSS.
EMA and EBA have already left. That's a fact.
Motor industry case in point. Government will not tell us what they've agreed. Japan has written a letter to UK Gov about their expectations and wants. That's a fact.
Airbus have issued a public warning it could leave. That's a fact. Whether peeps wish to debate 'could' or whether it's an empty threat is up in the air. The point remains why would these companies give these warnings?
Both Morgan Stanley and Goldman have rented spaces in Frankfurt and Paris. Fact.
Deutsche Bank moving most of business from London to Frankfurt fact.
Pharma industry in similar situ not full announcements but work in progress and indications are 45% of operations likely to follow EMA to EU.
Agree about getting lazy long termed unemployed back to work but you know it's about material. Some materials no matter what training or effort you put into it can not be moulded into desired product. UK productivity all ready at a low and major concern. All this will simply eat into productivity, raise wages and reduce UK product competitiveness.
Just don't see the case for Brexit being made other than fancy words. It's like an 8 year old stating one day he is going to be an Olympic champion whilst not putting any effort into training but drinking cola, eating crisps and playing xbox in their bedrooms financed by DSS.
Did you see John Major's precise depiction of where we are today on Andrew Marr's Sunday morning show on BBC?
I thought it was a pretty accurate and fair assessment imo. 👍