Brexit and the Consequences

My explanation is not quite clear, when I say the people always get the last say, I mean this through the ballot box. We elect representatives so that they may uphold the law and constitution in our name, we entrust them to do so. When our elected representatives clearly do not represent the views of the the people any longer then people have the last say in voting for someone else.

The problem is that over the last few decades the people have been consistently lied to by our elected representatives, over all sorts of matters, it's been easy for them to do so and they have managed to get away with it.

But society has moved on, their lies and corruption are far more transparent to the general public than ever before thanks to technology and whistle blowers, you see govts now scrambling to silence people to defend govts own lies and corruption, they use the institutions of state, the police, the justice system, councils, schools, intelligence services and media to keep a lid on it, but eventually this won't work. Brexit has been the catalyst for change as it has highlighted these things. I just hope we don't end up in a China situation where all democracy has been lost and the people are controlled without the opportunity for regime change.

Talk about regime change in Syria, we need it in the UK/EU 🙂

Exaggeration - yes. Feathering own nest - yes. But Government lying and corruption - not much. There is, after all, Her Majesty’s Opposition who delight in exposing such things and who are always peering under rocks looking for it 🙂.
Agreed the present system and the people at the top are far from perfect BUT looking back over history. revolutions have invariably produced much worse dictators. Better surely muddling along with the reasonably decent lot we have than swopping them for some budding Stalin like b*stard.
For me not, LibDem are mainstream, have never proved their worth, spout the same old as the other parties, time for change. Forthcoming May elections will be fascinating.
. . . not to mention doing u-turns on key policies. Just mention 'proportional representation' and 'tuition fees' to a Lib' Dem supporter and they will slink away apologetically and promise not to trouble you further. At least, that was my experience when the local Lib Dem PPC knocked at my door a few days before the last general election!
When the LibDems get up to tricks like this you can't take them seriously.

Exaggeration - yes. Feathering own nest - yes. But Government lying and corruption - not much. There is, after all, Her Majesty’s Opposition who delight in exposing such things and who are always peering under rocks looking for it 🙂.

I'm afraid they are all in it together, it doesn't matter if it is Tory, Labour, LibDem, SNP etc, there are some rocks that never get lifted for the good of themselves and only for themselves. If they exposed too much, even about each other, they would be shooting themselves in the foot for when the reigns of power turn over.
Agreed the present system and the people at the top are far from perfect BUT looking back over history. revolutions have invariably produced much worse dictators. Better surely muddling along with the reasonably decent lot we have than swopping them for some budding Stalin like b*stard.

It's not a revolution that should be sought, it should be honesty and truth. Maybe that would be a revolution, but not in the totalitarian style that we are creeping along towards at the moment, there is no truth where we are currently headed, only more of the same BS. The globalists need to be removed for it to happen.
Let the people speak.

Don't bind them!

If a decision is right it's right for you today as it was yesterday.

Don't worri be appi!!! It'll come to pass. 🙂
Oh dear oh dear oh dear...

Numbers don't seem to be adding up again...

U.K. Labour Lords Expect to Defeat May Over Customs Union

Leaving all but in name. Just when I decided to switch to the Brexit camp it's all gone horribly wrong.

What a crying shame 😢😢😢

Let them try derailing Brexit.

The house of Lords is unfit for purpose and has been for quite some time.
This could be the issue that finally seals their fate. Abolition long overdue.
Let them try derailing Brexit.

The house of Lords is unfit for purpose and has been for quite some time.
This could be the issue that finally seals their fate. Abolition long overdue.

Are you telling us that you want to leave the EU and get rid of the Lords as well ? Where will you send Boris? You won't have Brussels, either.
Are you telling us that you want to leave the EU and get rid of the Lords as well ? Where will you send Boris? You won't have Brussels, either.

Exactly, precisely, no hiding place, no jobs for the boys, make them all accountable. Non performers sacked or voted out.
Exactly, precisely, no hiding place, no jobs for the boys, make them all accountable. Non performers sacked or voted out.

I hope that you are taking note of what is happening over here, in Spain.It's one big mess and it is incredible how much corruption there is in the country.

Most of the the autonomic regions, which have local governments, are up to their eyebrows in mierda--- and I'm not one for using these expressions on this site which is why I am writing it in Spanish. It may pass without asterisks--we'll see! 😀

Cataluña, Valencia. Andalucia, Murcia have been building non-existent roads, buildings, airports, now overgrown with weeds, hotels on protected green land. Whatever you can think of, its been done.

The latest is Madrid, where the President has fiddled her Master's degree. She does not have one, it has all been fiddled by the Universtity Rey Juan Carlos. I expect that we shall learn it has all been done with government funds.
Think it’s time you came back home Split...strong and stable government and the weather is improving by the day..😆