Brexit and the Consequences

Every political story coming out of the UK in recent times is mired in BS, starting with Brexit, now with Skripal, Corbynazi and Cambridge Analytical/SCL. And that doesn't include any stories that aren't being reported by the MSM fake propaganda machines.

When are are we to be harvested as mushrooms, I wonder?

It seems news is just not fake but inaccurate as well - that's been polite. 😉

That's coming from Government which looks like egg on face.

Coming from BJ it's nothing new and consistent with his blundering baffoon image. 🙂

On another level - there is the possibility Skripal had turned again and was working with the Russian intelligence services to return back home. Effectively a spy and missing home and living in of all places Salisbury where the UK has some chemical plants of her own. Another question is how is it that the daughter's condition is improving whilst Skripal''s not? Age may cross your minds but his only 66s a man with a strong mind.

So the questions are mounting - who was Skripal seeing, recruiting or collecting secrets and information from?

An ex intel officer decides to retire of all places in Salisbury. Not London, the South, Oxford or Cambridge or even some place in France or Spain but in sweet lil ol Salisbury a fab interest point rich with British military interests.

UK doesn't know source of poison or how it was administered. In food where they ate at Zippies, through air con in car or suit case. Yet UK has accused Russia with no uncertain terms they are the culprits because much like the UK, US and Israel they've all done this kind of assassinating or kidnapping thingymijigs before.

The axis of evil project with Syria and World Football Tournament this year in Russia, I'm sure are all part of this plot too.

Trump is certainly right to question what payback they've got from US foreign policy spending 7 trillion dollars in the ME other than death of 100,000s, millions of refugees and US shown up for what it is. Just a big fist with no brains.

Sad state of affairs indeed. 🙄
It seems news is just not fake but inaccurate as well - that's been polite. 😉

That's coming from Government which looks like egg on face.

Coming from BJ it's nothing new and consistent with his blundering baffoon image. 🙂

On another level - there is the possibility Skripal had turned again and was working with the Russian intelligence services to return back home. Effectively a spy and missing home and living in of all places Salisbury where the UK has some chemical plants of her own. Another question is how is it that the daughter's condition is improving whilst Skripal''s not? Age may cross your minds but his only 66s a man with a strong mind.

So the questions are mounting - who was Skripal seeing, recruiting or collecting secrets and information from?

An ex intel officer decides to retire of all places in Salisbury. Not London, the South, Oxford or Cambridge or even some place in France or Spain but in sweet lil ol Salisbury a fab interest point rich with British military interests.

UK doesn't know source of poison or how it was administered. In food where they ate at Zippies, through air con in car or suit case. Yet UK has accused Russia with no uncertain terms they are the culprits because much like the UK, US and Israel they've all done this kind of assassinating or kidnapping thingymijigs before.

The axis of evil project with Syria and World Football Tournament this year in Russia, I'm sure are all part of this plot too.

Trump is certainly right to question what payback they've got from US foreign policy spending 7 trillion dollars in the ME other than death of 100,000s, millions of refugees and US shown up for what it is. Just a big fist with no brains.

Sad state of affairs indeed. 🙄

Novichok is a deadly nerve agent that is designed to kill within seconds, if not minutes, upon contact with skin or ingestion, there is no known cure, it is persistent in the environment, more deadly than VX, military grade level is designed to defeat NATO attempts to detect it and to circumvent standard NBC clothing.

And yet we have no deaths (yet), a recovered policeman, a recovering daughter and an apparently still alive father, no-one else affected despite personal contact with the public, emergency services ,and apparently numerous locations where it has been found, and then it was found all over the front door of the house over a week later.

Then we have TM, Boris etc claiming Russian involvement from the off, when their own Porton Down experts cannot make the assertion that the agent they were supplied with came from Russia. Corbyn get's jumped on for defending Russia when asking the logical questions regarding evidence etc.

However 20+ countries jump on the anti-Russian bandwagon!

Then we have various UKGov tweets being deleted soon after publication, all on the same day, because they don't have their story straight as doesn't BJ, that was yesterday, weeks after the event.

Nothing adds-up. Is it to do with Syrian propaganda, especially now that 'peace' has descended in that country, nobody seems to be able to piece it together at the moment, but it seems that somebody, somewhere, is telling porkies?
My conspiracy theory is it's something to do with Syria. It feels like a Tony Blair propaganda build-up to get parliament on-side for a vote to go into Iraq, all based on lies.

Russia is aligned with the Syrian government, Turkey and Iran. UK is aligned with US, France, Saudi, Israel and EU (don't forget the EU army integration we now have). Some sort of peace has been brokered in Syria at the moment with the supposed defeat of ISIS. The Western axis are not part of whatever deal is being brokered, the US have announced withdrawal, so just as the country is about to be divvied up between the Russian axis, the West needs an excuse to 'do something' to stop it. This is the propaganda build-up against Russia to get us all 'on-side' with whatever is about to be proposed.

Except that UKGov cannot control the narrative very well, they are making mistakes, contradicting and conflicting stories are emerging, tweets are published then withdrawn, so the picture is confused, some items are not being reported (UK & French collusion), MSM is in full-on fake news speculation and misinformation, social media is being used to spread disinformation. Is this a deliberate ploy to confuse and deflect or are they just unprofessional in their approach to the release of information?

What does the secret reporting say about the situation, surely that holds the raw truth? Or does it? We are very unlikely to know. The assessments related to Saddam turned out to be incorrect, are the same mistakes being repeated?

I am working on the link with Brexit, as the relationship is not clear, although I'm sure that if there is a link, it will become apparent. Or maybe Brexit is just a side show now, now that it's effectively delayed. Maybe Brexit will be used as a distraction to keep us all away from the proxy happenings in Syria, although this is quite a big story and Brexit appears to have taken a bit of a back seat.

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My conspiracy theory is it's something to do with Syria. It feels like a Tony Blair propaganda build-up to get parliament on-side for a vote to go into Iraq, all based on lies.

Russia is aligned with the Syrian government, Turkey and Iran. UK is aligned with US, France, Saudi, Israel and EU (don't forget the EU army integration we now have). Some sort of peace has been bro kered in Syria at the moment with the supposed defeat of ISIS. The Western axis are not part of whatever deal is being brokered, the US have announced withdrawal, so just as the country is about to be divvied up between the Russian axis, the West needs an excuse to 'do something' to stop it. This is the propaganda build-up against Russia to get us all 'on-side' with whatever is about to be proposed.

Except that UKGov cannot control the narrative very well, they are making mistakes, contradicting and conflicting stories are emerging, tweets are published then withdrawn, so the picture is confused, some items are not being reported (UK & French collusion), MSM is in full-on fake news speculation and misinformation, social media is being used to spread disinformation. Is this a deliberate ploy to confuse and deflect or are they just unprofessional in their approach to the release of information?

What does the secret reporting say about the situation, surely that holds the raw truth? Or does it? We are very unlikely to know. The assessments related to Saddam turned out to be incorrect, are the same mistakes being repeated?

I am working on the link with Brexit, as the relationship is not clear, although I'm sure that if there is a link, it will become apparent. Or maybe Brexit is just a side show now, now that it's effectively delayed. Maybe Brexit will be used as a distraction to keep us all away from the proxy happenings in Syria, although this is quite a big story and Brexit appears to have taken a bit of a back seat.


After 9/11 it was determined that something had to be done about state sponsored terrorism. Sadam was one of the worst offenders and (conveniently) had been making a play about having WMDs. The war was about sending a message to leaders that they risked massive retribution should they harbour and sponsor terrorism against the West. WMDs were the excuse (and thought to exist) but not the main reason for the war.

Leaders, like Gadafi for example, did indeed get the message and backed off.
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Any country rashly thinking of occupying Syria and other ME countries had better bone up on their recent history.
But the idiots at the top never learn from past mistakes.
After 9/11 it was determined that something had to be done about state sponsored terrorism. Sadam was one of the worst offenders and (conveniently) had been making a play about having WMDs. The war was about sending a message to leaders that they risked massive retribution should they harbour and sponsor terrorism against the West. WMDs were the excuse (and thought to exist) but not the main reason for the war.

Leaders, like Gadafi for example, did indeed get the message and backed off.

Not really worked for the leaders of Iran, Palestine, Saudi, N. Korea and a handful of others though.
After 9/11 it was determined that something had to be done about state sponsored terrorism. Sadam was one of the worst offenders and (conveniently) had been making a play about having WMDs. The war was about sending a message to leaders that they risked massive retribution should they harbour and sponsor terrorism against the West. WMDs were the excuse (and thought to exist) but not the main reason for the war.

Leaders, like Gadafi for example, did indeed get the message and backed off.

An invasion of Iraq, based on non-transparent evidence, that turned out to be an incorrect assessment, sold to the UK public and parliament, leading to the deaths of thousands of troops, millions of civilians, the rise of the terrorist threat as we see it today, that led onto further wars and conflicts and is still ongoing.

Just to try and stop state sponsored terrorism, that worked mostly for Gadaffi (he was probably already in the pockets of the West). That turned out well then.

What an utter shambles the UK was then and appears to be turning out to be again over Skripal, wherever this is leading is nowhere good.

I see that outside of the UK press, there is little support for the UK's position over Russia, even Trump is not getting that involved bar expelling a few Russian diplomats [spies].
After 9/11 it was determined that something had to be done about state sponsored terrorism. Sadam was one of the worst offenders and (conveniently) had been making a play about having WMDs. The war was about sending a message to leaders that they risked massive retribution should they harbour and sponsor terrorism against the West. WMDs were the excuse (and thought to exist) but not the main reason for the war.

Leaders, like Gadafi for example, did indeed get the message and backed off.

This really is a lot of rubbish.

CIA trained Mujahadeen led by Osama Bin Ladin were freedom fighters against Russia whilst liberating Afghanistan and convenient false flag terrorists when fighting US.

Saddam of Iraq was CIA supported and supplied by US. Happy hand shakes all around and some healthy back slaps in partnership attacking Iran.


Saddam had nothing to do with terrorists or Islam. He had nothing to do with 9/11 or West supplied WMD to stop Iran.

State sponsored terrorism and supporting puppet regimes is all US/UK pooh stirring all over the place.

What turned Saddam was US getting Iran and Iraq to fight each other whilst supplying both sides.

What upset US was Saddam only selling his oil in Euro's and stopped trading in Dollars. Made his treasury very rich as dollar fell and Euro rose. He had to be dealt with as other nations were switching away from the dollar.

Then there was the mistake of attacking Kuwait who paid US to take him out effectively. That terrorism crap you place on Iraq's door is total rubbish.

I was speaking to a fire specialist couple of months ago and by the off chance I mentioned Building 7 - the one that wasn't hit by an aeroplane but still had a perfect demolition because of some black smouldering smoke. He didn't want to talk about it and was afraid in case his views might be made public.

In fact you probably all heard of United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed down in a field in Pennsylvania because crew and passengers fought back. Well there is a body of thought that says that's the flight that was supposed to hit Building 7 WTC setting off a fire causing third building to come down as well. But it doesn't. Having said it is destroyed they later find out it is still up and standing not hit by a plane. However, they take the decision to pull it down anyway.

So much rubbish going on here. Does anyone have a brain. Here watch this video clip below and see it for your selves from yours truly "the BBC".

Anyhow, I'm so sick of dishonesty and false flags and deception that is played out and people like you can believe the fodder we are fed. Beggars belief.

What the US and UK should do is stop investing trillions in WMD and killing machines and start working for the benefit of the consumer.

Once again, one persons freedom fighter is another's terrorist. US has really messed up the ME and only one party benefits and we know who that is. You don't have to be Einstein to work that one out.

7 Trillion dollars and for what? Teach other poorer smaller countries not to oppose US and UK schemes to meddle in other countries.

You have it back to front. You really do.

Going off tangent here but I'm sure you all know I have a bee in my bonnet about all this. Still believe sooner or later the truth will come out one day. Justice must be served. :!:
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This really is a lot of rubbish.

CIA trained Mujahadeen led by Osama Bin Ladin were freedom fighters against Russia whilst liberating Afghanistan and convenient false flag terrorists when fighting US.

Saddam of Iraq was CIA supported and supplied by US. Happy hand shakes all around and some healthy back slaps in partnership attacking Iran.


Saddam had nothing to do with terrorists or Islam. He had nothing to do with 9/11 or West supplied WMD to stop Iran.

State sponsored terrorism and supporting puppet regimes is all US/UK pooh stirring all over the place.

What turned Saddam was US getting Iran and Iraq to fight each other whilst supplying both sides.

What upset US was Saddam only selling his oil in Euro's and stopped trading in Dollars. Made his treasury very rich as dollar fell and Euro rose. He had to be dealt with as other nations were switching away from the dollar.

Then there was the mistake of attacking Kuwait who paid US to take him out effectively. That terrorism crap you place on Iraq's door is total rubbish.

I was speaking to a fire specialist couple of months ago and by the off chance I mentioned Building 7 - the one that wasn't hit by an aeroplane but still had a perfect demolition because of some black smouldering smoke. He didn't want to talk about it and was afraid in case his views might be made public.

In fact you probably all heard of United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed down in a field in Pennsylvania because crew and passengers fought back. Well there is a body of thought that says that's the flight that was supposed to hit Building 7 WTC setting off a fire causing third building to come down as well. But it doesn't. Having said it is destroyed they later find out it is still up and standing not hit by a plane. However, they take the decision to pull it down anyway.

So much rubbish going on here. Does anyone have a brain. Here watch this video clip below and see it for your selves from yours truly "the BBC".

Anyhow, I'm so sick of dishonesty and false flags and deception that is played out and people like you can believe the fodder we are fed. Beggars belief.

What the US and UK should do is stop investing trillions in WMD and killing machines and start working for the benefit of the consumer.

Once again, one persons freedom fighter is another's terrorist. US has really messed up the ME and only one party benefits and we know who that is. You don't have to be Einstein to work that one out.

7 Trillion dollars and for what? Teach other poorer smaller countries not to oppose US and UK schemes to meddle in other countries.

You have it back to front. You really do.

Going off tangent here but I'm sure you all know I have a bee in my bonnet about all this. Still believe sooner or later the truth will come out one day. Justice must be served. :!:

Ok Atilla, have it your way.

Just on a point of fact, I didn’t say that Sadam was involved in 9/11. Those responsible were not formally attached to any state, but they were helped on their way and supported by various regimes. It’s that aspect that the two Bs were determined to stop.
Ok Atilla, have it your way.

Just on a point of fact, I didn’t say that Sadam was involved in 9/11. Those responsible were not formally attached to any state, but they were helped on their way and supported by various regimes. It’s that aspect that the two Bs were determined to stop.

Sorry if I'm a little OT dear Barjon, but it is not my way, simply facts.

Power vacuum and regional ME theatre still in play.

Bringing thread back on track, I concur with SignalCalc's supposition that this may be about raising a common EU enemy ie Russia to which the response is likely to be a united European army. US backing away or Trump wanting more to be done by other countries could be all part of the ploy to spend more against a common threat.
Why doesn't Mrs May just say to the EU. You put up border posts if you must but we won't.
Problem solved.
Why doesn't Mrs May just say to the EU. You put up border posts if you must but we won't.
Problem solved.

As I understand it that's the bottom line of the government's present position. These "difficulties" over the Irish border demonstrate the political depths to which the EU ideology can descend. The Irish agreement was reached after the loss of many lives and much hardship but as with so many things the EU fail to understand the realities of life. The awkwardness of the EU is just a symptom of their gradual but continuing implosion.
I think that the EU is only too aware of the loss of lives. Don't tell us that the UK is the only nation, in the EU, that has lost lives in border conflicts over the years. Think of something
else to say, but not that. That is the main reason that the Common Market was formed, in the first place.
I think that the EU is only too aware of the loss of lives. Don't tell us that the UK is the only nation, in the EU, that has lost lives in border conflicts over the years. Think of something
else to say, but not that. That is the main reason that the Common Market was formed, in the first place.

I didn't say that - it appears to be your inference!
I didn't say that - it appears to be your inference!

Thank you for pointing that out Super MC because when you said The Irish agreement was reached after the loss of many lives and much hardship but as with so many things the EU fail to understand the realities of life. that would have been my understanding as well.

I'm so glad I didn't make the same mistake Split did :cheesy:
Thank you for pointing that out Super MC because when you said The Irish agreement was reached after the loss of many lives and much hardship but as with so many things the EU fail to understand the realities of life. that would have been my understanding as well.

I'm so glad I didn't make the same mistake Split did :cheesy:

I think that Split's comments may well have applied at the time that the EEC was established but I'd suggest that those feelings aren't at the forefront of the present crew. Either way, the EU is playing politics with the Irish situation. But that's what politicians do isn't it !