Look, us Brexiteers are not backing down. We will see this through regardless. There is zero chance that we will let our politicians off the hook. Brexit means Brexit. 👍
There is no backing down or surrender. There is only BAU. How one progresses forward post advisory referendum that is the debate.
Sturgeon, SNP and Scotland is another one of your off-side tangents leading off to outer orbit. Are you able to debate any one topic?
Wrt refugee migrant crises you say you have no idea what I'm talking about and then clearly identify that EU is about free movement of labour which is correct. My point remains that this is a distinct and different discussion point to refugees and migrants from outside of the EU.
Do you not see how the Brexiters are dragging in points of issue which have no bearing on topic of discussion?
Yet you insist "it is clearly an international issue" and talk about Trump and the US. Honestly, level of Brexit self indulgence is trully remarkable. No body gives hoot what the UK thinks or does much like the US. Without been rude from my perspective your posts is a clear indication of delirium inside of your great mind.
UK and US may indeed be a special case and imo a basket case where much like Barcelona or the Catalonians, we witness Catalonia demanding independence from Spain whilst joining the EU as an independent state. Logic of the argument beggars belief.
😆😆😆 much like the UK demanding a placebo based independence from the EU only to join US at the hip and be buggered by Trump and Dump delivering God only knows what???
You say TM is only a half believer. Well she represents the whole country and that's a credit to her having a balanced cabinet. Sadly people of your ilk who bark on about democracy and parliament have a weak hold on what that means. As for her cabinet full of weasels they exemplify the worst in politicians power hungry to play God.
Key and VERY POSITIVE point about Labour is that they have consistently stated their approach, would be one of maintaining jobs and carving a productive role for the UK. Go and ask the young jobless and homeless Brit sleeping rough on the streets what he thinks of Brexit? There is now clear evidence, IDS benefit reform is leading to new unexpected outcomes.
You should also consider that growth in rough sleepers is just the pole end of the spectrum. Number of families and people living off food banks, going hungry so they can feed their children or even children malnourished are all on the increase.
You are witnessing loss of jobs, skewed distribution of income, prohibitive utility costs, sky high transport costs, rising government debt, braking down of social fabric, British giants going bust including Northampton Council and somehow Brexit is the cure and nothing else matters as much as sovereignty which in the same breath you all prepare to trample all over. You know I am left speechless at the blind fury of all you great so called patriots.
Brexit means Brexit, strong and stable leadership indeed the only party who can negotiate the 'Best' deal what ever that is remains a mystery. Here is my forecast for Brexit. Soon, EU will be paying us to leave.
TM just hang on in there a little longer.