Brexit and the Consequences

More privatisation and PFI deals going rotten...

Capita joins a growing list of companies such as Carillion, Mitie and Interserve that have encountered financial difficulties in recent months, sparking a debate over outsourcing of public services in the U.K. Over the past three decades, such companies have been paid tens of billions of pounds to do everything from maintaining nuclear weapons to cooking school lunches, and the recent run of bad news has many in the country questioning whether they can fulfill those contracts.

UKs great vision of efficiency and free unregulated, unchecked markets serving the nation and the people.

Brexit is going to fix all this. MUKGA.

Damn pesky migrants are the cause of our problems so we are told.

Privatised profits and nationalised debt and losses. What a way to go...

All these great and fabulous companies going to do some great deals with the rest of the world.

Whole government, country, the people and this Brexit fiasco BIG burden on national interest.

Farage says nobody says it was going to be easy. EU will want to punish us for leaving.

I'm thinking no need our lot doing a great job of punishing us well and proper. Who needs EU when we have our grass root grown best of the best, stuff the rest.

Ok so who's queuing up to blame Labour or the LibDems??? 🙂

I'm sure all this makes good economic sense to Brexiters, consistent with t's crossed and i's dotted stuff but I'm scratching my rear and ... 🙄
More privatisation and PFI deals going rotten...

Capita joins a growing list of companies such as Carillion, Mitie and Interserve that have encountered financial difficulties in recent months, sparking a debate over outsourcing of public services in the U.K. Over the past three decades, such companies have been paid tens of billions of pounds to do everything from maintaining nuclear weapons to cooking school lunches, and the recent run of bad news has many in the country questioning whether they can fulfill those contracts.

UKs great vision of efficiency and free unregulated, unchecked markets serving the nation and the people.

Brexit is going to fix all this. MUKGA.

Damn pesky migrants are the cause of our problems so we are told.

Privatised profits and nationalised debt and losses. What a way to go...

All these great and fabulous companies going to do some great deals with the rest of the world.

Whole government, country, the people and this Brexit fiasco BIG burden on national interest.

Farage says nobody says it was going to be easy. EU will want to punish us for leaving.

I'm thinking no need our lot doing a great job of punishing us well and proper. Who needs EU when we have our grass root grown best of the best, stuff the rest.

Ok so who's queuing up to blame Labour or the LibDems??? 🙂

I'm sure all this makes good economic sense to Brexiters, consistent with t's crossed and i's dotted stuff but I'm scratching my rear and ... 🙄

Carillion ........ You might have known that a company with a daft name like that would end up in trouble! (Remember Consignia and how they had to change it back to something that we can understand meaningfully?)

The problem with all these companies is not Capitalism - in fact capitalism has ensured their demise and rightly so in view of the poor management. But they have been backed into a corner by governments of both persuasions (Blair was no socialist and Cameron's lot were just Labour-lite) who transferred all the risk onto them, screwed them down to unrealistic profit margins and were clever enough to make them think they were getting a good deal! (And of course, some selfish individuals did get a very good deal). But like all political stunts it eventually fails, taxpayer picks up the bill and the workers can mostly go and sod themselves.

Of course, the alternative under a "proper" socialist government would have been no failures (state run businesses can't go bust can they?), taxpayer picks up the bill and with costs hidden somewhere in the manifesto of "sound investment and pump priming".

PFI is much the same – politicians and businesses both thinking they're being ultra clever and thinking you can get something for nothing. Your average 10-year-old knows that you can only spend your pocket money once!

It just seems that due to incompetence, bad management and poor political supervision from all governments that these things happen in UK. Strange isn't it how a totally rubbish establishment like British Leyland's Oxford plant of "Red Robbo" fame is now one of the most successful car plants in the world! Would good German management have anything to do with it I wonder?
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Carillion ........ You might have known that a company with a daft name like that would end up in trouble! (Remember Consignia and how they had to change it back to something that we can understand meaningfully?)

The problem with all these companies is not Capitalism - in fact capitalism has ensured their demise and rightly so in view of the poor management. But they have been backed into a corner by governments of both persuasions (Blair was no socialist and Cameron's lot were just Labour-lite) who transferred all the risk onto them, screwed them down to unrealistic profit margins and were clever enough to make them think they were getting a good deal! But like all political stunts it eventually fails, taxpayer picks up the bill and the workers can mostly go and sod themselves.

Of course, the alternative under a "proper" socialist government would have been no failures (state run businesses can't go bust can they?), taxpayer picks up the bill and with costs hidden somewhere in the manifesto of "sound investment and pump priming".

PFI is much the same – politicians and businesses both thinking they're being ultra clever and thinking you can get something for nothing. Your average 10-year-old knows that you can only spend your pocket money once!

It just seems that due to incompetence, bad management and poor political supervision from all governments that these things happen in UK. Strange isn't it how a totally rubbish establishment like British Leyland's Oxford plant of "Red Robbo" fame is now one of the most successful car plants in the world! Would good German management have anything to do with it I wonder?

The question is how will Brexit help these scenarios?

Do we have the same catalogue of events in EU with the same ferocity of duping public Joe and swagging pension pots?

Does EU countries let their big corporations and treasures be sold to foreign interests as we do in the UK in the name of free enterprise?

A lot going on there and I simply don't see any Brexit light on the matter re: new approach?

Brave attempt yes but sadly falls flat on Brexit face.
Carillion ........ You might have known that a company with a daft name like that would end up in trouble! (Remember Consignia and how they had to change it back to something that we can understand meaningfully?)

The problem with all these companies is not Capitalism - in fact capitalism has ensured their demise and rightly so in view of the poor management. But they have been backed into a corner by governments of both persuasions (Blair was no socialist and Cameron's lot were just Labour-lite) who transferred all the risk onto them, screwed them down to unrealistic profit margins and were clever enough to make them think they were getting a good deal! (And of course, some selfish individuals did get a very good deal). But like all political stunts it eventually fails, taxpayer picks up the bill and the workers can mostly go and sod themselves.

Of course, the alternative under a "proper" socialist government would have been no failures (state run businesses can't go bust can they?), taxpayer picks up the bill and with costs hidden somewhere in the manifesto of "sound investment and pump priming".

PFI is much the same – politicians and businesses both thinking they're being ultra clever and thinking you can get something for nothing. Your average 10-year-old knows that you can only spend your pocket money once!

It just seems that due to incompetence, bad management and poor political supervision from all governments that these things happen in UK. Strange isn't it how a totally rubbish establishment like British Leyland's Oxford plant of "Red Robbo" fame is now one of the most successful car plants in the world! Would good German management have anything to do with it I wonder?

Didn't the German car manufacturers (who were already streets ahead of the UK in terms of engineering, manufacturing and work ethics) learn some workplace lessons from the Far East and incorporate those into European factories that eventually made it's way into the UK? Wasn't it something to do with hard work for good rewards?

Took a few years to get through, sadly things have reverted to corruption, mostly amongst the higher-ups, across all markets and political spectrums.

And now we find ourselves at........Brexit.
Lead or go



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Atilla - I know you mean well but we're going to have to send you to the Gulag for some re-education 😆

I can't possibly condone this until we also proclaim a Brexit Year Zero (post or pre, I'm not fussy) and execute all standing and past members of the main political parties - this of course, would leave out the SNP, Plaid Cymru... and the Lib Dems🙂

My first candidate for Pick of the Pops for would be Tony Blair and would oblige personally and enthusiastically. I'm sure I could show Pol Pot a thing or two.

When we've done that then, yes, the Camps will be overflowing and Attila (and CV too - what! You thought you'd be safe???) can be founder members of the inmates welcoming committee.
Didn't the German car manufacturers (who were already streets ahead of the UK in terms of engineering, manufacturing and work ethics) learn some workplace lessons from the Far East and incorporate those into European factories that eventually made it's way into the UK? Wasn't it something to do with hard work for good rewards?

Took a few years to get through, sadly things have reverted to corruption, mostly amongst the higher-ups, across all markets and political spectrums.

And now we find ourselves at........Brexit.

What are you rambling on about here? Speak English!
I can't possibly condone this until we also proclaim a Brexit Year Zero (post or pre, I'm not fussy) and execute all standing and past members of the main political parties - this of course, would leave out the SNP, Plaid Cymru... and the Lib Dems🙂

My first candidate for Pick of the Pops for would be Tony Blair and would oblige personally and enthusiastically. I'm sure I could show Pol Pot a thing or two.

When we've done that then, yes, the Camps will be overflowing and Attila (and CV too - what! You thought you'd be safe???) can be founder members of the inmates welcoming committee.

My yurt, is somewhere around the South Downs. Brighton is my capital city. I do like to move around. Something nomadic in my DNA I've never managed to shake off.

As for this article it's pretty much on the nail for me.

Brexit Politics Goes From Bad to Worse

Tories and Brexiters well and trully destroying the country. Like the venomous scorpion, Brexiters in the Tory party will exact their loathing on each other soon enough and hopefully in the process save the country by natural extinction of both.

We live in hope. 👍
I thought you give up on us hhiusa, Good to see you back, hope you’re keeping well

Wotcher mike!
you're a real corker for asking.
Everything's beer and skittles here. Just me and my champers problems.
Britain's Private Army Takes a Fearsome Kicking

I have no idea why they mention Maggie's name here. 12 feet under and someone still drags her name around. Fancy putting Tony Blair, her adopted son in the same frame. I dunno what's the World coming to... :whistling

The pioneering model of outsourcing public services is under severe strain, as these charts show.

Getting private companies to run public services was a big Margaret Thatcher idea back in the 1980s, a mission embraced by her eventual successor as U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair. It led to the rise of British outsourcing titans such as Capita Plc, Serco Group Plc and G4S Plc, which manage facilities ranging from prisons and Royal Air Force bases to leisure centers and car parks.

You wouldn't call them giants now. After sector scandals a few years back that included billing taxpayers for keeping track of dead offenders, we've moved on to agonizing about the companies' finances as Britain's austerity drive squeezes how much they can make from contracts. Carillion Plc's collapse and this week's monster profit warning from Capita show the danger.

There are differences in the health of these companies, of course, and how they operate. G4S is doing better than its peers. But the picture of their profit margins is largely similar, as this chart shows (even if that's only really started weighing on generous dividend payouts recently):

The mushrooming of debt relative to earnings at some firms adds to the sense of fragility:

On the balance sheet, people are taking action. Hence this week's "kitchen-sinking" by Capita's new broom CEO. Yet even if his rescue act goes well, what next? Serco boss Rupert Soames -- Winston Churchill's grandson, no less -- had perhaps an even bigger task saving that company from crisis in 2014. But its market value still languishes below one billion pounds ($1.4 billion) as it waits in hope of a proper recovery.

Having to deal with a Brexit-paralyzed British government isn't helping the outsourcing crowd. If left-wing Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn wins power on his stridently anti-privatization platform, then all bets are off.