Brexit and the Consequences

TM was probably the best qualified out of a moderate bunch at the time, Being daughter of a vicar she doesn’t sport the usual makeup for a p.m.. She has certain quality’s and lacks in others, Stuck between a rock and a hard place, She can’t win whatever she does with such divided opinions on brexit, Who would want her job ??

If they had gone to the membership vote, May would never have been in the top job.
Tories shot themselves in the foot by shoehorning May in.

So much for giving her a chance! She was useless as home sec and is proving to be even worse as PM.
Leadsom had more Thatcher like attributes and would have told the EU to fek off on day 1. 👍
If they had gone to the membership vote, May would never have been in the top job.
Tories shot themselves in the foot by shoehorning May in.

So much for giving her a chance! She was useless as home sec and is proving to be even worse as PM.
Leadsom had more Thatcher like attributes and would have told the EU to fek off on day 1. 👍

The whole lot of them are a useless shambles. Did you watch David Davis’s performance in front of the EU Committee? Asked if the government had carried out any economic impact assessments in any sector of the economy he floundered away and admitted that they hadn’t done any. Came up with a classic line that you didn’t need to because if there were regulatory hurdles then it was obvious there was going to be an impact. Gawd almighty!!!
The whole lot of them are a useless shambles. Did you watch David Davis’s performance in front of the EU Committee? Asked if the government had carried out any economic impact assessments in any sector of the economy he floundered away and admitted that they hadn’t done any. Came up with a classic line that you didn’t need to because if there were regulatory hurdles then it was obvious there was going to be an impact. Gawd almighty!!!
Hi Jon,
Can you explain how it's possible to do an economic assessment report about Brexit before any deals are done - assuming there are to be any? Fear not, it's a rhetorical question, because of course it's impossible. For a report of this kind to be even slightly meaningful, it has to be based on key known parameters. Without them, it's a bit like trying to use a mortgage calculator without knowing the amount one needs to borrow, the term of the loan and whether one needs an interest only or repayment mortgage. To produce such a report would amount to little more than hot air and would be a complete waste of time and money. If he had done it, doubtless he'd have come up with a rosy post Brexit picture and the first thing you and the remain camp would do would be to dismiss it as hot air on the very grounds I've just outlined. Gawd almighty indeed!!!
Exactly Tim, Like any barristers questioning, Hilary Benn knew the answer before he asked the question. Then comes the shock and dismay in a futile attempt to belittle Davis in front of a audience.. Hilary Benn has made no secret of his pro Eu stance ...
Hi Jon,
Can you explain how it's possible to do an economic assessment report about Brexit before any deals are done - assuming there are to be any? Fear not, it's a rhetorical question, because of course it's impossible. For a report of this kind to be even slightly meaningful, it has to be based on key known parameters. Without them, it's a bit like trying to use a mortgage calculator without knowing the amount one needs to borrow, the term of the loan and whether one needs an interest only or repayment mortgage. To produce such a report would amount to little more than hot air and would be a complete waste of time and money. If he had done it, doubtless he'd have come up with a rosy post Brexit picture and the first thing you and the remain camp would do would be to dismiss it as hot air on the very grounds I've just outlined. Gawd almighty indeed!!!

Er, no Tim, impact assesssments cover a range of potential outcomes - not the least the ones the Government are presumably aiming for. Not sure how the Government could have an outcome aim in view without knowing the likely impact it would have.

I wasn’t trying to make a Brexit/Remainer point, just pointing up the incompetence of this shower of second-raters who are the custodians of our future.
I wasn’t trying to make a Brexit/Remainer point, just pointing up the incompetence of this shower of second-raters who are the custodians of our future.

As politics is the only profession that doesn't need any qualifications or talent perhaps there is an opening for some course or other. Maybe then our politicians might be better placed to make THE CORRECT decisions.
As for educating the masses that may be an impossible task. Did anyone know the facts on Brexit ? Probably not by the masses but maybe by the few. So maybe referendums are a waste of time and money but it does spread the blame..
. . . I wasn’t trying to make a Brexit/Remainer point, just pointing up the incompetence of this shower of second-raters who are the custodians of our future.
Fair play Jon - I agree with you on that. Fortunately, I hold Barnier et al in the EU in even lower regard!
Fair play Jon - I agree with you on that. Fortunately, I hold Barnier et al in the EU in even lower regard!

😆 - the team in blue are scoring the goals at the moment, but it is a game of two halves as they say (hopefully).
They are all as bad as each other. I would not trust any politician as far as I could kick him.

Politicians are no more than a manifestation of the unrealistic and unreasonable demands of a majority electorate historically unable to face up to facts and reality. We get no more than we collectively deserve.
Politicians are no more than a manifestation of the unrealistic and unreasonable demands of a majority electorate historically unable to face up to facts and reality. We get no more than we collectively deserve.

Nobody deserves Brexit as nobody deserves lies and deceit!

Andrew Marr and the BBC I fear put up a misleading referendum statement this morning. Just goes to show how skewed and twisted the sh1tty debate has become.

There were a number of politicians including Cameron explaining Brexit meant leaving the free market.

At the time Brexiters were all talking about a better deal for UK. Even Farage was talking about favouring Norwegian, Swiss type and various other deals. Cameron was saying no that's not the case but invoking article 50 meant leaving the free market area.

Brexiters were then accusing government of fear mongering. However, in order to make a news show dissppointing to see BBC twisting Cameron's words out of context imo.

Davies telling us no impact assessment done is also total tosh. Assements were done and Labour was moving on passing a parliamentary motion to have it released. Hence, the change from Davies on nothing was done. Humble pie for Davies. I wonder weather that's when he threatened to quit and changed his mind??? 🙄

Reason why that assessment (effectively the white paper) could not be released is because of National Interest that impact would be so severe.

Why would UK government change so much on three key areas?

1. Paying £40bn
2. Accepting ECJ adherance - call it what you will. 8 years for now.
3. Full alignment - to help out DUP

A lot of talk about this alignement business. Can someone plz explain to me WTF is the great repeal bill about if not FULL ALIGNMENT with ECJ? Brexiters are an exceptional bunch of BS hitters. They really are. 🙂

After all that, IDS claims EU is desparate to conclude a deal with UK - that it clearly makes sense for TM to fly out to EU after a 2 hour sleep making sure EU was happy, fed and Junker the man-baby could have a good nights sleep. I'm sure TM tucked him into bed and gave him a sweet goodnights kiss too. 😉

AND now if Boris, Gove and Leadsom weren't enough we have Gavin Williamson the new upstart vying for PM position.

Hammond the Remainer tells him he needs to understand how defence budget works. Gavin the Brexiter tells Hammond pay your RAF courier and transport bills or stop using our private air-taxi service. More recently a verbal fisticuffs takes place in cabinet.

What does all this tell you about our boy Gavin? All full of him self and vying for the top seat.

Now who thinks Gavin Williamson is PM material other than trumpeting his hard boiled vision of Brexsh1tting hope and glory. :whistling

Anyhow, I can understand remainers being sort of happy with a softer Brexit outlined above. I can also understand the Tory party selling this as a good deal keeping party and TM in power for now.

What I don't understand is how IDS and Brexitters can even attempt to sell this as some form of great achievement is A M A Z I N G!!!
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Politicians are no more than a manifestation of the unrealistic and unreasonable demands of a majority electorate historically unable to face up to facts and reality. We get no more than we collectively deserve.
Hi sminicooper,
Ooof, that's tough! Probably true, but I subscribe to the view that it's incumbent upon certain members of society to raise the bar and to set - or at least to maintain - high(ish) standards. An obvious example are sports stars. Gone are the days when they could go out the night before a big game and get rat ar$ed til three in the morning, snort a bag of coke and then spend the rest of the night with the cast of towie. Inevitably, their performance on the field of play the next day would be a tad lacklustre. It's fine for rock stars to do this, expected even, but not sports stars. And of course, there's nothing to stop the fans in the terraces from doing all of that (if they can afford it), as the spotlight won't be on them. I think David Beckham is a good role model here and, to a greater or lesser extent, deserves the praise he gets.

Needless to say, no one is perfect and everyone slips up from time to time. Think of the porn allegations surrounding Damian Green. I don't care one jot whether or not he watches porn - so long as it's between consenting adults. The issue is that if he did - did he do it it during work time when he should be focusing on running the country. But watching the cricket or 'Come Dine with Me' would be just as bad in my book. It's not a moral issue about porn.

To conclude, anyone in public life who at least aspires to high standards and clearly makes an effort to live by them gets my respect. That's one of the reasons why I like Jacob Rees-Mogg and why I dislike Donald Trump. JRM edifies the state of high political office, while Trump seemingly does everything possible to demean it.
The whole lot of them are a useless shambles. Did you watch David Davis’s performance in front of the EU Committee? Asked if the government had carried out any economic impact assessments in any sector of the economy he floundered away and admitted that they hadn’t done any. Came up with a classic line that you didn’t need to because if there were regulatory hurdles then it was obvious there was going to be an impact. Gawd almighty!!!

I have just watched Davis's performance in front of the Select Committee and I thought it was rather polished. Certainly, the questioners gave up trying to find any cracks in the narrative pretty early on. The rest of the time was filled up with nonsense, probably designed to make him late for another appointment.

Conclusion: nothing to see here, move along.
Hi sminicooper,
Ooof, that's tough! Probably true, but I subscribe to the view that it's incumbent upon certain members of society to raise the bar and to set - or at least to maintain - high(ish) standards. An obvious example are sports stars. Gone are the days when they could go out the night before a big game and get rat ar$ed til three in the morning, snort a bag of coke and then spend the rest of the night with the cast of towie. Inevitably, their performance on the field of play the next day would be a tad lacklustre. It's fine for rock stars to do this, expected even, but not sports stars. And of course, there's nothing to stop the fans in the terraces from doing all of that (if they can afford it), as the spotlight won't be on them. I think David Beckham is a good role model here and, to a greater or lesser extent, deserves the praise he gets.

Needless to say, no one is perfect and everyone slips up from time to time. Think of the porn allegations surrounding Damian Green. I don't care one jot whether or not he watches porn - so long as it's between consenting adults. The issue is that if he did - did he do it it during work time when he should be focusing on running the country. But watching the cricket or 'Come Dine with Me' would be just as bad in my book. It's not a moral issue about porn.

To conclude, anyone in public life who at least aspires to high standards and clearly makes an effort to live by them gets my respect. That's one of the reasons why I like Jacob Rees-Mogg and why I dislike Donald Trump. JRM edifies the state of high political office, while Trump seemingly does everything possible to demean it.

The rot in politics is purely self inflicted and has escalated to the point where very few of them deserve any respect. When you get the likes of George Galloway arsing about dressed up as a pantomime cat on big brother, or Nadine Dorries trying to be "down with the kids" in i'm a celebrity, then you know for sure that we are in trouble.

If politicians think that acting out as celebrities makes them more popular, then they couldn't be more wrong.