Politicians are no more than a manifestation of the unrealistic and unreasonable demands of a majority electorate historically unable to face up to facts and reality. We get no more than we collectively deserve.
Nobody deserves Brexit as nobody deserves lies and deceit!
Andrew Marr and the BBC I fear put up a misleading referendum statement this morning. Just goes to show how skewed and twisted the sh1tty debate has become.
There were a number of politicians including Cameron explaining Brexit meant leaving the free market.
At the time Brexiters were all talking about a better deal for UK. Even Farage was talking about favouring Norwegian, Swiss type and various other deals. Cameron was saying no that's not the case but invoking article 50 meant leaving the free market area.
Brexiters were then accusing government of fear mongering. However, in order to make a news show dissppointing to see BBC twisting Cameron's words out of context imo.
Davies telling us no impact assessment done is also total tosh. Assements were done and Labour was moving on passing a parliamentary motion to have it released. Hence, the change from Davies on nothing was done. Humble pie for Davies. I wonder weather that's when he threatened to quit and changed his mind???
Reason why that assessment (effectively the white paper) could not be released is because of National Interest that impact would be so severe.
Why would UK government change so much on three key areas?
1. Paying £40bn
2. Accepting ECJ adherance - call it what you will. 8 years for now.
3. Full alignment - to help out DUP
A lot of talk about this alignement business. Can someone plz explain to me WTF is the great repeal bill about if not FULL ALIGNMENT with ECJ? Brexiters are an exceptional bunch of BS hitters. They really are.
After all that, IDS claims EU is desparate to conclude a deal with UK - that it clearly makes sense for TM to fly out to EU after a 2 hour sleep making sure EU was happy, fed and Junker the man-baby could have a good nights sleep. I'm sure TM tucked him into bed and gave him a sweet goodnights kiss too.
AND now if Boris, Gove and Leadsom weren't enough we have Gavin Williamson the new upstart vying for PM position.
Hammond the Remainer tells him he needs to understand how defence budget works. Gavin the Brexiter tells Hammond pay your RAF courier and transport bills or stop using our private air-taxi service. More recently a verbal fisticuffs takes place in cabinet.
What does all this tell you about our boy Gavin? All full of him self and vying for the top seat.
Now who thinks Gavin Williamson is PM material other than trumpeting his hard boiled vision of Brexsh1tting hope and glory. :whistling
Anyhow, I can understand remainers being sort of happy with a softer Brexit outlined above. I can also understand the Tory party selling this as a good deal keeping party and TM in power for now.
What I don't understand is how IDS and Brexitters can even attempt to sell this as some form of great achievement is A M A Z I N G!!!