Brexit and the Consequences

I subscribe to swilliamism and found his latest vid thought provoking and interesting. thought of you guys and this thread and had to share.

BREXIT: The New Waterloo Legend

I think I've wasted 19 minutes of my life I'll never ever be able to get back.

Forgive me but there is tons of material out there and no one who can put it together. Not exactly rocket science. We don't know this and we don't that. Some people know Jack and some don't. This guy on the video likes the sound of his own voice.

Anyhow, there I am waiting for the end and his conclusion summary and what does he end with??? Theresa May freeman of the City of London since 1999. AND so what? What is your point? Have I missed something? I'm sure I have. I've missed 19minutes of my life!

Here's a piece of news I've shouted about... Brexit: UK faces £520m bill for moving the European Medicines Agency from London to the EU

Going to effect down South and Surrey big time as that's where quite a few of the pharmaceutical companies are based.

I think it's pretty obvious but then again what do I know.

Brexiters shouting about doing great and fantastic trades with the rest of the world whilst we have the EBA, EMA and Judicial industry inclusive of Corporate and Business lawyers with specialised skills in Mergers and Acquisitions all leaving London, UK and the South.

Mind boggles.

I feel North South divide will either get worse or the North will pull South down with them.

Sorry Lightening but big thumbs down from me re: your friends video. 👎
Brexiters shouting about doing great and fantastic trades with the rest of the world whilst we have the EBA, EMA and Judicial industry inclusive of Corporate and Business lawyers with specialised skills in Mergers and Acquisitions all leaving London, UK and the South.


Good riddance to many of the City slickers who have sold out the best of British companies. They have been lining their own pockets for the last century and our feeble politicians have let them get away with it.

Many of our once great companies are now foreign owned. For instance Jaguar, Landrover, Arm Holdings, Boots, Cadburies, Merchant Banks etc. or just a shadow of their former selves like ICI or even worse still bust like British Leyland, Hoover, Electrolux etc.

The vultures of The City are no loss. An unpatriotic bunch of self serving thieves in my opinion. A cancer at the very heart of British endeavour.
Brexiters shouting about doing great and fantastic trades with the rest of the world whilst we have the EBA, EMA and Judicial industry inclusive of Corporate and Business lawyers with specialised skills in Mergers and Acquisitions all leaving London, UK and the South.


Good riddance to many of the City slickers who have sold out the best of British companies. They have been lining their own pockets for the last century and our feeble politicians have let them get away with it.

Many of our once great companies are now foreign owned. For instance Jaguar, Landrover, Arm Holdings, Boots, Cadburies, Merchant Banks etc. or just a shadow of their former selves like ICI or even worse still bust like British Leyland, Hoover, Electrolux etc.

The vultures of The City are no loss. An unpatriotic bunch of self serving thieves in my opinion. A cancer at the very heart of British endeavour.

Pat you probably know I agree with your point here but you are at risk of mixing up Brexit with everything that's wrong with the UK and under the sun.

What makes you think those same greedy blood sucking parasitical toss pots will be put off by going to investment and legal companies abroad to do just the same things as they did in London?

Moreover, much of what you say lies under the belief of the neo-con liberal free marketeers who are trumpeting Brexit.

Along with the few fat cats at the top you are sacrificing the jobs of 000s of many other British workers.

Very short sighted and heat of the moment reflection from what I can see.

Deep breaths and reflection over few pints would be my prescription for you old chum. :cheers:
all leaving London, UK and the South.

Project fear =

1 million jobs

100k jobs

75k jobs

9k jobs

4k Jobs already gone

Reality starts to settle in =

HSBC The UK-based lender's finance director Iain Mackay said the total "may be less than 1,000 employees"

Head of*Swiss bank UBS said*its "worst case scenario" of having to shift 1,000 jobs out of London was looking unlikely.UBS could move as few as 250 people*

Goldman is building a new European headquarters in the capital and, Mr Blankfein wrote on Twitter, is still "hoping to fill it up".

Citi said in July that it would only add only 150 jobs in its Frankfurt

As with the markets we trade where exuberance and irrational prevails, so has been the monumental miscalculation of the impact. The UK is an incredible place with a history of ingenuity. We will not only overcome this but will innovation further and take our economy into new avenues. Brexit will be the kick up the pooper needed to spark the drive we have lost over the years through laziness and compromise.
All major EU cities competing for UK industry and jobs. Begs the question why should they want the UK to stay? Give the UK worst deal going imo.

France and Netherlands already scored or more like Brexiters have scored own goals.

EMA and EBA gone. For centuries Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Paris have competed for what our City has claimed to be the greatest at and we are literally giving it away.


A bit like that Alien advert when it first came out where they said no one can hear you scream in space.

Some people do not know their economic history or understand their own achievements and the reasons behind them.

I heard Nigel Farage on LBC and a German came on saying they were moving jobs and some had already gone, he replied, no body said it was going to be easy yes you are right and just cut the guy short. Knew he was losing the argument.

Then other numpties come on board who can't string two logical sentences together and he gives it large keeping them on air far longer. Just another fecking politician. Snake oil salesman.

Wise up guys. Going to get much worse. Not too late to turn back.

BOE's Ramsden Says Brexit Has Put U.K. Into an Unusual Slowdown especially in light of EU and rest of global trade rising.

May Ready to Double Brexit Cash Offer After Meeting, ITV Says
I've just come back from a meeting with the PM. You would have been shocked to see what I saw.


  • Brexit papers.JPG
    Brexit papers.JPG
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Wise up guys. Going to get much worse. Not too late to turn back.

You’re right, ohh dear what have I done, I’m having second thoughts now, is there any way I can repent and withdraw my vote and Stop this madness from happening O great remaining one ??
You’re right, ohh dear what have I done, I’m having second thoughts now, is there any way I can repent and withdraw my vote and Stop this madness from happening O great remaining one ??

Start another remoaner type blocking subvertive petition Mike. Ya never know, the Govt might give a different response.

You’re right, ohh dear what have I done, I’m having second thoughts now, is there any way I can repent and withdraw my vote and Stop this madness from happening O great remaining one ??

Like watching a car crash in slow motion.

Just can't believe some even think EMA and EBA leaving London is a good thing. Very sad day.

Absolutely crazy, bloody minded madness.

I've gotta laff otherwise I'll cry. 😢😢😢

The laughter isn't one of happiness but sort of twisted psychotic terrifying pain. 😈😈😈
What sort of a Union forces it’s members to remain in it, then punishes and holds them to ransome when they leave ? Then to add insult to injury is all concocted by unelected Eurocrats... China,India,South Korea are way ahead of us in many aspects without the help from the EU, We will do just fine without them...... onwards
And to top it off

EU investment bank won't give Britain back its 3.1 billion (16%) in full until 2054. So they demanding money now yet want pay us back until most of the existing members or parliament are dead or in care homes.
Apparently the NEW EU army is going to be formed soon. That will mean our dear neighbours' soldiers will be on our streets if we stay in the EU. Closely followed by the Gestapo - oops what a giveaway, I think I should mean police and security services.
When the useless EU politicians are cleared out of the way the iron fist will emerge.
Not a shot being fired and no D-Day to pull their t*sticles out of the fire. You would have thought the WW2 occupation might have been a forewarning.

Yep we will lose a few bob here and there but at least we will be gone before they drop the trap door on the silly s0ds remaining. Their unreasonable attitudes justify alarm. Junkers(88) and co. are not playing games.
The “ Boston Shuffle “ pat....when you’re looking to the left there moving in on you from the right, Takeover by stealth.
The “ Boston Shuffle “ pat....when you’re looking to the left there moving in on you from the right, Takeover by stealth.

There you go Mr Boston Shuffle, stick this in your pipes and put your slippers on...

It's going to be a long wait before we see the good times again.

U.K. Bows to Worsening Economy, More Borrowing as Brexit Nears

Increasing debt, falling wages, rising prices.

Government initiatives so full of sh1te and waste of tax payers money if you all knew what was really going on you'd have screaming tears in your eyes.

Government won't say and will keep info behind closed doors.

Take back control and give it to Parliament so they say. Gotta be kidding me. 👎👎👎
I’m prepared for a bit of doom and gloom until things pick up and we become a super nation one again...I’ve said all along that it’s my children and grandchildren’s future I’m thinking about not the price of a Audi A4 the day after we leave...

Btw, can you give us a hand out with the spreadsheet on the s&p comp, postie gone awol.
I’m prepared for a bit of doom and gloom until things pick up and we become a super nation one again...I’ve said all along that it’s my children and grandchildren’s future I’m thinking about not the price of a Audi A4 the day after we leave...

Btw, can you give us a hand out with the spreadsheet on the s&p comp, postie gone awol.
Apparently they knew about this and hid it from us. Not sure if this is fake news though.
There you go Mr Boston Shuffle, stick this in your pipes and put your slippers on...

It's going to be a long wait before we see the good times again.

U.K. Bows to Worsening Economy, More Borrowing as Brexit Nears

Increasing debt, falling wages, rising prices.

Government initiatives so full of sh1te and waste of tax payers money if you all knew what was really going on you'd have screaming tears in your eyes.

Government won't say and will keep info behind closed doors.

Take back control and give it to Parliament so they say. Gotta be kidding me. 👎👎👎

There is a worrying trend around the world of politics moving to the extremes, hard right and hard left. A sort of Trumpism topping it off. Next thing you know is a Germany without Merkel and the lurking hard right moving in there too. The centre parties are losing control. Have you noticed how the top lot are trying to quosh The Paradise Papers ? Many of the people that might have a bit of respect are being shown up to be tax avoiders on a massive scale and that is only just the tip of the crime-berg.