Brexit and the Consequences

Funny how these things are always seen from the particular chair you happen to sit in. The negotiations are deadlocked, their intransigence is described as “incredibly unreasonable”, our intransigence is described as “very reasonable”.

Accordingly to the Sunday Times we’re about to offer £60 billion - round 1 to the EU if that’s true.

Yep agree with 60bn and that approximates to my calculations inclusive of a 2 year transition period.

However, problem with that remains what kind of access to the free market we will subsequently have.

Key at the moment is about approach to negotiations. UK thinks it will leave in 2019 and not pay a penny more which is totally unreasonable. Cloud cuckoo land.

50-60bn indicates fair value to both side with something they can work with. Having said that - that is not much different to our current obligations now.

I honestly can not imagine what the fuss is about. It is one of UK politicians making wanting some super deal which is pie in the sky. :whistling
Funny how these things are always seen from the particular chair you happen to sit in. The negotiations are deadlocked, their intransigence is described as “incredibly unreasonable”, our intransigence is described as “very reasonable”.

Accordingly to the Sunday Times we’re about to offer £60 billion - round 1 to the EU if that’s true.

60 billion!, your'e having a steffi graf.
There is something, there, that I have not grasped. I am old enough to remember Steffi. What has she got to do with it?

You've been in the sun so long, have you have forgotten yer rhyming slang ?
Last edited: 16 Nov 2017

Doesn't seem to have deterred the workers!

EU workers.JPG
OMG is this thread still going 😆


You ain't seen nuthin yet! In the "Remain" corner we have Atilla – a street fighter who if provoked, is tempted to come out before the bell. Over in the "Leave" corner there is Counter_Violent who despite his name always fights, but under the Queensberry rules. There have been numerous bouts so far – this is not looking like a short contest and both of them have displayed the willpower and determination to go the lengths. These two seasoned, as yet only sparring partners, have each landed blows but that elusive knockout punch is yet to materialise. The tension is gradually increasing with a sometimes noisy and vociferous crowd of onlookers each egging on and supporting their own man. This contest is not a spectacle for the faint-hearted – the eventual outcome is going to be bloody and the Seconds are going to be kept busy with the sponge and bucket.

We are between rounds at the moment but the Ref is just about to come centre ring and the bell is set to go: may the best man win!
Brexit can only be a bad thing. This is because the vote was split into two generations, unfortunately the older generations who voted to leave are dying out. So as the demographics change and more of the younger voters swing the political power, we will be re-joining the EU.
But unfortunately when that happens we will be forced to join under less favourable terms and conditions than we currently enjoy. We currently have quite a good deal.

In the future this deal will not be quite so good and the chances are we will also be forced to join the euro. I see this as a fairly inevitable outcome.

The brexiteers who voted to leave due to sovereignty issues, can never seem to name an EU enforced law they don't like.

The brexiteers that voted to leave due to immigration failed to realise that our governments require immigration for growth under the current economic model.

The racists that voted to leave have not grasped that because we need immigration our immigrants will now be coming from the more diverse cultures from our commonwealth, mainly from Africa and Asian countries.

The brexiteers who voted to leave in order to force the EU into a shake up and to change. It's not going to happen, we will be returning under their terms and conditions and they will be stronger not weaker.
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Brexit can only be a bad thing. . .
Hi Jason,
Reading your post tells me that you've not been following the thread or, if you have, only intermittently, dipping in and out here and there. Either way, the result is that you've missed the dozens upon dozens - if not hundreds - of posts that address all the points you raise and many more besides. However, fear not, as that probably doesn't matter as there is one thing that both sides in this debate can agree upon. Perhaps the only thing, and that is that the other appears to be utterly immune to sound logic and reason!
Hi Jason,
Reading your post tells me that you've not been following the thread or, if you have, only intermittently, dipping in and out here and there. Either way, the result is that you've missed the dozens upon dozens - if not hundreds - of posts that address all the points you raise and many more besides. However, fear not, as that probably doesn't matter as there is one thing that both sides in this debate can agree upon. Perhaps the only thing, and that is that the other appears to be utterly immune to sound logic and reason!

All true, and lol
Edit: your ambiguity was not lost on me.
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You ain't seen nuthin yet! In the "Remain" corner we have Atilla – a street fighter who if provoked, is tempted to come out before the bell. Over in the "Leave" corner there is Counter_Violent who despite his name always fights, but under the Queensberry rules. There have been numerous bouts so far – this is not looking like a short contest and both of them have displayed the willpower and determination to go the lengths. These two seasoned, as yet only sparring partners, have each landed blows but that elusive knockout punch is yet to materialise. The tension is gradually increasing with a sometimes noisy and vociferous crowd of onlookers each egging on and supporting their own man. This contest is not a spectacle for the faint-hearted – the eventual outcome is going to be bloody and the Seconds are going to be kept busy with the sponge and bucket.

We are between rounds at the moment but the Ref is just about to come centre ring and the bell is set to go: may the best man win!

Get that towel ready to throw in Mini, he’s going down...The master of disaster 😂