Brexit and the Consequences

It was during this era that the boss of one of the 2 rail unions (ASLEF or NUR – can't remember which) would travel up to Waterloo station first-class and then be met by his chauffeur-driven car to take him to the union HQ for the day's work. They weren't called "Union Barons" for nothing!

Aye, if you get the power you get the cream. Doesn’t matter if you’re left, right or centre 😆
Aye, if you get the power you get the cream. Doesn’t matter if you’re left, right or centre 😆

Disgraceful really. Talk about living off the backs of others !
Wasn't it John Prescott who was caught out playing croquet at his mansion during working hours ?
You guys were not burning coal, in those days and I was long gone.There were gas cuts. I was home, visiting my folks when they had one. I was pleased that the unions were being fought. Someone had to do it, whether MT was popular, or not.

I do, sincerely, hope that you sort this out to most folks' satisfaction, regardless of the chitchat that goes back and forth on here.

I was in and out of European ports all through the late 40's and, until the EU started, with the six, they were just as badly off as the UK. Much worse because we, at least, had not been occupied. You can't imagine what Hamburg and Palermo looked like. The EU changed life for the better for them, just as it has changed it for Spain and UK.

You can call Brussels bureaucrats. Personally, I and most people, don't give a damn. Referendums? We had one on Oct.1. cv, if you lived here, you would have seen what an utter farce it was.

Even though, I admit, it was ruined by the central gpvernment, the Catalan government should have had the grace to say that the figures made it impossible to decide.

Instead, they claimed that 2 million had voted and that 90% had wanted independence. The population is 7.5 million, BTW. No way, can Rajoy allow Independence to happen, it would not be fair to the rest. That is what happens when an unscrupulous minority want power.

Elections, with party policies very clear, are what has to happen here. You need the same in the UK.

Rant over.
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Long ago - When Split and I were lads 🙂

You guys were not burning coal, in those days and I was long gone.There were gas cuts. I was home, visiting my folks when they had one. I was pleased that the unions were being fought. Someone had to do it, whether MT was popular, or not.

I do, sincerely, hope that you sort this out to most folks' satisfaction, regardless of the chitchat that goes back and forth on here.

I was in and out of European ports all through the late 40's and, until the EU started, with the six, they were just as badly off as the UK. Much worse because we, at least, had not been occupied. You can't imagine what Hamburg and Palermo looked like. The EU changed life for the better for them, just as it has changed it for Spain and UK.

You can call Brussels bureaucrats. Personally, I and most people, don't give a damn. Referendums? We had one on Oct.1. cv, if you lived here, you would have seen what an utter farce it was.

Even though, I admit, it was ruined by the central gpvernment, the Catalan government should have had the grace to say that the figures made it impossible to decide.

Instead, they claimed that 2 million had voted and that 90% had wanted independence. The population is 7.5 million, BTW. No way, can Rajoy allow Independence to happen, it would not be fair to the rest. That is what happens when an unscrupulous minority want power.

Elections, with party policies very clear, are what has to happen here. You need the same in the UK.

Rant over.
Ah - Split. Do you remember the days, long ago, when UK Travel Shops would advertise winter holidays of up to several weeks, for very low prices. Don't suppose those days will return albeit I was hoping Greece might offer similar 😀

The hard-left France Unbowed party has demanded that the blue-and-yellow flag that has hung alongside the French flag in the lower house National Assembly for the past 10 years be taken down and replaced with the UN flag.

Here's a reality check.

People Love their slavery.- as long as they get to insist who their owners are.
The hard-left France Unbowed party has demanded that the blue-and-yellow flag that has hung alongside the French flag in the lower house National Assembly for the past 10 years be taken down and replaced with the UN flag.

Here's a reality check.

People Love their slavery.- as long as they get to insist who their owners are.

Your definition of slavery?
Portillo's view

This is how Michael Portillo thinks Therese May should have answered the recent phone-in question "how would you vote now" (BBC "This Week" 12 Oct)

"I voted Remain a year and half a go, but since then I’ve heard President Macron and Mr Juncker talking about having a single budget, a single finance minister, a single European army. I now realise the European Union has embarked on a centralising and undemocratic course, which I had not appreciated a year ago, so emphatically I believe we are right to leave."

Sums it up nicely I think.
This is how Michael Portillo thinks Therese May should have answered the recent phone-in question "how would you vote now" (BBC "This Week" 12 Oct)

"I voted Remain a year and half a go, but since then I’ve heard President Macron and Mr Juncker talking about having a single budget, a single finance minister, a single European army. I now realise the European Union has embarked on a centralising and undemocratic course, which I had not appreciated a year ago, so emphatically I believe we are right to leave."

Sums it up nicely I think.

Where the hell has this guy been?! They've clearly stated what they want for years.

And to answer your question above. If You are forced to live under a system you don't want, run by a bunch of people who hate democracy, and be forced to pay for it- that pretty much describes modern day slavery for me.
This is how Michael Portillo thinks Therese May should have answered the recent phone-in question "how would you vote now" (BBC "This Week" 12 Oct)

"I voted Remain a year and half a go, but since then I’ve heard President Macron and Mr Juncker talking about having a single budget, a single finance minister, a single European army. I now realise the European Union has embarked on a centralising and undemocratic course, which I had not appreciated a year ago, so emphatically I believe we are right to leave."

Sums it up nicely I think.

He's a sly one. No national politician could claim to have ever been unaware of the EU's objectives: if they did, they could readily be exposed as a liar / incompetent. Maybe that's the trap he wanted to lay for her.
Where the hell has this guy been?! They've clearly stated what they want for years.
He's also been saying that for years: he was just articulating what May should have said but was reluctant to say herself!

And to answer your question above. If You are forced to live under a system you don't want, run by a bunch of people who hate democracy, and be forced to pay for it- that pretty much describes modern day slavery for me.
That sounds like a pretty reasonable description of the EU to me!

He's a sly one. No national politician could claim to have ever been unaware of the EU's objectives: if they did, they could readily be exposed as a liar or incompetent.

Stating the obvious! People are desperate for a mainstream politician not to have attended 'the art of telling lies to the public' class.
Stating the obvious! People are desperate for a mainstream politician not to have attended 'the art of telling lies to the public' class.

I think that we may have one with Barcelona's Mayoress, Ana Colau. They are hard to come by, without doubt. Her problem is that she can't stop talking! You can see the interviewer slowly going boss-eyed, but she cuts people off with an attractive smile and a "Just a minute, I've almost finished".
Stating the obvious! People are desperate for a mainstream politician not to have attended 'the art of telling lies to the public' class.

A lot of people don't like the truth and when they hear it from a politician they can't handle it – and that's why so few politicians can do straight talking. I've always believed that we get the politicians that we deserve. And isn't it just the same in trading? – the truth (price) is always there staring us in the face but we have a lot of problem dealing with it.
A lot of people don't like the truth and when they hear it from a politician they can't handle it – and that's why so few politicians can do straight talking. I've always believed that we get the politicians that we deserve. And isn't it just the same in trading? – the truth (price) is always there staring us in the face but we have a lot of problem dealing with it.

I think people do want to hear the truth, however unpalatable. A major problem is the media not allowing politicians to speak the truth, politicians are too frightened of speaking the truth for fear that they will be labelled by main stream media.

When you have a left wing MSM controlling the news then lots of news goes unreported or the words and descriptions are changed to fit their narrative. Look how far left the Tories have shifted to fit the MSM narratives.

Just look at what's been happening to free speech in this country over the last 20 years.

Just look at what's happened in the US in the last couple of years, at least they have the 1st amendment, whereas in the U.K. our politicians can change the goalposts at will to suit themselves and stop the public from getting to the truth by shutting down debate.

And then there is the prime example of Brexit of course ..... [emoji849]
I think people do want to hear the truth, however unpalatable. A major problem is the media not allowing politicians to speak the truth, politicians are too frightened of speaking the truth for fear that they will be labelled by main stream media.

When you have a left wing MSM controlling the news then lots of news goes unreported or the words and descriptions are changed to fit their narrative. Look how far left the Tories have shifted to fit the MSM narratives.

The right-wing paranoia gets to be tiresome. If conservative media were in charge, the situation would be no better and would most likely be worse, given the fondness of the right-wing for conspiracy theories.

Choose your right-wing outlets and imagine what life would be like if they were all there was.
The right-wing paranoia gets to be tiresome. If conservative media were in charge, the situation would be no better and would most likely be worse, given the fondness of the right-wing for conspiracy theories.

Choose your right-wing outlets and imagine what life would be like if they were all there was.

Agree, the narrative pushed from the extremes on either end of the scale is toxic, the middle-ground 'truth' is out there somewhere.

But when the Conservative govt shifts to the centre-left and adopts a lot of what 'New Labour' was (the previous Labour Government in the UK, not the neo-Marxists that are currently in opposition), supported by MSM, then the balance is lost.

And then when the 'New Labour' Conservative govt builds upon the Political Correctness narrative that was introduced in the late 90s by New Labour then free speech is further eroded to the point where it becomes difficult to express a view for fear of being punished for it, or at the very least 'labelled'.

Just as Brexiteers were/still are, labelled.
Agree, the narrative pushed from the extremes on either end of the scale is toxic, the middle-ground 'truth' is out there somewhere.

But when the Conservative govt shifts to the centre-left and adopts a lot of what 'New Labour' was (the previous Labour Government in the UK, not the neo-Marxists that are currently in opposition), supported by MSM, then the balance is lost.

And when labor shifts to the center-right and adopts right-wing views in order to achieve and retain office, the balance is also lost.

The left wing is not the source of your problems.
And when labor shifts to the center-right and adopts right-wing views in order to achieve and retain office, the balance is also lost.

The left wing is not the source of your problems.

Without a 1st amendment, the govt is the problem.