Brexit and the Consequences

Thought it would get your ears pricked up.

I think it was the worst article I have ever read.

Had to share.😆

This is for you and CV....

Wash it down with plenty of booze to deaden the senses.
Maybe. Unless a country is big or part of something big, they will be nobody and will get pushed around. Unless of course UK is planning to become a part of the US. Otherwise the future is pretty terrifying.

Part of a big mess like Europe.

No thanks Joe. When the dominoes start to fall, we need to be well clear.
The UK can be right there to pick up the pieces after they fall.

The EU becomes the BU (British Union) ??? 😆
The EU becomes the EU (English Union) better. or the the American Penal Colony.
From Madam Secretary

(Speaking about her boyfriend to her mother)
… I mean, like snobby, and he cared what school everybody went to. He was, like, turning away from me if I made the wrong joke. I don’t want you to think he’s a bad person. He’s just … British.

The UK can be right there to pick up the pieces after they fall.

That would be wishful thinking.

If they don't fall, EU will emerge as a power on par with China and US. As we speak, EU is already able to tell US to take a hike with their policies towards Russia. Their power will only grow as their economics become more robust while doing business with China and Russia, both of whom are interested in propping up the EU.

In the future world of great powers, UK will become like the city states of Singapore and Qatar of today, able to only make some fanciful noises but have no real consequences on the world.
That would be wishful thinking.

If they don't fall, EU will emerge as a power on par with China and US. As we speak, EU is already able to tell US to take a hike with their policies towards Russia. Their power will only grow as their economics become more robust while doing business with China and Russia, both of whom are interested in propping up the EU.

In the future world of great powers, UK will become like the city states of Singapore and Qatar of today, able to only make some fanciful noises but have no real consequences on the world.

I can tell by your posting language that you are not Anglo-Saxxon i.e. English by descent. :smart:
Anglo-Saxon: a Germanic inhabitant of England between the 5th century and the Norman Conquest.

People are forgetting their roots. When they abandon their roots, they become nobody.
Should I be ? With the country heading down the pan, do I want to be ? As with trading, I have no interest in loosers.

1. The EU is not a country.
2. The EU is like the Western Soviet Union, it even shares the word "Union", as such it will fail just like the USSR. That hodge podge of cultures all vying for a voice will fail.

Frexit, Auxit around the bend. German is only staying because they are making a killing with all these countries locked inside the EU.

Vereinigte sowjetische Staaten von Europa
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1. The EU is not a country.
2. The EU is like the Western Soviet Union, it even shares the word "Union", as such it will fail just like the USSR. That hodge podge of cultures all vying for a voice will fail.

Frexit, Auxit around the bend. German is only staying because they are making a killing with all these countries locked inside the EU.

Why does EU need to be a country ? Like all large entities, they are multi-ethnicity. Even with a tiny country like UK, some of you are just a bunch of Krauts. Sorry if this is insulting. I intend it as irony and lulz. I fully accept being banned as justified.

USSR failed due to their naive and inexperienced leader being taken for a ride. They deserved a lesson for their stupidity.

You should put some money on your predictions. If you have the talent, you might as well get rich from it.
Die Idee der Europäischen Union wurzelt nicht – wie oft behauptet – in Winston Churchills berühmter Rede von 1946. Denn nicht die Angst vor der Sowjetunion war das ursprüngliche Motiv für den Zusammenschluss Europas, sondern der Widerstand gegen den Faschismus. Daran sollten sich jene erinnern, die nach dem Austritt Großbritanniens den Zerfall der EU herbeireden.

The idea of ​​the European Union is not rooted, as is often claimed, in Winston Churchill's famous speech of 1946. For the fear of the Soviet Union was not the original motive for the unification of Europe but the resistance to fascism. This should be remembered by those who, after the departure of Great Britain, brought about the disintegration of the EU.

Ironic that in the resistance to fascism, the EU has become the very thing it tried to avoid--being fascist.
Lange Zeit schien das ein überzeugender Gedanke zu sein. Doch die Sowjetunion ist vor 25 Jahren untergegangen, und so kam der europäischen Idee Churchillscher Prägung das zentrale politische Motiv abhanden. Seither verkommt die EU zum reinen Wachstums-Modell, bürokratisch aufgebläht und lustlos verwaltet von einer politischen Kaste, die zunehmend ein Eigenleben führt. So empfinden es viele Kritiker.

For a long time this seemed a convincing thought. But the Soviet Union was destroyed 25 years ago, and so the European idea of ​​Churchillianism has lost its central political motive. Since then the EU has degenerated into a purely growth model, bureaucratically bloated and listlessly managed by a political caste, which increasingly leads a life of its own. So many critics feel it.
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Why does EU need to be a country ? Like all large entities, they are multi-ethnicity. Even with a tiny country like UK, some of you are just a bunch of Krauts. Sorry if this is insulting. I intend it as irony and lulz. I fully accept being banned as justified.

USSR failed due to their naive and inexperienced leader being taken for a ride. They deserved a lesson for their stupidity.

You should put some money on your predictions. If you have the talent, you might as well get rich from it.

No, the USSR failed for the same reasons the EU will, its intransigent, fear-mongering, statist policies. So, make your Kumbaya hug circle about "melting pots" and prepare for the fall of the Western Soviet Union.
Why does EU need to be a country ? Like all large entities, they are multi-ethnicity. Even with a tiny country like UK, some of you are just a bunch of Krauts. Sorry if this is insulting. I intend it as irony and lulz. I fully accept being banned as justified.

USSR failed due to their naive and inexperienced leader being taken for a ride. They deserved a lesson for their stupidity.

You should put some money on your predictions. If you have the talent, you might as well get rich from it.

I have already done just that. I even wrote about here. I have been trading put FOPs on the GBP/USD. Jun 19 '19 put $1.30000 @ 0.04748 multiplier 100,000.
I have already done just that. I even wrote about here. I have been trading put FOPs on the GBP/USD. Jun 19 '19 put $1.30000 @ 0.04748 multiplier 100,000.

I am not familiar with FOPS. But wiki says: The word "fop" is first recorded in 1440, and for several centuries just meant a fool of any kind. Are you playing with a fool's gold ?

So you are positive on brexit but short the £. If you are that positive on the future of post-brexit UK, shouldn't you be long the £ ?