Unbiased? As far as I can see, this article is telling the facts of the holidays that both the EU and the UK governments have. It will be into October before talks can start,. If they start, then.
I wonder if the British public knew what they were getting into when they had the referendum and who was getting them into it?
cognitive dissonance
According to cognitive dissonance, there is a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions (i.e., beliefs, opinions). When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors.
While fringe members were more inclined to recognize that they had made fools of themselves and to "put it down to experience", committed members were more likely to re-interpret the evidence to show that they were right all along (the earth was not destroyed because of the faithfulness of the cult members).
My gut feeling
Without going to deeply into facts and figures. My gut feeling is brexit is akin to a company who after spending years building up a customer base, just to tear it up and risks cold calling new clients.
Another gut feeling I have is of a non member of a club wanting to be treated the same as the members of a club. Every club I have ever been to have charged me more than the club members and have not given me as many benefits as the club members.
I do think it is a shame that it looks as though a lot of joint collaboration research projects (especially medical) will be coming to an end, I feel as though the UK had a lot to offer and gain.
On a personal note
Last year around the Christmas table (after a lot of brexit talk in the media) it crossed my mind that two people may not have been at the Christmas table that year if it weren't for EU workers.
That year my mum had been diagnosed with cancer, she had been sent away (with back ache pills) from her English Doctor many times over two months.
Then when her usual Doctor was off she saw a stand in (from Portugal) who immediately sent her to A&E for cancer tests which proved positive and she stayed in hospital for emergency treatment. When she came home she was under going debilitating chemo, my brother's Croatian girlfriend (who had just arrived from Croatia to finish off her degree) Spent eight hours a day for weeks (while waiting for her studies to begin) just looking after my mum, who she did not know to well.
(My brother's Croatian girlfriend is now working in a fantastic role helping people in the community (UK) in a political role)
The same year (my young and fit) wife was taken to A&E with a surprise life threatening heart condition (that night she flat-lined twice). She got blue lighted to three hospitals (going up in heart specialty each time), seeing English consultants and each one did not feel confident enough to operate on her.
Eventually she was sent to The Royal Brompton where a German Doctor who was one of the top pioneers of research in this field, did the operation.
She was in the hospital for two weeks and I can say without a shadow of doubt the two hardest working and most compassionate nurses were both from the EU, an Irish (southern) nurse and a nurse from Portugal.
I really can not be sure that my wife and mum would have been sitting around the Christmas table if it were not for these EU workers. So when I hear people talking about "low skilled immigrants, bla, bla, or people thinking EU immigrants are in-capable of even getting a mortgage. It really gets my goat up.
PS. My wife works in the NHS and her department is only sustained due to many (many more than in the waiting room) hard working and conscientious specialist therapists from the EU.
I really believe the NHS would fall apart without them.