Yes, I'm very much with Jon on this point.
Young people who leave Uni' and start their working lives tens of thousands of pounds in debt can adopt one of two attitudes towards it:
1. They can take it seriously and endeavor to pay it off asap.
2. They can view it as being normal and adopt a thoroughly laissez-faire attititude towards it. In part, this approach may account for the sharp increases in debt in recent years:
UK household debt now a record £13,000, says TUC.
With the sole exception of a mortgage, I was brought up with the philosophy of living within my means and only buying what I can afford. That message is no longer getting through to young people. If anything, they are being told the exact opposite, i.e. debt is good - pile it on - more the better.
It seems that not only have the lessons from the 2007/8 crash not been learned - they are being completely ignored. It's an absolute no-brainer to conclude that all this will not end well.