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I'm simply telling it like it is.
I don't think we will even get past stage One, the Brexit bill, before crying foul and stating that the EU are living in cuckoo land. At this point, and if the govt makes a good case, then the Tories troubles could be over. Either whip up the public into a frenzy, call another election, then tough it out.
Or sit and wait and do absolutely nothing for 15 months, pay no exit bill, then do any future business on WTO rules.
Either way, I think we are holding all the aces 👍
Are you genuinely impressed with the facts and accept them as they are or just that he has gone to the trouble of listing his pov as opposed to resorting to soundbites?
Adopting the American right-wing definition of "fact" is a dangerous course.
What you have done is spoken much tosh with one or two statistical facts.
They are more a representation of your failing faculties, lack of comprehension and extreme bias but that's just my opinion. 👍
I say there old chap! Any more of these jibes and there'll be fisticuffs🙂
...and I must say that from where I stand CV is handling his dotage very well and the Tosh to Facts ( UK definition) ratio is not holding up too badly either. Contrast CV's pronouncements with the disingenuous and overall cynically mendacious politicians (yes, all of them - without exception) and their own litany of lies before, during and now after this last farce and I'd say he comes up smelling of roses.
Just my 1.77 € Cents worth.
Toodle pip🙂
If other politicians counter all that Tosh with more Tosh of their own then many peeps get stuck in the middle of much stinky pooh.
This is what journalists are supposed to be for. Do you have any left in the UK?
This is what journalists are supposed to be for. Do you have any left in the UK?
Doesn't change the fact that his version of facts still a load of Tosh.
Through a glass darkly or through rose-tinted spectacles it's all a matter of interpretation. One man's truths are another man's lies.
If other politicians counter all that Tosh with more Tosh of their own then many peeps get stuck in the middle of much stinky pooh.
Look on the bright side: amidst all the doom, gloom and enduring poverty at least we are Tosh rich!
Well I'm glad you can see him coming out of this smelling of roses. Suggest you get closer to his rear enjoy all that delightful fragrance
With much regret I have to admit to being somewhat strait-laced and I fear we don't share the same proclivities so I'll leave CV's rear (& anyone else's for that matter) for your exclusive enjoyment .
Thanks for this question, Turns out far more interesting than I had thought previously.
TV journalists here are heavily regulated and required not to show particular political affiliation. So day to day they are largely just moderators for political press releases. That said, the BBC recruits and favours left-leaning senior staff, and this applies to their journalists as much as other significant grades.
UK newspapers and their journalists are free to support a political party. The majority of titles support the Conservatives. These are also bought in much higher numbers than those supporting Labour. But much is being made of the strong suspicion that Labour successfully mobilised the youth vote in the recent election, who by and large don't buy newspapers anyway and get their screen news time elsewhere than via the main TV channels.
Through a glass darkly or through rose-tinted spectacles it's all a matter of interpretation. One man's truths are another man's lies. You being diplomatic here and giving space for the other fellow to exit courteously perhaps but it throws the matter of 'fact' out to the wolves.
Look on the bright side: amidst all the doom, gloom and enduring poverty at least we are Tosh rich!
With much regret I have to admit to being somewhat strait-laced and I fear we don't share the same proclivities so I'll leave CV's rear (& anyone else's for that matter) for your exclusive enjoyment . 👍
....and for CV: I'm not at all sure that it's aces that we're holding. When the clock strikes midnight it might turn out to be something slightly more malodorous. Still, the people have spoke and having buttered their bread they now get to lie on it.
Listening to a German rep on TV, he asks even before negotiations have started TM is talking about walking away which is something he fails to understand. So I'm not alone.
I should have been clearer about what I meant by "journalist". Readers are of course just readers. But a true journalist is more interested in fact than spin. So while he may have political leanings of one sort or another, he's more interested in the truth of the matter.
Needless to say, genuine journalists are few and far between.
I find the left-wing rags as tiresome as the right, but the left does have a sense of humor which the right generally lacks.
Atilla, you have the attention span of a gnat.
Btw, you are no Alistair Campbell when it comes to spinning. He got away with it for years. Unfortunately, I will afford you no such luxury. 👍
Post 2888 deals with the SNP and the indy ref2 question.
You are right Db as after exasperation with our predicament there is only throwing ones hands in the air and laughing at ones self left to do. Humbling humour.
I think this kind of jolly response when the chips are down is what goes to making the British character so great and literally strong. Unbreakable. To laugh at the face of adversity and soldier on. Not many nations or characters have this ability.
I also think and feel it is what binds us together that we can all laugh along and at each other. 😛
It's been pointed out that there are no Islamic stand-up comics.
So what are we to think of your post re: presenting SNP going backwards being down to frustrating Brexit then?
Deliberate labelling a falsity as fact or you forgot you know that already but would make some capital out of it.
You ain't no fox CV. You may have gone silvery but not exactly the silver fox :cheesy: