Hi Jason,
My post was in response to a comment that Mike made and was in no way an attack on you. Be that as it may, I duly note that you take umbrage at the label 'remoaners' and, after some reflection, have this suggestion for you to consider. You decide on an appropriate collective noun that does not offend you that describes the many remain voters who continually voice their dissatisfaction at the result of the referendum and, in particular, their unhappiness with those who voted to leave. I will then do all I can to encourage Brexiteers to drop 'the r word' and use the new word of your choosing. In return, I ask one small thing. Please will you ask all the _______________ (insert new word here) to respond in kind by not labeling those of us who voted to leave as a bunch of toxic xenophobic racists, consumed by hate and have peanuts for brains that are incapable of understanding the issues. Obviously, these labels aren't anywhere near as offensive as the r word but, nonetheless, they're not very pleasant. That's a fair deal wouldn't you say?
Now, on to Mrs. Miller. Yes, I think she's an attractive woman. Unfortunately, my compliments about her begin and end there. You asked me if I've ever done anything like she has? In other words, you're asking if I've ever embarked on an epic vanity project because I have the time, money and influence to take the government down a pointless cul-de-sac that serves no purpose other than to waste everyone's time and heaven knows how many thousands of pounds from the public purse. The woman's a disgrace and she should be ashamed of herself. So, in answer to your question - no I've never done anything so self centered and egotistical. Unlike her, I have the mental fortitude to accept that I live in a democracy and to abide by the results it delivers - even when I don't always agree with them.