At last you are grasping it.
This interview might help.
The parties who have tried to frustrate Brexit didn't make any progress at the election. SNP went backwards.
Fact. No it is not! It is just your opinion.
1. Some would say SNP lost votes due to IndyRef
2. LibDem increased their seats by 50%
3. To state parties who have tried to 'frustrate' didn't make any progress is at best a leading suggestion. LibDems pov is to put final deal when it is reached to Parliament / People to vote on. Merely an alternative route and a better one imo.
To state SNP's loss of seats as a clear fact is on the contrary a very biased and exclusive opinion to manipulate the mind of the non-thinker and informed bodies - but once again that's just my opinion.
Pro remain party Lib Dems made very little headway overall.
Fact. This is not true. Gross Lie
LibDems increased seats by 50%
Nick Clegg lost his seat to a pro Brexit Labour party.
Fact. Sad but true.
Lib Dems, on 12 seats, picked up 3 of those seats in Scotland at the expense of the SNP.
Fact. True but he should point out Tories also won 12 seats in Scotland and if not for Ruth Davidson, it would be Labour forming a coalition party right now.
Lib Dems gained 1 seat in England and Wales, but made no real progress.
Fact. True but fails to point out LAB won +3 seats and Tories lost -3. Begs the question, if gaining +1 seat is no real progress what is losing -3 seats?
Lib Dem vote share went down.
Fact. Not true. Can't have proportional representation in one hand and argue on the other to suit one self.
They increased no of seats from 8 to 12. Perhaps you'd like to vote for proportional representation which was LibDem policy for a long time but one which both Labour and Tories opposed.
Conservatives got 43% of the electoral vote. They moved forwards.
Fact. Tosh. I think you must be the only person in England who thinks Tories moved forward.
Conservatives went from a majority of +17 to a deficit of -8. Move forward is incorrect use of the Queen's English or you're comprehension needs a tune up 🙂
Labour only managed to make headway because they tried to bribe the youth vote with free university education and for those already qualified, writing off student debt.
Fact.More Tosh. In polls, most people including elderly were for removing tuition fees.
Burdening young people with £50K debt and giving corporation tax cuts to some very large global companies along with reducing inheritance tax, along with diverting 500m to Grammar schools (now scrapped) is a policy choice. Moreover, elderly people in their time had free education and maintenance grants.
Labour have lost the last Three general elections.
Fact. Yes this is true.
The facts speak for themselves.
As you were chaps, Brexit means Brexit.
+1 more -
The facts do indeed support my contention.
Fact This one is a tough one to answer but I'll try below..