Brexit and the Consequences

God help Brexit. A leadership of second raters with one arm tied behind their backs, the Brussels brigade must be rubbing their hands with glee.

Don't share this pov. The soundbites that Europe want to give us punishment beatings is ridiculous to say the least. Why?

Makes no difference to negotiation strategy! How?

Does EU want UK in the Union? Yes

Problem is that a control freak wanted to negotiate without any representation to or scrutiny by parliament.

This ELECTION WAS CALLED BECAUSE She wanted a mandate to negotiate on our behalf Brexit means Brexit and that she would walk away if there was a bad deal and that she is the only person who is able to negotiate the best deal - no one else. That the Brexit would be Red Blue and White.

So matey's you can read what ever you want into the votes. Public have given their say on Brexit means Brexit 😉
Shame that the British people found so much else to fool them.

1. They weren't fooled before and they were this time round - like now?

2. The were fooled once before but they've learnt now?

3. They are fools and they'll never learn?

What are you exactly trying to say don't hold back 😉
The turnout was 68.7%. not too bad. The electorate is easily led but, this time, it smelt rotten eggs! No big landslide, yesterday, so the country is, now, deeply divided and with no decent leadership.

Country was divided before. Agree about no decent leadership.

I'd like to see negotiations take place and be brought to Parliament for debate and scrutiny. There is nothing wrong with our system. Just politicians jerking off the people. 👍
Don't share this pov. The soundbites that Europe want to give us punishment beatings is ridiculous to say the least. Why?

Makes no difference to negotiation strategy! How?

Does EU want UK in the Union? Yes

Problem is that a control freak wanted to negotiate without any representation to or scrutiny by parliament.

This ELECTION WAS CALLED BECAUSE She wanted a mandate to negotiate on our behalf Brexit means Brexit and that she would walk away if there was a bad deal and that she is the only person who is able to negotiate the best deal - no one else. That the Brexit would be Red Blue and White.

So matey's you can read what ever you want into the votes. Public have given their say on Brexit means Brexit 😉

Not punishment, Atilla, but different perceptions of fairness and "negotiation" implies two positions that are apart and need to be brought together and agreed. Maybe the bill for leaving will be the first test.
Not punishment, Atilla, but different perceptions of fairness and "negotiation" implies two positions that are apart and need to be brought together and agreed. Maybe the bill for leaving will be the first test.

That exit bill no one takes seriously though.

It's more bluster to expend time and resource a form of distraction which the UK seems to have bitten off in their inexperience imo.

Who ever eats out and pays a restaurant bill without checking if it's around ball point part of expectation. If we've done our homework we should have some idea right?

EU needs to account for that bill. We need to make them show us what the bill is for and we'll pay our fair due. Hit the ball back into their side and let them expend time and resource to itemise that bill - to show us.

We then dispute their bill and let them worry if they want our custom - if we hold the cards and the advantage is on our side and they are better off with us in the union.

Negotiations are all wrong. I'd put some Indian or Chinese in charge of negotiations and let them show us how. Russians are very good at negotiating too.

Much talk and no bleeding action. Davies hasn't even done any calculations on outcome, costs and no white paper. No freaking plan going forward means they are planning to fail. Departure of Sir Ivan Rogers is a clear sign difficult woman doesn't listen.

Now Tories talking about extending small niche group of advisors. Bunch of small minded nits. 😡
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Not punishment, Atilla, but different perceptions of fairness and "negotiation" implies two positions that are apart and need to be brought together and agreed. Maybe the bill for leaving will be the first test.

That govt petition idea I mentioned a few weeks back regarding the UK's share of EU assets.

That will be going ahead.
Can I just also add that if I'm prepared to walk away from a deal I wouldn't let the other party know because that is my trump card.

I'm always interested in buying but I have to do my due diligence, make sure I have the budget, check the product is right for me, find out a little more and keep the supplier interested in my purchase. All these entails work and effort on their behalf.

Make them work. I get to find out just how much they value and want my business. Often in real business, I've discovered with the likes of HP, IBM and Dell they'll throw in extra stuff to speed up the deal. Improved SLA, dynamic monitoring or better spec for same price and so forth.

Saying I'm cancelling the order if you don't give me at this price leaves no position for manoeuvre.

Why should the EU be any different?

I wouldn't pussy foot or be a PT about it as they'll just go off finding interest else where like India, China and Africa. I'd say I'd really love to but not tonight.

Our lack of understanding our partner and foreplay skills leaves much to be desired.

There are those who just want a quickie divorce with new virtual partners but that's not as good as the real thing imo. Virtual promises are not the same as reality now. :idea:
Don't share this pov. The soundbites that Europe want to give us punishment beatings is ridiculous to say the least. Why?

Makes no difference to negotiation strategy! How?

Does EU want UK in the Union? Yes

Problem is that a control freak wanted to negotiate without any representation to or scrutiny by parliament.

This ELECTION WAS CALLED BECAUSE She wanted a mandate to negotiate on our behalf Brexit means Brexit and that she would walk away if there was a bad deal and that she is the only person who is able to negotiate the best deal - no one else. That the Brexit would be Red Blue and White.

So matey's you can read what ever you want into the votes. Public have given their say on Brexit means Brexit 😉

I think that voters, especially the young ones were heavily distracted from the main concern that is brexit , did not vote against it..

dangling those big jucy carrots ?.... free student fees, claims to pile billions into public services and all the other fairytail policies...
I think that voters, especially the young ones were heavily distracted from the main concern that is brexit , did not vote against it..

dangling those big jucy carrots ?.... free student fees, claims to pile billions into public services and all the other fairytail policies...

This is what we are up against continually under half baked irresponsible unelectable leaders like comrade Corbyn.
Promise the earth, do untold damage, gain the gullible vote and occasionally they get in power and cause complete chaos when let loose on the magic money tree.

Still ! Might as well look on the bright side🙂

Sturgeon has had the slap she fully deserves.
Salmond is out on his ear.
Robertson the same.

Clegg the incompetent the same.
Farron the loon effectively side lined, so he can wind his neck in.

Nuttall gone and silence from ukip.

Farage to the rescue once again. I don't know if he has the energy to do it all over again, but there's no one else to carry the torch.
So we are now in a coalition of chaos,
with a terrorist sympathiser.

Would put some smileys in but it's not funny
Can I just also add that if I'm prepared to walk away from a deal I wouldn't let the other party know because that is my trump card.

Don't you mean you should ALWAYS let the other side know? The inference they will make being that if they don't act reasonably there won't be a deal.
Don't you mean you should ALWAYS let the other side know? The inference they will make being that if they don't act reasonably there won't be a deal.
The other option is to do what the Irish do which is to agree to anything, sign anything, be as charming as you like, drink any amount of Guinness and then completely ignore what they've signed up to. For example, ever wondered what happens to millions of German car tyres that are replaced because their tread is the width of a gnat's c0ck below the minimum? They get shipped over to Ireland where they have a new lease of life and are only replaced when they're as bald as I am!
Let's simplify...

What are we buying from Europe? Our sovereignty!

Which means?

- Parliament gets to decide what the people want and decisions are not made for us by Brussels.

- We do not wish to recognise ECJ or ToR.

- Anything else... what ever that may be.

Now go back to Parliament and explain what those terms mean and if you can get the people and MPs to vote for the consequences than do it.

One will not be able to drive a red bus with £350m weekly worth of lies through Parliament or the HoLs.

Nothing else matters frankly speaking. When that decision is known (effectively LibDems position) put it to the people. 🙂

Right now I suspect Boris and Gove and Leadsom along with many other TORY mps wondering how to go about approaching that difficult woman from behind. 👎
Let's simplify...

What are we buying from Europe? Our sovereignty!

Which means?

- Parliament gets to decide what the people want and decisions are not made for us by Brussels.

- We do not wish to recognise ECJ or ToR.

- Anything else... what ever that may be.

Now go back to Parliament and explain what those terms mean and if you can get the people and MPs to vote for the consequences than do it.

One will not be able to drive a red bus with £350m weekly worth of lies through Parliament or the HoLs.

Nothing else matters frankly speaking. When that decision is known (effectively LibDems position) put it to the people. 🙂

Right now I suspect Boris and Gove and Leadsom along with many other TORY mps wondering how to go about approaching that difficult woman from behind. 👎

What we need now is a property price collapse in London.

That will wake up the dosy remoaners who's only aim was to weaken the negotiating position by voting for fantasy politics of the Corbyn loon.
Don't you mean you should ALWAYS let the other side know? The inference they will make being that if they don't act reasonably there won't be a deal.

If you ALWAYS let the other side know why would one be inferring anything?

Let's say I'm participating in a boot sale:

- Cost of pitch is based on size of stall (GDP)
- The boot sale market place has rules enforced by ECJ and ToR that determines what buyers and sellers in the market can do and where they can pitch in the field. This is the same for all market members
- No sale of external goods on stalls other than what is driven in through bootsale gates
- I have the 2nd biggest van among 28 vans in the market place

I now have a new wish list:
- Not be party to rules of ECJ and ToR ( I'd like my Sovereignty back )
- Not to pay fees based on size of van ( It's not worth 9bn based on my GDP )
- I'd like to bring in goods and services into the boot sale from other sources other than driven in my van ( I want to trade with other boot sales at the same time through my own bilateral trade agreements )

If the other 27 members aren't prepared to meet my new terms, I'm walking away because a bad deal is worse than no deal. What ever that means???

Now try and explain to me what the benefits of UK bargaining position has -> to the remaining 27 members?