Brexit and the Consequences

It's all in the numbers.

326 is a majority
318 is the projection

She already had a majority so didn't need to call an election. That's the issue.

The issue is she didn't have a majority as 50 of her MPs were opposing her NOT the opposition.

You need to get real and stop deceiving your self and the British people. She's a mad control freak. Difficult woman indeed. 🙁
If that exit poll is right in any way....i'll eat my hardhat 😆

eg Sunderland voted for Brexit.....and on this poll Labour increases it's vote share in the same seat.

So many things don't add up with this poll...including the Scottish situation where SNP would lose 22 seats.....never gonna happen is it 😆

How can anyone be soooo wrong 😆😆😆

Nope sorry you are always right. Go back to bed and your slumberland.
The issue is she didn't have a majority as 50 of her MPs were opposing her NOT the opposition.

You need to get real and stop deceiving your self and the British people. She's a mad control freak. Difficult woman indeed. 🙁

Article 50 has been triggered...we are leaving. It is irrevocable. When the penny finally drops I expect you won't be laughing 😆
Ok this is a genuine post and I say these words sincerely with great depth of feeling.

I was relieved when TM took control of the Tory party after the power hungry mad fecking polticians such as; Boris, Gove and Leadsom made their bids for leadership and failed.

However, the more time went on the more I realised she was out of her depth and was not a leader who listened or weighed options.

She just blurted out soundbites which made no sense and she pandered to a small minority of less well educated numpties.

Her policies were also clear to run down social services and reward the haves over hard working normal people such as Nurses, Teachers and as we came to realise Police forces and ancillary support staff.

Then her negotiation approach, the lies about what can be delivered and more importantly what can not. Then rubbishing the opposition as opposed to talking about her offerings. One after the other, she was coming out with utter total rubbish. Anyone who believes her needs to have a reality check imo.

Perhaps the most important of all, was her desire to shut down all debate and scrutiny in Parliament and the HoLs and proceed with some daft Brexit negotiations.

Thank goodness the British people weren't fooled by her stupid soundbites and contempt of Parliament.

I shall now be going to sleep feeling 🙂😍🙂😍🙂😍🙂
Ok this is a genuine post and I say these words sincerely with great depth of feeling.

I was relieved when TM took control of the Tory party after the power hungry mad fecking polticians such as; Boris, Gove and Leadsom made their bids for leadership and failed.

However, the more time went on the more I realised she was out of her depth and was not a leader who listened or weighed options.

She just blurted out soundbites which made no sense and she pandered to a small minority of less well educated numpties.

Her policies were also clear to run down social services and reward the haves over hard working normal people such as Nurses, Teachers and as we came to realise Police forces and ancillary support staff.

Then her negotiation approach, the lies about what can be delivered and more importantly what can not. Then rubbishing the opposition as opposed to talking about her offerings. One after the other, she was coming out with utter total rubbish. Anyone who believes her needs to have a reality check imo.

Perhaps the most important of all, was her desire to shut down all debate and scrutiny in Parliament and the HoLs and proceed with some daft Brexit negotiations.

Thank goodness the British people weren't fooled by her stupid soundbites and contempt of Parliament.

I shall now be going to sleep feeling 🙂😍🙂😍🙂😍🙂

I was happy enough to give her the benefit of the doubt, a remoaner convert. But now we see the consequences of not picking a Brexit PM.

The thing that comes out of all this is that the country is more divided than ever before. You can see it in the way that London is full of bitters who saw this as an opportunity to scupper Brexit by voting Labour, and the North where the Tory share of the split UKIP vote increased was looking for it's fair share of the national wealth and prospects going forward.

As for Corbyn, he has muddied the waters with his money tree politics which the gullible electorate bought into hook line and sinker.
This is what really divided the UK.

Why does anybody vote SNP or Lib Dem? Honestly, it is ridiculous. the SNP will never be in power. Even a coalition leaves them like Oliver Twist saying "Please, sir, more" from the ranking party in the best of cases. Your voice is far better heard voting for Tory, ehem, for the two major parties. No hung parliament, no dilemma, no government delay, no need for coalition, no compromise.
If anything this has strengthened the union by stopping SNP in its tracks and there is most likely to be a coalition with the DUP.

And for Brexit, well who knows what deal will be concocted, but there's trouble ahead alright, there is a definite need for Farage to step up and get a grip - if he's allowed.

My prediction about the £ was correct, they ran it one way before the election and then the opposite way as results came in, soooo predictable [emoji849] but not very dramatic.
The thing that comes out of all this is that the country is more divided than ever before.

Cv, I hate to tell you that this would happen and, I assure you, I take no pleasure in it.

This is why I always protested that a 52%-48% referendum was not a big enough majority.

Before Boris gets mentioned as a possible replacement, let me be on record as saying that he's not, anywhere near, clever enough.
My prediction about the £ was correct, they ran it one way before the election and then the opposite way as results came in, soooo predictable [emoji849] but not very dramatic.

On the contrary, I find the increase in my running balance is truly dramatic:clap: For me, the day's trading is over - as is the week's - and I'd like to offer my thanks to all the venal, corrupt and incompetent politicians (not to mention the cynical and profiteering bankers and MMs) for making this possible.

Whilst the politicos start another round of mutual recrimination and deck-chair rearrangement I shall have a smug weekend spending some of the pips that I don't deserve....I'm sure Madame Cantagril will assist me in this noble endeavour.
I knew I would wake up to this, a good beating from Atilla 😆 I just thought he might have a lie in until at least 10am. Agree with what's been said, brexit negotiations just hit a brick wall, Corbyn played a blinder with his fairytale policies and the average guy in the street sucked it up like gullible hoover, He has no idea what damage he's done. All those who said brexit will be a disaster will get your moment of glory now, it will. Over to you Atilla, today only to throw as many eggs as you can. 😆
All those who said brexit will be a disaster will get your moment of glory now

Alack and alas....firstly, I think it was always going to be a disaster and merely a question of degree. Secondly, that "moment" of which you speak may turn out to be one of the longest in modern times.

Meanwhile, having been back in the UK for a year or so - after decades elsewhere - I'm definitely going to be moving abroad again because poverty is less painful in the sunshine. (" Il me semble que la misère. serait moins pénible au soleil".... "Emmenez-Moi" - Charles Aznavour)
Manifesto mistakes apart, the Tories have underestimated the power of social media, all I see from labour supporters on Facebook ever since Corbin became leader has been a vitriolic campaign against the 'nasty party' a lot of it based on fake news and a lot of it self-perpetuating to support their own beliefs, with opposition voices shut down, unfriended, deleted etc.

I've seen almost zero input from the right to counterbalance this. Social media has had a galvanising effect on the young and some of this would almost certainly have been encouraged by university leaders - traditional socialism at work.

TM is just an old granny leader with old granny attitudes who ended up promising to screw old grannies via the Tory manifesto, so I reckon a lot of old grannies just sat on their hands and didn't vote at all.

And middle income full time worker man has been conned back into voting labour despite the tax rises he would face if they were in power.

A real mix of opinion across the country which can flip flop from week to week.
Manifesto mistakes apart, the Tories have underestimated the power of social media, all I see from labour supporters on Facebook ever since Corbin became leader has been a vitriolic campaign against the 'nasty party' a lot of it based on fake news and a lot of it self-perpetuating to support their own beliefs, with opposition voices shut down, unfriended, deleted etc.

I've seen almost zero input from the right to counterbalance this. Social media has had a galvanising effect on the young and some of this would almost certainly have been encouraged by university leaders - traditional socialism at work.

TM is just an old granny leader with old granny attitudes who ended up promising to screw old grannies via the Tory manifesto, so I reckon a lot of old grannies just sat on their hands and didn't vote at all.

And middle income full time worker man has been conned back into voting labour despite the tax rises he would face if they were in power.

A real mix of opinion across the country which can flip flop from week to week.

The turnout was 68.7%. not too bad. The electorate is easily led but, this time, it smelt rotten eggs! No big landslide, yesterday, so the country is, now, deeply divided and with no decent leadership.
The turnout was 68.7%. not too bad. The electorate is easily led but, this time, it smelt rotten eggs! No big landslide, yesterday, so the country is, now, deeply divided and with no decent leadership.

That said, Analysis by the BBC earlier stated, TM got 44% of the vote, Maggie won on 44% first time around and her landslide victory was only 45%. Taking into consideration there was less parties back then...