Brexit and the Consequences

"Sweden is not a country that is falling apart. You can still land in Stockholm’s gorgeous Arlanda airport, skate on the frozen lakes in special lanes polished by the local authorities, cook sausages on the communal barbecues. The Scandinavian paradise is still there, welcoming and inspiring. The government has, after great upheaval, managed to cut the refugee influx by four fifths. But its failure to integrate those already there has led to another Sweden, a country within a country characterised by gang violence and joblessness.

It’s easier to ignore this in Stockholm than it is in Malmö, a smaller city which has long been the first port of call for immigrants who arrive over the bridge from Denmark. On the day I arrived in Sweden, a 23-year-old was murdered in the city square there, shot in the head in front of several witnesses. It was the third such murder in six weeks. The local press tends not to report the ethnicity of the victim or suspects in such attacks, but Swedes have learnt to recognise immigrant-related gang crime when the see it. Foreigners who visit the wrong part of Sweden can pay a heavy price: last summer a British boy was killed in a grenade attack in Gothenburg as he slept with his family."

This is a different criminality that is tougher and rawer. It is not what we would call ordinary Swedish crime. This is a different animal.'

In his Facebook post Springare wrote: 'I'm so f***ing tired. What I will write here below, is not politically correct. But I don't care. What I'm going to promote you all taxpayers is prohibited to peddle for us state employees.'

He wrote: 'Here we go; this I've handled Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, off of, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, Rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment.

'Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher... what is it true. Yes a Swedish name snuck on the outskirts of a drug crime, Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again.'

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Oh no ! Not again ! Another End of Times Apocalypse in the Middle East !
Just because he's had so much practice.

He'll do another Red Sea job: Standing before the Straits of Dover with outstretched arms, he will command the waters to part and thereafter UK will be forever joined on to mainland Europe. His disciples - Nick Clegg, Michael Heseltine, Gina Miller, Ken Clarke, Tim Farron – to mention but a few, will stand in awe and kneel down before the Master.

I remember that Tony once said "I'm just an ordinary sort of guy". 😆
He'll do another Red Sea job: Standing before the Straits of Dover with outstretched arms, he will command the waters to part and thereafter UK will be forever joined on to mainland Europe. His disciples - Nick Clegg, Michael Heseltine, Gina Miller, Ken Clarke, Tim Farron – to mention but a few, will stand in awe and kneel down before the Master.

I remember that Tony once said "I'm just an ordinary sort of guy". 😆

Oh brilliant ! 😆

But who on earth is Tim Farron ? 😆
Has anyone noticed how all the EU leaders are deserting the sinking ship. Shultz being the biggest joker in the pack, off back to Germany to meddle in domestic politics.

I really don't know what it is with defenders of the project on here. In reality, the EU falls apart this yr. What part of this don't you understand!

You would be well advised to prepare for what's coming down the line.
There are so many dissenting voices now all across the continent. The next domino to fall will be a full member country. Once this happens, it's the start of the end game. Already we see member countries in complete defiance of the EU and it's ridiculous stance on, "core principles".
Euro will collapse.

Ah well, don't say you were not warned.🙄
Another one of Project Fear's threats bites the dust:

Vodafone boss: Post-Brexit continental calling costs are unlikely to rise -

That's not what these people said:

•Treasury: Abolition of roaming fees would not include Britons if UK leaves EU
•Tim Farron: “From the cost of food and petrol to mobile phone bills, Brexit is hitting consumers in the pocket”
•Britain Stronger in Europe: “Being in the EU means you pay less for… mobile roaming charges”
•Deloitte report said using your phone abroad could become more expensive post-Brexit
•Financial Times: “British mobile phone users face bills of up to €50 for each song they stream while roaming in the EU”
•Guardian: “UK tourists face mobile phone roaming charges post-Brexit”

The German original is: Weiße dominanz in Deutschland endlich beenden

Die Linke (The Left) currently holds about 9% of the seats in the Bundestag, and heads the official opposition to the governing “grand coalition” of the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Social Democrats (SDP).

There’s plenty I could say about this poster, but it would require a lot of bug-eyed hand-waving accompanied by intemperate invective, so I’ll restrain myself.

Suffice it to say that here we have a major political party in Germany advocating actual genocide. However, since it only involves the eradication of white people, no one minds. In fact, I would expect a similar slogan to win a lot of support at the United Nations.
The city of Vienna Neustadt is facing an educational and political mess. A cry for help from the mayor Klaus Schneeberger (ÖVP) towards the Education ministry shows the dramatic situation. For the first time there is a preschool class (the Otto Glöckel-School) where not a single child speaks German as his mother tongue. The average of children with a foreign native language in preschool classes is already at an alarming 80.33%, says Schneeberger.

With a migration rate of about 23% the largest school and kindergarten city of Lower Austria tops the list for all of Austria. This development is especially mirrored in the educational institutions.
Already, in eight of seventeen kindergartens and five of eight elementary schools the proportion of children with a foreign native language has surpassed 50%. In high schools the number is already at 56.64%. The kindergarten educators, teachers and directors are reporting partially catastrophic knowledge of the German language on the part of the students. Especially in the so-called “hot-spot schools”, it’s almost impossible to hold normal lessons. The Otto Glöckel-School is one of them. There a third grade class is taught in which 93% of the children do not speak German at home. “It should be clear to everyone by now that it is de facto not possible to hold a targeted lesson class.

Mob of North African Migrants Causes Midnight Riot Aboard Italian Ferry

Some 63 North African migrants caused a major uproar in the middle of the night on an Italian ferry Monday, fighting, screaming, stealing, vandalizing, beating other passengers and pulling people out of their bunks.

The migrants, 29 of whom had been denied asylum by the Italian government and were slated for deportation, boarded the ferry in the port town of Cagliari (Sardinia) and began drinking until the bar closed. At this point they started protesting loudly, demanding more alcohol. Soon they “turned the voyage into a nightmare for the other 170 passengers,” according to Italian media reports.

The ship Janas had left Cagliari on Monday night with a large group of North Africans, most of whom were from Algeria. At sea in the middle of the night, the migrants began assaulting other passengers, creating a melee on the ship.

Despite efforts by the crew to restore calm, the situation rapidly degenerated and for hours the ship was at the mercy of the sixty rioters. Calm only returned on board at dawn, just before the ship moored, when the migrants realized that police patrols had been deployed on the Naples harbor docks and were waiting for them.
“Little good is coming from these daily arrivals from North Africa,” said Luca Agati, head of the local police union (SAP) in Cagliari. “These young people think they can do whatever they please once they have been denied asylum.”

The deportation certificate is becoming “a permission slip that guarantees them the freedom to commit crimes in Italy,”
Now this is priceless and so very typical of the incompetent EU.

Junker the Drunker comes up with a Five path plan. 😆

So in essence, everyone in Europe can now waste their time arguing amongst themselves which plan they prefer 😆

Sorry I can't contain myself 😆😆😆

It's all going to hell in a handcart and much quicker than I expected.
At this rate, the French could decide the fate of Europe inside Two months.

Absolutely shocking incompetence.

An influential French blogger has come in for heavy criticism after thousands of antisemitic, threatening and homophobic tweets he published under a pseudonym resurfaced over the weekend, sparking fierce debate.

The tweets included threats against Front National leader Marine Le Pen, who he threatened to kill, but their author Medhi Meklat, 24, and his supporters have shrugged them off as a joke.

“I am going to slit your throat Muslim style” read the tweet threatening Le Pen. Another called for “Hitler to kill all the Jews”, while a third said he wanted to “rape” former Charlie Hebdo editor-in-chief Charb, one of the victims of the January 2015 terror attacks, with a “Laguiole knife”.

The tweets were published under the pseudonym ‘Marcelin Deschamps’, described by Meklat as a “shameful”, “fictional character” whose thoughts were “quite the opposite” of his own.”

But they remained on the account after Meklat switched it to his name in 2015.

"We can be sure of one thing: the ongoing migrant crisis in Europe appears to be a carefully planned catastrophe, not an unfortunate accident. It has been on the cards for decades, ever since Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894–1972), an Austro-Hungarian aristocrat whose mother was Japanese, arrived on the scene in the early 1920s and established the Pan European Union, the prototype for the United States of Europe.

This was to be a multicultural superstate populated by mongrelized Europeans, according to the Count, who was himself a mongrel. Moreover, it was to be under Jewish rule—or rather, under a mandarinate of elite Jews and enlightened support groups of non-Jewish philosemitic foot soldiers who believed as passionately as the Jews did in tikkun olam and the establishment of a one-world government.

It was Count Richard Eljiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi (henceforth referred to briefly as ‘Count Kalergi’) who in 1950 won the first Coudenhove-Kalergi prize, now better known as the Charlemagne Prize. This prestigious prize has been awarded every year (but sometimes in alternate years) to world-renowned statesmen for the promotion of “European integration”—a euphemism for multiculturalism, mass Third World immigration, and the slow and covert extinction of the White European people by means of miscegenation, mongrelization, and general interbreeding with the darker races of the Third World. It was Count Kalergi, in his 1925 magnum opus Praktischer Idealismus (‘Practical Idealism’), who foresaw a future world built on the premise of Jewish supremacy and the subsequent dissolution of all other national ethnicities.

All the world’s separate races would one day be merged into a single mongrelized mishmash, he predicted confidently, with the single exception of the Jewish people who would remain inviolable and intact."
Now this is priceless and so very typical of the incompetent EU.

Junker the Drunker comes up with a Five path plan. 😆

So in essence, everyone in Europe can now waste their time arguing amongst themselves which plan they prefer 😆

Sorry I can't contain myself 😆😆😆

It's all going to hell in a handcart and much quicker than I expected.
At this rate, the French could decide the fate of Europe inside Two months.

Absolutely shocking incompetence.

These are all valid options and positive news imo.

It is obvious, some countries will leave and others come together. The EU will reform as it has done which we can all see in the variance of agreements available to members.

The 2007/8 financial crash has impacted the West in a big way and what we are seeing are responses from opportunistic politicians feeding off peoples predicaments in a new World order where income distribution is taking place from the West to the East.

Many people will soon see they are having the wool pulled over their eyes.

Inequality in Britain is set to increase and poverty worsen over the next five years as earnings growth slows and planned welfare cuts start to bite, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

I'm sure this study will be another one dismissed as originating from experts.

However, it is but yet another study indicating the disparity and skewed distribution of income.

UK will become more like US and they'll both degrade together imo.
Regular subscribers to this thread will know which side of the fence I stand on regarding Brexit - and my views remain unchanged. That said, I actually agree with the House of Lords about allowing existing people from other EU countries to be allowed to stay in the U.K. I think it shows great strength of character to make it clear ahead of the negotiations that their status is assured and that we won't use them as bargaining chips to secure a similar deal for U.K. nationals living in mainland Europe. It's a matter of principle and doing what's right. Mrs. May ought to accept the amendment to the bill and move on.

"TWENTY MILLION African migrants heading for Europe: European parliament president warns that a huge number will arrive in the 'next few years' unless action is taken

Antonio Tajani said the EU needs to open asylum centres in Libya
There are more than 30 centres in the country, run by smugglers or militias
In January and February this year, 12,000 migrants arrived in Italy

The news comes as the head of the EU border agency warned that organisations who rescue migrants from the Mediterranean are fuelling people smugglers.

The smugglers profit by illegally spiriting asylum seekers into Europe, often in dangerous conditions."
Regular subscribers to this thread will know which side of the fence I stand on regarding Brexit - and my views remain unchanged. That said, I actually agree with the House of Lords about allowing existing people from other EU countries to be allowed to stay in the U.K. I think it shows great strength of character to make it clear ahead of the negotiations that their status is assured and that we won't use them as bargaining chips to secure a similar deal for U.K. nationals living in mainland Europe. It's a matter of principle and doing what's right. Mrs. May ought to accept the amendment to the bill and move on.

Have to disagree with you on that Tim! Lady Theresa has already offered this to the EU on condition that they offer reciprocal rights to Brits in the EU. For some reason the Germans wouldn't agree to this (was this during the phase when the feeling was that the UK must be punished for having the temerity to take their future into their own hands?). It's not a case of UK using people as bargaining chips – if anybody is doing that is the EU. I doubt if the PM would get many accolades for allowing EU nationals to remain here while Brits don't have reciprocal rights – I think it is a bit rich to blame UK government.

Theresa quite rightly wanted to get this out of the way before negotiations begin – and who could argue with that as being a decent principle? Anybody who's ever been involved in negotiations knows that when you give away a key principle with nothing in return you can end up looking pretty foolish. The blame for this wholly unsatisfactory state of affairs should be laid fairly and squarely at the door of the EU.