big move north, hurting shorts tonight
running total = $1,901
Move continued
running total = $1,643
big move north, hurting shorts tonight
running total = $1,901
Move continued
running total = $1,643
just in shorts getting hammered (LEN up 10%)
running total = $634
My sympathies Glen - but it's nice to have company😢 I've contrived to turn a profit of $1000 into a loss of $400 over the last couple of days. I've got to the point that when I see a MACCI looking OB I assume it is just going on and on upwards, regardless. Gives me a bit of a problem if I'm trying to get back into the market!. Seems like my stock selection is crap - (no - strike out "seems like") - none of them realise that they're supposed to be weak.🙁
I will join you - I shorted 4 "weak" stocks early yesterday that are showing a loss at present of $1300. My "paper" unfortunately has George Washington's head printed on it ! Hey - they are part of my long-term portfolio so no worries. For the record they are ANV, ARII, MENT and NCS.My sympathies Glen - but it's nice to have company😢 I've contrived to turn a profit of $1000 into a loss of $400 over the last couple of days. I've got to the point that when I see a MACCI looking OB I assume it is just going on and on upwards, regardless. Gives me a bit of a problem if I'm trying to get back into the market!. Seems like my stock selection is crap - (no - strike out "seems like") - none of them realise that they're supposed to be weak.🙁
I will join you - I shorted 4 "weak" stocks early yesterday that are showing a loss at present of $1300. My "paper" unfortunately has George Washington's head printed on it ! Hey - they are part of my long-term portfolio so no worries. For the record they are ANV, ARII, MENT and NCS.
PS - the loss was about 1500 a couple of hours ago and it is reduced to almost 1,200 since I started writing, so it's going in the right direction
Glensorry to hear of your losses,
it would seem alot rides on the market direction call being correct
Thanks -but I am not concerned - because I don't think the call is incorrect over the longer term. They are weak stocks (chosen from Grey1's weak list) and since the previous post the loss is down to about 1020, so these were not chosen for intraday trading.
Correction - since the previous sentence loss down to 878.
It's a matter of patience.
Glenthis sounds fair enough, if your a trader with enough $$ to hold out.
but for now. i am glad i'm still paper.
because i'm sure if i just started out trading real money and gained a 10% draw down on account size, i would be crapping myself by now..
i need to gain confidence first
You may have been told about this book already, but it's worth reading "Trading in the Zone" by Mark Douglas. It deals with the psychological aspects of trading and in particular acceptance of risk, but this does not mean taking unnecessary risks. You are right using paper-trading until you feel comfortable, but be ready to experience a completely different emotional response when it is live. This book may help you prepare for it.
Running total making a bit of ground = $859
the largest peek to valley draw down happened tonight = approx -$2,848
Running total = $247
Running Total = $704