Belflan's US stock swing trades

good enough all trades closed


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closed trades and profits at last post

BC = +$635
BSX = +$43
FL = +$379
KNX = +$551
LEN = +$211
LTD = +$771
PHM = +$321
UMPQ = +$642

running total

running total = $6,580

including for commissions

all trades closed

new A/C size = $36,580 for position sizing

no more trades tonight
going to get new weak list set up in TS2Ki

I'm still having problems with TS2 freezin up

new stock list loaded up, a few errors, will look at tommorrow night

not sure why i'm getting all the MACCI 00000000000000's in the middle



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Well done Belflan, it's great to watch and see how it progresses in real time. Thanks for all the work you're putting into it and for keeping us updated on your results. 👍


Well done Belflan, it's great to watch and see how it progresses in real time. Thanks for all the work you're putting into it and for keeping us updated on your results. 👍


I second that,, well done Belflan.

Now |Warren Buffet agrees that we are in recession .

Make sure you update your stock and pick new ones from iraj N Minute as I explained in the seminarGrey1
new stock list loaded up, a few errors, will look at tommorrow night

not sure why i'm getting all the MACCI 00000000000000's in the middle


Hi Glen,

I'm curious to know what your criteria are for generating your list. I agree with your MACCIs (except for the zero entries) but they are ranging from OS to OB and only a few can qualify as OB. From the full Weak List I have 10 or 11 with MACCIs over 70. I thought you were generating a new list of shorts - maybe I got it wrong - maybe I'm missing something. It does happen.


and the cupboard was bare

no data tonight from IB???????????????????????????????????????????////




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I second that,, well done Belflan.

Now |Warren Buffet agrees that we are in recession .

Make sure you update your stock and pick new ones from iraj N Minute as I explained in the seminarGrey1

Grey1, i'll try and do as you say

thanks for the support chaps

Now |Warren Buffet agrees that we are in recession .

I expect he was one of those guys who sneaked into the room and was later bounced by Frank. He must have lingered long enough to hear you explain that we were in a bear market and is now shorting like mad


Hi Glen,

I'm curious to know what your criteria are for generating your list. I agree with your MACCIs (except for the zero entries) but they are ranging from OS to OB and only a few can qualify as OB. From the full Weak List I have 10 or 11 with MACCIs over 70. I thought you were generating a new list of shorts - maybe I got it wrong - maybe I'm missing something. It does happen.



thanks for your post

the list is G1's latest weak list that on this thread, these are not open positions, just a list to pick from

really crap one tonight

data problems to start, then lost internet connection til now

I second that,, well done Belflan.

Now |Warren Buffet agrees that we are in recession .

Make sure you update your stock and pick new ones from iraj N Minute as I explained in the seminarGrey1

Ok G1,

now getting the Iraj N Minute built into the strat. (a few error 000000000' still to be fixed)

It seems like the daily "MACCI" and the daily "Iraj N Minute" are working against one another

ie. the MACCI O/S stocks are the stocks that are showing weakness compared to the market on the Iraj N Change???????????????

so what should i be looking for?



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