belflan's US stock intra day trades

down $2,380 today

will write up in full in the morning



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a few (very costly) mistakes yesterday

jumping in too early (around 30mins too early) on the RIG and COST trades

RIG cost me around $900 dollars if i had of got in at the correct time (turn of 10min macci this trade would have scratched (actual if I had of waited for the 10min macci turn I would never have traded RIG as by then it was showing weakness not strength to the market)

Not getting out of longs taken on the 10min macci turn at around 7:00pm early enough.

knowing when your analysis is wrong is nearly as important as getting it correct in the first place. when i get into a position and it runs against me, i often think of Iraj saying don't lock in your losses (close the trade), which is fine if you have time to let the market play out. My long positions taken yesterday at around 7:00pm where based on the 10min turning at around -80 and the 30min at o/s level as back up. When the 10min turned down again on the next bar I should have been out. There was not enough time left in the trading day for the 30min cycle to turn the trade around, Therefore I should have exited on the next 10min bar. It would have still been a loss but not as great a loss.

The first trades on RIG and COST where just plain wrong, taken to early, and a simple break of my rules.

I'm not one for excuses, but its become clear to me that it is easy to make trading mistakes when being distracted, yesterday when I made the first trades, I had my mother in law, my sister in law and my wife in my office (believe me not the ideal trading conditions) but no excuses I still made the trades... keep going..

My long positions taken yesterday at around 7:00pm where based on the 10min turning at around -80 and the 30min at o/s level as back up. When the 10min turned down again on the next bar I should have been out. There was not enough time left in the trading day for the 30min cycle to turn the trade around, Therefore I should have exited on the next 10min bar. It would have still been a loss but not as great a loss.


Just a thought for you........ First off, I must admit I don't use the 30 min macci, but what I do like is that the 5 & 10 min macci's are in sync with one another. At your entry of 7pm the 10 min had turned up but the 5 min was heading down. I just find that the 5 min is a good baramoter of what the 10 min is going to do...........all imo of course.

Hope this helps


Just a thought for you........ First off, I must admit I don't use the 30 min macci, but what I do like is that the 5 & 10 min macci's are in sync with one another. At your entry of 7pm the 10 min had turned up but the 5 min was heading down. I just find that the 5 min is a good baramoter of what the 10 min is going to do...........all imo of course.

Hope this helps


hi Andy

would 5 past 7 been ok?



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hi Andy

would 5 past 7 been ok?


This is hindsight scenario......but it could help in the future.

At 7.05 the 5 min waas at -80 and at that point still heading down, it wasn't until 7.10 that the 5 min was turning up.

So....... if as per Grey1's strategy, you waited for a pullback on RIG, you could have entered around 7.14/7.15 and an entry of anywhere from 159.64 - 159.93.

By 7.20 both the 5 & 10 min macci's are now heading down ( set alarm bells ringing), you could get out at around 159.40, or you could hang on for a bit.

Now at 7.25 you've got 2 consective lower readings on the 5 min and the 10 is ready to print out it's second consective lower reading. This has to send signals out that the entry was wrong, you could then exit at around 159.00 / 159.20.

All in all it's still a loss, but it's reduced the pain.

As I said it's all in hindsight, but this is something you could use to take forward.


thanks for yours thoughts

I think I should have been out within one of these two bars highlighted


in fact i probibly should have been short weak stocks by the end of these two bars


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my thinking at the mo..

30min cycle up

10min cycle up but looks like may turn

5min cycle o/b and turning

Oil price coming of highs

hard to read at the mo. sit on side lines


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appl trade last night made $336

had to go out last night so I left an aapl short open with a break even stop loss. and also an order that I thought would close the trade at close. it didn't? so aapl trade was actually closed at open today for +$812, I'll only claim $336 tho (profit at close last night)

runing total = $1,691


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Oil at $125!!
I'm selling the car

market down 100points, will wait for a short entry me thinks, unless the 30min 10min and 5min all line up for a long
currently got a long opened in Rimm, small position size, off the turn up of the 30min and 10min macci

will exit when the 10min macci turns
rimm trade closed 10min macci at +73 and looking like its starting to curve
can't see longs comming

5min staying at o/s area and the dow is over 100points down

think the best I can hope for is a pull back for a short later maybe


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have been shorting aapl and amzn from around were the red arrows are

stops now to B/e

will exit when 10min turns up


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theres a turn up of the 10min macci, but i think it would be a brave/foolish long with the dow -131points on the day (thinking of the advice from Glenn, i think i'll wait for a pull back and a 10min macci turn for a short later, maybe)


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rimm = +$316
cost = +$145
amzn = -$143
aapl = +$9

running total = $1,978


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up around $450 this week

Mon = +$409
Tues= +$1469
Wed= -$2040
Thur= +$326
Fri= +$287

no prises for guessing were the problems were this week, a few mistakes made on Wed which I have already addressed

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tried two shorts off the 10min turn from o/b, didn't work work out, got out very quickly, very pleased with this after last Wed.

it looks like a buy the dips day from here on in..


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i'm taking this turn up of the 10min macci at over brought level to be a ''very technical'' sign of market strength


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