Advanced Structured Forex Trading

Updated Banned List (No-Fly-Zone) of Internet Trolls. :idea:

Begin List

7th Error9000

End List

Any replies and/or quotes from people on this list will be enough to add your own uid to the list until the moderator decides to do the right thing. If your uid was added to this list, it is because you either initiated foolish and/or off-topic childishness or you replied with a quote from one of the Trolls on the above list who have done the same in the past.
I dont know if I should feel relieved and honoured not to be on the list.
( did I actually say something constructive ? )

Or whether I should feel upset at not being on the list.

7th: post more charts to illustrate your TCDs etc.
So there goes 7th..the arbiter of all that is good and true (except for explaining a -700 pip trade of course).

Here he is telling us we are all not worthy of his time and intellect..which begs the question..why doesn't he just f... off then?

A hapless, deluded, ignorant, myopic, INSECURE (telling us how many lots he trades..Jeez, next he'll be telling us his willy size!) poster who uses the childish and deliberately polarising "naysayers" argument to deride those who question his "methods".

In the meantime, us mere mortals will continue to trade and share our experiences. Lets leave the sortie flying Air Vice Marshal to his own devices..maybe he'll get bored and go away (taking his Robin Hood-esque band of brothers-in-arms with him)
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Too harsh

7thSignalTrader said:
Banned List (No-Fly-Zone) of Internet Trolls. :idea:

I executed thirty simultaneous (30) trades this session from Limit Entry Orders places yesterday after 0000GMT (30 of them). Each trade was for five hundred (500) lots. Do the math. That’s 500 x 30, or 15,000 lots total. It cost me more than $750,000.00 to execute that trade and I used a test target of 7 pips each, so I only made $107,058.00 in the aggregate, but that’s not important because it was a test trade using real cash and highly restricted targets given the test mode. What’s important about the trade is that I used a new form of TCD, that I call a TNCD – which is Non-Contiguous and one of many different TNCD forms.

Hey guys,

I think we should lay off the great one. Afterall he has developed a method that produces 7 pips!!. Well worth 6 years of anybodys life.

The question I always have with this is that if this muppet has made so many millions and trades in the size of a bank then what is the need for a new system and why does he waste his time in becomming an object of ridicule on here. If you figure that one out then let me know.
The question I always have with this is that if this muppet has made so many millions and trades in the size of a bank then what is the need for a new system and why does he waste his time in becomming an object of ridicule on here. If you figure that one out then let me know.[/QUOTE]

Because Walter Mitty is alive and well.

But seriously, please don't ridicule him any more.

1. Because my mother told me never to mock the afflicted.

2. Because he may never post on here again, and it really is very entertaining.
Impressive stuff with the exception of myself and George Soros he must be one of the biggest players of FX

Several respected members (whom you offensively refer to as trolls or attempt to belittle in other ways, although I know some of them haven't exactly been polite to you either ) have asked some searching and pertinent questions regarding your claims / methods / system and repeatedly you have avoided them, preferring instead to post irrelevant and/or deliberately obfuscatory missives that imho offer little useful content to the community. I would be surprised if anybody is interested in how many lots you might trade or who is on your ignore list, for instance. I certainly don't understand why you bother to mention the latter at all.

While the community should perhaps be prepared to put up with one or two of these vacuous tracts if it means that they can feast upon something truly wonderful as well - some of your earlier posts certainly looked very promising - it is irksome and sad when they become the norm.

It struck me that someone of your obvious intelligence should be able to explain the most complex of subjects with breathtaking clarity and precision (in the manner of, say, Richard Dawkins) that even a "naysayer" should be able to grasp. Yet while you repeatedly draw attention to and make suspiciously impressive (to say the least) claims about your system and wealth, the clear expositions of principle, contextual descriptions of system components, explanatory charts, real-time or walk-through example trades etc. that one might reasonably expect in support of them are markedly conspicuous by their paucity. An esoteric deconstruction of a single 'omega' component, for instance, does not really qualify, as imho there is no context, no framework for the reader in which to place it, no chain of logic to hand. I may be dismally stupid, but I am certainly far from alone in thinking this. However I fully admit this may simply be because I am insufficiently familiar with your work to make the necessary connections. Also let us not forget that following one of the few real-time trades that you did post, you conveniently brushed the resulting huge loss under the carpet. This certainly shook my confidence in your approach and that was a shame.

Now of course nobody is obliged to reveal every detail of their system, certainly not one that is claimed to be so brilliant (you'd be insane if you did, quite frankly) and that is not what I'm asking. But you say you are here to help and if you are then it is reasonable to expect at least something convincing in response to reasonable critical questions that persons less gifted than yourself can understand. I have been reading your posts for two years and I still have absolutely no idea what TCDs are, how they work or how one might trade with them. This is despite several years of full-time trading so I do have some market knowledge. Who is at fault here? Is it me or you? Are you a genius unable to express the essence of your groundbreaking concepts within the crude straitjacket of language or a charlatan disguising your lack of them within the verdant pastures of verbiage? Not for me to decide, but I certainly wonder. Perhaps instead the fault lies entirely with me as I say.

You continue to snipe against the moderators, telling us "we are unable to do the right thing", not to mention your rather arrogant reply to a polite private message I sent you, yet you do not seem to appreciate that we are generally on the side of those asking the questions. You see, there is always the possibility that you are dangling these 98% accurate claims as bait for naive members, with a view to your own (future) commercial gain, i.e. you are engaged in a most devious form of advertising campaign, which is of course in breach of site guidelines. Regardless of whether there is any truth in this supposition [I am aware you said there is nothing for sale at present and you are here for "certification" purposes] it is nevertheless a strong reason why we do not let claims such as yours go unchallenged and why we will continue to do so. A form of neighbourhood watch, if you like. Please note I am not accusing you of anything, merely trying to explain my actions if they seem unjust or bizarre to you.

You also re-registered on the site with a new nickname which not only aroused suspicion regarding your motives but is also against site guidelines. The only reason you were not banned immediately for that is because you admitted to it shortly after registering, but I am beginning to doubt whether that was a good decision on our part as it has naturally provoked accusations of prejudiced lenient treatment in your favour.


As a moderator I try to be, well, moderate and equivocal. So with that in mind I would invite those who find useful content in 7th's posts to come forward and defend him before the diminishing benefit of the doubt granted to him evaporates completely. For instance, using almost exclusively 7th's techniques and advice have any of you managed to build a system that delivers spectacularly impressive, or even reasonable, trading results in real time? Has the concept of TCDs genuinely enlightened you, improved your understanding of how the market works and your trading results. or does it just feel good to be doing something different from the crowd? Do his dashboard concepts tie together satisfactorily and make logical sense with regard to how the market works in a way that can be simply explained to a thicko like me? I'm not fishing for actual explanations here - as I'm more than happy with the tired concepts of trend, momentum, strong/weak hands etc. - merely interested in the extent of the practical use to which people have put TV's posts. There seem to be three or four of you having some deep detailed discussions with TV so please let us know how you're getting on with his stuff and what it actually means.

There is a strikingly curious polarity on this thread, not to mention the hint of something fishy going on and I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
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whistling noises

Set the "Klangers" on 'im Frugi :cheesy: :cheesy: 😱
I am a newbie to TV's TCD and I think I owe him the favour stepping up for his defense. He
has been posting so many TCD charts over here and other forums that anyone who has a
serious and genuine inclination in understanding what it is would have figured it out by doing
his/her homework genuinuely. I meant no offence towards yourself as the moderator here.
But that's the problem here. TV has been patiently sharing his ideas & concepts sometimes in
a subtle way to lead any genunie newbies like myself into doing our own homework and then
post back genunie questions awaiting his response. And too many people just open their foul
mouths making criticism instead of taking his offers as the first steps towards a non
conventional way of market analysis. THe problem is that critics just don't seem to see the
obvious despite TV on numerous occasions SPELL OUT what it is .... what can I say ?

Since I am newbie to his method, I cannot say I have fully developed a perfect system, but
the few of us regulars (whom somehow got mistaken as TV's nicks) have got ourselves
together attempting to develop a complete system based exacly on his TCDs concepts.

For any genuine followers of his method, you would probably find that the type of questions
we asked and answers we get back have shifted from abstract ideas/concepts to the precise
problem/areas we are trying to discover and develop into our system.

Please go back and read recent posts about Dominant TCD vs Subordinate TCD etc etc
and you will realize these are not just fabricated fancy lingo .... that's if you really have a
genuine inclination in pursuing down this path.

I can't stand for what TV's system does as we are still firming up on ideas and developing
different modules of the system, but the Real-Time TCD has certainly led me into a completely
different way of trading and I dare to say that I am more confident trading with TCD than
previously with other techniques (which I have no problem with either), and that at least I can
smell when market is about to turn the corner. What's more, magnitude study also leads me
to be able to capture more pips than I was able to in the past.

Hope this will be treated as one out of many forthcoming testimonies and please do not
ridicule this to be another of TV's nick's post. Just check the IP, I am in Australia!


frugi said:

gifted than yourself can understand. I have been reading your posts for two years and I still have absolutely no idea what TCDs are, how they work or how one might trade with them. This is despite several years of full-time trading so I do have some market knowledge. Who is at
Thank you for your considered response SD. As I said I am trying to keep an open mind about TV and posts like yours are valuable evidence for the defence.
soccer_daemon said:
Since I am newbie to his method, I cannot say I have fully developed a perfect system, but
the few of us regulars (whom somehow got mistaken as TV's nicks) have got ourselves
together attempting to develop a complete system based exacly on his TCDs concepts.

As you claim to be developing a system based on TCD's, you must have some understanding of what they are. Some time ago I went though this thread searching for enlightenment. All I found was a lot of verbose nonsense.

It's time to put up or shut up. Here's a challange. In a single post give a proper formal definition of a TCD, without interminable waffle.

I bet it won't happen.
7thSignalTrader said:
5/1/06 to 6/1/06 Outlook Notes and Observations


Not good. The $1.2614 Short down to the $1.20XX level resulted in a 200+ pip loss on monthly Outlook trade of 100 lots. That's the second long-term trade that failed. One Swing and one Outlook, both Shorting against the "historical trend".

Of course, since the inclusion of the Annual TCD data, I now know that both of those signals would never have been allowed to come to screen and would have been overridden by the much larger Annual TCD Long probability which is still unwinding to the upside for this year. So, I'll have to wait until the Annual TCD Long Fill$ to near capacity and then watch the behavior of the smaller TCDs at that point. Can't wait!

Frugi, et al,

I really don't see how this is 'sweeping the loss under the rug' as you put it. He's clearly standing up and saying "I lost, and here's what I'm going to do about it, so I can minimize it in the future!"

As far as my own experience in trading with TCD's, let me just say that 'You don't know what you're missing" TCD's define the market like no other indicators in the world, hands down. Using TCD's allows one to have his or her finger on the pulse of the market. Yet, the basic concept is raw and lends itself to refining the TCD's so we can really hear what they're telling us.

I don't talk about my trading success or failures, as it is no ones business, but I will stand up and say that while I have a long way to go in learning how to trade this way, I see moments of absolute brilliance. It is in these moments that I can see my future and it makes it worth the long hours over many months that I've been at this.

While 7th somehow has a way to rub people the wrong way, his presence is invaluable to some of us, if not for technical advice, for inspiration.
Brabed said:
Frugi, et al,
As far as my own experience in trading with TCD's, let me just say that 'You don't know what you're missing" TCD's define the market like no other indicators in the world, hands down. Using TCD's allows one to have his or her finger on the pulse of the market. Yet, the basic concept is raw and lends itself to refining the TCD's so we can really hear what they're telling us.

See my previous post. Maybe you can deliver the goods.
I didn't come on here looking for a "challenge". I get my challenge from EURUSD. I was just responding to Frugi who was asking for commentary.
frugi said:

As a moderator I try to be, well, moderate and equivocal. So with that in mind I would invite those who find useful content in 7th's posts to come forward and defend him before the diminishing benefit of the doubt granted to him evaporates completely. For instance, using almost exclusively 7th's techniques and advice have any of you managed to build a system that delivers spectacularly impressive, or even reasonable, trading results in real time? Has the concept of TCDs genuinely enlightened you, improved your understanding of how the market works and your trading results. or does it just feel good to be doing something different from the crowd? Do his dashboard concepts tie together satisfactorily and make logical sense with regard to how the market works in a way that can be simply explained to a thicko like me? I'm not fishing for actual explanations here - as I'm more than happy with the tired concepts of trend, momentum, strong/weak hands etc. - merely interested in the extent of the practical use to which people have put TV's posts. There seem to be three or four of you having some deep detailed discussions with TV so please let us know how you're getting on with his stuff and what it actually means.

There is a strikingly curious polarity on this thread, not to mention the hint of something fishy going on and I'd like to get to the bottom of it.


TradeVector has given enough information about TCDs and their use. For those who follow his posts it's not difficult to extract the needed information and turn into a trading system. One has to understand something clearly: TV's system is not one mere indicator, one of the 1500 known TA methods. The way I see it, it is a complex and extremely sophisticated combination of trade signals founded on tons of calculations based on one thing only - the TCD.

How is his situation different than someone sharing his achievement in using Artificial Intelligence Application, which implements Neural Networks for Time-Series Data Analysis employing Statistical Methods as AutoRegressive Integrated Average Model to forecast closing price with only 7% of averaged error?


npn said:
... using Artificial Intelligence Application, which implements Neural Networks for Time-Series Data Analysis employing Statistical Methods as AutoRegressive Integrated Average Model to forecast closing price
Theres nothing like keeping things simple! 😉
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Brabed said:
This has been done many times. It's not my place.

Not your place. Sounds like a cult to me. Perhaps with just one member.

You will, I presume, be able to provide a link to the definition of a TCD ?
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Thanks for responding Brabed and npn. I admit that I have not studied TV's posts here and elsewhere in sufficent depth to be able to offer critical comment upon them with sufficient qualification and it seems I may have misjudged the depth of clear information about his methods that TV has already provided. If so, I apologise.

My examination of the market lies in (I think) a completely different direction with which I am absorbed and happy, so perhaps I simply don't have the required tenacity, intelligence or motivation. This is one reason why I asked people who have done so to come forward in support of TV, preferably with some specific details of how his ideas have helped their trading. If TV has found a radical method of examining price that gives genuine clues to future price direction then I will be the first to gladly tip my hat in his direction on production of evidence. But without this and given his most recent posts I hope you understand why I questioned his motives and why, for instance, he has flitted from board to board posting the same stuff only to move on swiftly to pastures new when subjected to critical questioning.

That said, I am heartened by the supportive response so far and this has gone a long way to allaying my initial suspicions. Although, incidentally, I still thought that his Euro loss was considerably larger than 200 points as he fought a strong trend, but I may be mistaken?

I know that traders who have special insight into how markets work are often ridiculed by those who refuse to believe this type of insight can exist, probably because they are convinced that their own conventional way of thinking is the only correct way. Talent harnessed to research and correct logical deduction is often envied. There is a trader who receives short shrift from some on these boards for daring to ascribe motive of different market participants to volume at specific levels, for instance, while others find his ideas refreshing and enlightening.

However I am also a believer in proof and simplicity and wary of claims such as "TCDs define the market like no other indicators in the world". It has a whiff of Grail about it that raises my hackles. Besides, indicators are usually derived from price and thus one step removed. It is the price that defines the indicator not the other way round, surely? It is humans and their perceptions and actions who define the market and thus provide the data which TV claims to mine so effectively. In my view the essence cannot be found in indicators, complicated mathematics, double helix patterns etc. as the market is a different sort of beast. It consists of a minority understanding and manipulating majority psychology for their own ends and/or making use of this in other ways. This must be true since capital flows continually from the larger to the small group, with a few scraps left for the disciplined who reside somewhere in the middle. I refer chiefly to the futures market here. Sure, new statistical edges are continually sought, discovered and milked, but these edges are in the main ephemeral and must eventually disappear. Adaptation is essential. This is why I am especially wary of complex mathematically based systems such as TV's that claim very high accuracy and minimal drawdowns over a long period of time. Anyway I digress, sorry.

My problem with TV (not in respect of my moderation duties) is that he seems to apply the wrong disciplines to the territory. It seems like he is trying to hear colour (genuine synaesthesiacs excepted!). For instance, comparing the market to bodies that obey physical laws is imho misguided. The market is not a cricket ball flung into the air, after all.

The idea that a trend does not exist because it only exists in the past does not agree with me either. It can be defined in the present by simple terms such as "a series of lower lows and lower highs". Yes, this usually requires some visual confirmation too (artistic interpretation is inextricably bound with the rigid definitions) but that is not a problem in my book. It is of course a problem if you like to reduce everything to numbers and formulae, which is in my view trying to force the market into an ill-fitting suit. Of course the trend may end as soon as you've defined it thus, or it may continue. The point is that one can choose how to define a trend and then use this definition to build a trading method (such as buying the second higher low). Similarly surely a dominant trajectory is subject to the same rules - dominant until it isn't any more, this being defined by fixed criteria of TV's choice?

Clearly TV's perceived value differs greatly from person to person and I am trying to understand why. If anyone was kind enough to provide a Cliff's Notes precis of his approach at this point, it would be warmly welcomed, rather than vague statements such as "moments of absolute brilliance" or "You don't know what you're missing." Indeed I don't, but I'd like to, if indeed I am.
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frugi said:
Fair enough Brabed, thanks for responding. Although I though the loss was more than 200 points as TV fought a big trend in the Euro?.
I think you'll find there were 2 different occasions.