Probably out to buy some Donational Indicators and a few Pirate Club Tee-Shirts. Do they even trade anymore, or have they all been promoted to Forum Moderator instead.
Its funny how
time turns out to be the great equalizer. Five (5) years later - how many of them are now consistently profitable traders. How many of them manage their own private fund, initialized with their own private capital. How many of them have escaped Retail trading accounts with Bucket Shops and moved on to genuine Institutional trading platforms using the services of a good PM.
Indeed. Where did everyone go, is precisely the question to be asking.
When I started this thread about 5 years ago, it was trashed by extremely foolish people who failed to see the forest for the trees and who claimed that they were being sold something. Five (5) years later, nothing has been sold. That's a grand total of 12 years of not selling anything, yet this board is still maintains ultra-paranoid foolish people who fear the "big sell."
These people were too paranoid to ever make decent traders in my professional opinion.
As for me, I pushed the system into its 10th generation, traded my way out of Retail buckets and into Institutional prime brokerage accounts where I now managing my own (closed to the public) private fund, capitalized with my own private dollars. With a little innovation and some hard work, I made it. To answer your question directly, that's where I went and that's where I remain today.
So, where did you go after all these years and how has your trading business progressed thus far? And, where have all the paranoid Trade2Win people gone? I know for a fact that some of them became EliteTrader (a total oxymoron) Form Moderators - well, at least one of them who used to 'patrol' this forum with regularity, pretending to be stomping out the "Big Sale" wherever and whenever he though he saw it rear its ugly head.
Yep. Where did they go - is the right question. I should start a
WHERE ARE THEY NOW thread, just to rub it in a bit. But, I won't. I'll be a gentlemen about the matter. Some 12 full years later.
There are several "old sayings" that come to mind right now, but the one that stands out for me is this one:
"Never judge a book by its cover, because you could be reading your own future."
Of course, I made that one up myself - I have a tendency to be a little on the 'creative' side.
😉 I've gotta run. I've got 31 minutes to enter my positions. Remember to save me a Tee-Shirt! :cheesy: