Advanced Structured Forex Trading

maybe post something that looks like content?

I often wondered why so many of them posted charts... obvious really.

Posting multiple copies of the same nonsense in your own thread is one thing, but surely posting multiple copies of a blatent solicitation, including posts in threads that have been dead for years must surely be considered as spamming ?

T2W does actually have a couple of people responsible for content generation and I although I've had my share of disagreements with both of em, I'd be extremely surprised if either of them considered this stuff to be "quality content".
yes, makisig (forexbangbang et al) is now blatantly spamming, that is in no doubt. i'm sure it'll be all removed in due course.

i did say content, not quality content, just thought i'd clarify myself there :cheesy:

but what should come 1st, member safety or what looks like content?
nobbers 😛

:spam: :spam:

It is that kind of post that speaks volumes. Making decisions in life based on a false premise and false assumptions that you've deluded yourself into believing is definitely not advisable. Assigning someone else's videos to someone here on T2W, is also definitely not advisable. Getting clear about what you are doing and why you are doing it, might help you. Of course, naysayers and internet "police" are the worst offenders of all. They actually believe that they are contributing, by labeling something they don't understand, or cannot comprehend, as spam - their favorite word for "I'm clueless."
...but what should come 1st, member safety or what looks like content?

That's the problem. You actually believe you are saving someone from something, yet you can't identify what you are saving them from. In more ten (10) years of being online, you still can't find a solitary thing for "sale." That ought to have told you something by now, LOL. It should have told you that were were dead wrong in your assumptions. But, of course, pride keeps people like you from admitting that you were wrong.

Ten (10) years later, I'm still here. No longer trading Retail accounts, however. Yet, still in the business and still well beyond your ability to comprehend, apparently. And, ten (10) years later, the thing you do not see, are 1 million posts to my credit.

That's because Traders trade and 1 million posts members... well... they make posts about trading.

I will be here, until I retire from trading. On that day - I will make my first announcement right here, on Trade2Win. 😉 Count on it. In the meantime, I still have a penchant for inspiring the Newbie. Because, if successful traders like myself don't, then they sure is heck won't get it from naysaying police who can't admit their mistakes like yourselves.

The only thing that has changed since the last time I posted here, is my Avatar. That was an Alpha Jet. Today, it is a Phenom 300. That pic will not be displayed here.
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