trendie said:
TheBrambles above quote is the most illustrative of this whole thread.
TehBrambles quote is illustrative of naysayers knowing nothing and professing everything.
trendie said:
Dominant/subordinate = primary-trend/pullbacks etc
Wrong and not even close to being right. Dominant and Subordinate Transequential Contiguous Deltas are the things that
make the so-called “trends”. They are not the historical trends – not even close. Not to mention the fact that you completely failed to give a “similarity” for Retention TCDs and Projection TCD (lol!). And, if that was not funny enough, you used the term “pullback” without having clue about what it means.
LOL – there are no such things as “pullbacks” – only the tired, old, stale and antiquated “language” used to describe market behavior due to a total
lack of technical understanding about what’s going on underneath the so-called “pullback”.
Here’s an example:
1) Define pull back for us mathematically?
2) When you are done with that impossible task, please tell us how to determine the highest probability for the initiation of a “pullback”?
3) Then, tells us the most important question of all – how do you know that the “pullback” you are observing is not a “pullback”, but a complete reversal of price direction?
4) Lastly, tell us how to determine the location (price point) of the “pullback”
before it happens? Or, whether or not there will even be one –
before it happens? (lol!)
trendie said:
projection = trend ( despite the tortuous explanations to the contrary )
Wrong and Backwards. Only in the world of a “trend trader” would one think that the “trend” equals the “projection”. You could not be more wrong or more backwards even if you tried. You obviously have not even read the explanations given, because you called the “trend” the “projection”. In this system, they are the exact
OPPOSITE as I have mentioned probably 1,000 times by now, LOL!
You people are amazingly simple and so incredibly arrogant. To think that you can reshape a trading technology built over six (6) years in six (6) minutes is beyond arrogance. You’ve never seen anything like this in your entire life. Yet, you know it cold after having not one single item of knowledge under your belt. Funny! No – Stupendously and outrageously funn!
trendie said:
7th made references to "TCDs tend to seek equilibrium" = reversion to mean.
If you only know how silly this statement was, you would not have written it so blatantly and so openly. Hilarious! As if you just “uncovered” some deep, dark secret. Of course,
mean reversion = equilibrium. We all learned that in pre-school! That’s nothing new or revealing.
What’s new AND revealing is:
Reversion to the mean of WHAT? That, “what” is what has you so twisted even though I’ve given the answer on this forum and in this thread at least a hundred times already. That fact that you are unable to figure it out after so much has been written on it here, is mind-blowing.
You basically say that a Dog barks and a Cat meows and that is supposed to serve as “insight” into this technology – LOL! If I had said that TCDs tend to revert to the mean, that would have been
one and the same thing and you would have had nothing to post. But, because I used to phrase “equilibrium”, you broke out the Champaign bottles as you thought you saw some similarity that was mere distinction without a difference.
Get a clue. You come in here posing as somebody who “understands” what’s being said and only managed to make yourself look foolish. You’ve got every comparison dead wrong and yet, you just know that you are right without asking
one single question about the things you could not possibly know. That signal fact says just about everything related to your motive, here.
trendie said:
clearly, 7th desires to be perceived as an original thinker, to the extent of wanting to re-invent long-recognised terms in new ways.
Clearly you have no clue. Keep guessing – since you do not know how to ask proper questions about topic you don’t fully understand.
trendie said:
then of course there are other issues;
the admonishing of TheBramble of not understanding 7ths system, even though 7th has stated himself he will not disclose it. Logically, NO-ONE knows his system, except himself.
That is the typical naysayer trying his best to twist the facts to suit his own clueless agenda. Try going back and reading TheBramble’s very first post in this thread. He did not ask a question relevant to the thread, he immediately began trash-talk (as he typically does) inside a thread of someone he has no clue about. He asked NOT ONE relevant question (just like you right now) and he
ASSUMED knowledge that he could not possibly have while
POSING to be partial minded, yet at the very same time claiming both me and the system to “no be real” (just like you are right now).
Now, how arrogant is that? Naysayers are some of the saddest people on the face of the planet. They can’t get beyond their own egos long enough to admit: “Hey – I just don’t know” – and ask some relevant questions in fear that they just might bet educated.
trendie said:
I see parallels between 7th and Socrates:
I see clear parallels between you and every other trash-talking naysayer taking up residency on every trading board in the entire universe.
1) You assume yourselves into oblivion not knowing anything about the details, facts, substance or material being discussed.
2) You enter threads, realize the discussion is over your head and quickly move to trash the thread with off-topic, nonsensical garbage that wasted my time and the precious times of others actually
learning something as I correct your trash with facts and watch you squirm as you fail to respond “in kind” with FACTS.
3) You ultimate make some silly comparison between the thread that you are currently trashing with another thread that you previously trashed and then you run away never proving anything you’ve said pretending all the while that you’ve actually done something of value for the forum as you fake “not watching the thread” as you go on your merry way.
4) You completely
ignore any trades posted or the success of those trades and you always claim that you can’t see the trades even though anyone one with at least one eye and half a brain could see them sitting inside this thread for the entire free world to see.
5) And, you always project your total arrogance by claiming to know me, this system, how it was built, how it works and why it is a recreation of something old, not realizing just how ludicrous and lame your totally misguided comments land hollow points.
6) You create fictional characters and plug them into this thread as though they have some relevance here and as though they prove something that only your screwed up ulterior motive would appreciate.
trendie said:
both claim to have unique knowledge, either psychological insights or technical insights;
Only a total, clueless naysayer would ever think that he was not capable of original thought. This is the absolute perfect example post from a total clueless naysayer. One who frowns upon original thought. One who has most probably not had a single original through move though his head since his birth into this world and who can do nothing but project that same level of useless thinking into every situation in life they come up with. Just because you failed to have an original thought flow through your mind in the past quarter century, does not limit someone else’s ability to possess one or two in their lifetime. My goodness – how narrow minded could one possibly be.
trendie said:
both make references to this knowledge, but are unwilling to declare what it is;
So, because one is not willing to just hand over
everything to you on a silver platter, it just can’t be original, or real? That’s nuts. Who on earth would work their butt off for six (6), lose more than $15,000.00 as part of their “education” in the trading business fooling around with stock options, work sometimes 36 hours a day for prolonged periods of time honing their skill, educating themselves and developing creative concepts of a technical nature for trading above the 93% accuracy level on a
daily basis and then just turn around and hand it over to a
rude, arrogant, condescending, hostile flagrant such as the naysayer that you clear are?
Who on earth would do that? Not this fool! LOL! I talk about what I “choose” to talk about and when a question is asked that I “choose” not to discuss I let people know right up front that such an item is off limits. If you had eyes to see and ears to hear, you would have realized that what I have “chosen” to discuss thus far and shared with people for quite some time now, would be enough to boost your trading accuracy on a
DAILY basis far beyond where you are today.
I know what the average trader is doing today. I know they are barely seeing 63% precision/accuracy on a
DAILY basis and I know that 63%
DAILY is pushing the far upper regions of the general trading population as a whole. After talking with people from around the world about their own trading success for six (6) years, I know that the average “trend trader” is not seeing 63% accuracy on a
DAILY basis.
So, the very fact that I’m trading at 93+% accuracy on a
Daily basis and have been proving it in trade journals across the net for
YEARS just about says it all. No amount of wishful thinking is going to change or alter those solid facts no matter how hard you try – LOL!
trendie said:
( with 7ths wonderful system that he has spent six (6) years developing, but still adds new bits every other day, and Socrates futorological temporal-displacement insights )
So, let me get this straight, here. One is supposed to stop working, tweaking, improving and optimizing their trading technology simply because they’ve been working on it for six (6) years? That comment right there, speaks VOLUMES about the difference between what I do and what the average “trend trader” does.
The typical “trend trader” does not get this stuff because their minds are so incapable of “seeing beyond the trend”. This system goes
INSIDE the so-called “trend” and explores it. This systems runs inside the very thing that you attempt to trade. About 50% of the time, by the time you enter or exit your trade, I’m already on the opposite side of the so-called “trend” – typically long before you even know that the “trend” has reversed.
You can’t get to that level of acuity without spending a tremendous amount of time tweaking and optimizing a Predictive Model Trading Technology. If you think that you are going to understand this overnight, build one overnight, or tear this one down overnight, you are spitting in the wind and doing so blindly at the same time. This is Predictive Model Trading – NOT – “Trend Trading”. You cannot trade that which does not exist and I’ve already demonstrated that fact from about 5 different approaches with TheBramble.
You can guess, enter a trade where it moved with the “historical trend”, make some money (maybe 63% of the time on a Daily basis – but I seriously doubt it) and kid yourself into thinking that you actually “traded a trend” to that end. But, rest assured, all you did is all you can ever do in this business and that is called “trading a projection” – not a “trend”.
You are a predictive model trader and you don’t even know it! That is what I find extremely funny. You don’t have a predictive model that is coded like this one is and that makes you think that you are not a predictive model trader – LOL! All the while, you are completely blind to the fact that predictive model trading in an
UN-Coded form is STILL predictive model trading whether you like it or not, or whether you know it or not.
You DO trade a “black box”. Yours just happens to be
UN-Coded and you don’t even know it. Now, just how humorous is that?
trendie said:
both cannot bear the thought of someone challenging them, and proceed onto convoluted posts to re-inforce their sense of superiority.
This is some of the most free wielding pseudo-psychological twisted gibberish that a naysayer typically puts forth. I’ve been online for years
working WITH people and sharing “some” of these new ideas, not fighting with them. Take CLEAR note of the tone and tenor of the reply to those that as real questions about the concepts that I’ve shared here. Do you note any difference?
“Challenge”? What challenge? Where have you or any other naysayer on the planet “challenged” me or anyone else in this thread regarding the concepts discussed in this thread? You would be a fool to challenge someone on their turf, when you don’t know anything about what is being discussed on that turf. Others ask very intelligent questions and that is because they have been paying ATTENTION and the “get” the basic concepts enough to at least be able to dialog with me about them.
On the other hand, you typical naysayers NEVER ask relevant questions, NEVER post anything on-topic or coherent to any of the technical dialog being discussed. All you typical naysayers will EVER do is create straw men and them proceed to know them down as though you’ve just struck gold in the Northern hills of California. When you are ready to challenge someone on this level, post something that actually resembles a “challenge” and see what happens.
trendie said:
both fail to accept their own limitations, and descend into condescension to the other party.
This is pretty much the EXACT mirror image of yourself and other naysayers like you. You are so far removed from what’s going on here and you have so many “bogymen” running around in your head seeing things are not there, hearing things that are not there and creating delusional experiences that only naysayers can relate to, that I truly feel sorry for you.
You don’t outline what “limitations” you see. You use the word “limitations” as though it actually has meaning to a thread like this without realizing just how far off-base you are. And, every post made by you naysayers has been the
initiation of
condescension to the Nth degree and yet you have the twisted mindset that allows you to claim that someone else was being “condescending” with you.
You just don’t get it - do you?
trendie said:
( Socco reverts to implied superior insights, 7th just bangs on about relativity and neutrons and electon-shells ) I LOVE this thread. Please keep it going.[/
Once again, having not one clue about how or why the concept of an electron applies to “this” trading system, you use it in a “condescending” way because you do not comprehend ether electrons OR this system and then you sign off with the typical: “Oh, I find this thread funny” run-away and hide trash that most naysayers sign off with.
Look, Naysayer/Trendie:
Here’s the bottom line. You don’t get it and you are ego-puffed and arrogant about that fact. For your sake, get over it, get a life and by all means get a clue. Nothing you have posted here has made you any wiser about this system, its technology or the designer of it. You have not made yourself any better a trader for your rant, here. You have not improved your trading accuracy. You have not increased your bank account and you have not done anything to improve your position as a Trader, by your rant here.
You are a typical naysayer who can’t see what’s being discussed you are too business trying to prove that you know more about the creation than the creator himself. That is the apex of arrogance and you have displayed that degree of skill without flaw, here. Now, pat yourself on the back as you have once again demonstrated just how narrow minded and completely off-base you are “in this thread”.
But, here is the dirty little secret about ALL naysayers:
If you seriously thought this thread was a waste of your time – you would not be reading it!
So, much for integrity, huh?