kendog23 said:
So just wondering. . . .
And I am not asking in any attempt to spread destructive mehem or vice. . . . .
But where did 7thtradesignal's charts go?? How come your not posting them anymore Tradevector?? Maybe you mentioned it in a previous post and I just missed. . . . :?:
Just curious. . .
You can start by reading post #8 on this forum and then reading forward so that you can understand where things are right now.
I'm not a perpetual internet poster looking to store up several thousand posts under my name so that I can "look experienced" to others. I'm a former Combat Pilot turned Enterprise Software Systems Engineer, turned Professional Trader, managing a continuous flow of 7 accounts (in production mode - 3 more for beta purposes) who uses his education in physics, mathematics and aerodynamics to apply what I can to the research, design and construction of a real-time trading technology that can be used in any financially traded market, but that I use exclusively for the currency markets.
I do not trade retail accounts (other than my 3 small test arrangements) and use only commercial connections through a API based trading platform that enables me to execute multiple trades through several FX Intermediaries simultaneously for as many Lots as I have need to execute.
What I execute through my custom platform is what a retail trader might classify as a "mini lot". However, there is no such term in what I do. I have arrangements where I can simultaneously trade what you might call "mini", or what you might classify as "regular",
at the same time or something in between. That's a distinction worth being aware of when you ask me questions related to trading - so that apples can be compared with apples.
As of June 1st, 2006, I trade at a combined 175:1 when aggregating all intermediaries. Last month was above 200:1 and the month before that was right around 190:1
in the aggregate. This type of
gearing might not be fully recognizable to one only familiar with retail trading. On the commercial side, one can make "arrangements" with various intermediaries and those agreements won't always be the same across the board. Thus, the gearing is in the "aggregate" for each trade execute.
My last trade was what I call a
500/30 Block. It was executed and settled through 2 intermediaries at
500/15 Block per and returned to my trading platform under one (1)window as "Closed Executions" this morning as I rolled out of bed. Each taking about 25 hours to clear from entry to close.
Start with post #8 in this thread, note that all trades with the exception of one (1) were all posted in digital format. I no longer fool around with text based trade profile, especially when I don’t need to type them. Post #8 begins to describe what the relevant elements of the Dashboard are. Post #1 goes into further detail and talk about why this thread was created. Other posts along the way, give more description of the Dashboard and how I use it. Add that to what I’ve just posted here, and you should have an idea of what’s going on.
My online project is coming to a close. I restarted it after making some substantial changes to the system and began posting profiles again which is the way I like to do my testing before getting back into production mode. I approach trading the same way I do in running a business. I employ a strategic mindset in everything I do and I use protocol to structure the development process. Posting some live trades in public is one of those protocols – just something I like to do from a purely psychological standpoint. Along the way, I realize that there are people out there that have taken some of the concepts that I have shared over the years and they use these boards as a means to get some of their questions answered. So, I post on boards for that purpose as well.
I’m not a professional poster – so you won’t see thousands of posts under my uid. I’m a professional Trader and system developer (in this career) with future projects having nothing to do with trading, other than trading being the engine that funds those future projects. I’ve done many/countless other trade journals in text form over the years from Stocks, to Stock Options to Currency Pairs as well as live chat room trade profiles, so I’m just about tuckered out on spending the time to maintain journals online – I’ve even hosted a Yahoo Forum during my old Stock Option trading days.
Been there done ALL of that before.
That should just about sum it up in a nutshell. If you have a question about the system, the technology behind the system, or any trade posted on this or any other forum connected with this system, fire away. I came back to pick off a url link related to something else and found that more naysayers had joined in on this thread, so I decided to post the latest Troll Banned List – I saw your post in the process.
I think you also have an account over on ForexFactory as well. So, you have most likely already seen the 100% accurate trade journal that was rolling along just fine over there until the Moderator decided that I was selling something and decided to move the thread to the "classified" section - simply for posting live trade profiles. I did not bother to post Dashboard profiles on that forum because of that kind of bias.
If you have a trading system that trumps their James16Group deal that they are sponsoring for $99 a month, then you all of a sudden get your thread moved, or you get banned for "selling something" even when you clearly stated in your opening post that "Nothing was for sale and nothing ever would be for sale".
You cannot justify charging someone $99 a month for trading "expertise" when there is another system on the board trading at
daily levels of 100% accuracy. If the link still works, you can find the journal under
NaysayerTrader. It just goes to show the depths to which people go in the online community to demonstrate their level of foolishness. Shut down a perfectly find journal simply because it was running at 100%. That made a lot of sense. Here's the link:
Check the results for yourself and the content inside the thread and ask yourself: why was this thread moved into a "classified" section. Makes no sense at all, but that's what foolishness gets you in this business. Dumb moves made by foolish people trying hard to not be exposed. I could take ANY $99 a month member of that forum and boost their trading accuracy by at least 35% - 40%. But, there is no way in the world that I would EVER considering doing so. Not after the six (6) years of stupidity from the same Naysayers that I’ve had to put up with while trying to help those genuinely wanting to improve their trading.
Just not worth the hassle. So, I’m closing out my current trading project (which includes any online work) and leaving the online Naysayer community to the “experts” and the “legendary” types. They most certainly deserve each other and I most certainly don't want to hinder their oustanding growth! LOL!