Advanced Structured Forex Trading


You really are a fool. but I like to give everyone the opportunity to prove themselves so here's an offer for you.

I will post my LIVE trades (not your dumb beta testing a/c) here for a month. you do the same and if you come out on top in terms of pips I will publicly say that you are the best trader on the planet.

The only stipulation is that you post the trades in normal terms. ie. open price (long or short, stop if you have one and your limit.

Posting trades 3 hours after the event is not acceptable, they need to be posted within a reasonable time of taking the trade. Add on entry positions also need to be stated.

You may trade any pair/pairs you wish.

There you go. that's the challenge. Take it or shut the hell up as to how good you think you are.

I have set up a seperate thread so it's easier to keep track. I have posted my first trade
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Lighthouse said:

You really are a fool. but I like to give everyone the opportunity to prove themselves so here's an offer for you.

I will post my LIVE trades (not your dumb beta testing a/c) here for a month. you do the same and if you come out on top in terms of pips I will publicly say that you are the best trader on the planet.

The only stipulation is that you post the trades in normal terms. ie. open price (long or short, stop if you have one and your limit.

Posting trades 3 hours after the event is not acceptable, they need to be posted within a reasonable time of taking the trade. Add on entry positions also need to be stated.

You may trade any pair/pairs you wish.

There you go. that's the challenge. Take it or shut the hell up as to how good you think you are.

I have set up a seperate thread so it's easier to keep track. I have posted my first trade
Super 😱 😱 😱 :cheesy:
Lighthouse said:

You really are a fool. but I like to give everyone the opportunity to prove themselves so here's an offer for you.

I will post my LIVE trades (not your dumb beta testing a/c) here for a month. you do the same and if you come out on top in terms of pips I will publicly say that you are the best trader on the planet.

The only stipulation is that you post the trades in normal terms. ie. open price (long or short, stop if you have one and your limit.

Posting trades 3 hours after the event is not acceptable, they need to be posted within a reasonable time of taking the trade. Add on entry positions also need to be stated.

You may trade any pair/pairs you wish.

There you go. that's the challenge. Take it or shut the hell up as to how good you think you are.

I have set up a seperate thread so it's easier to keep track. I have posted my first trade
Lighthouse..Id be surprised if he actually takes it up given that I offered him the same challenges a while back. Also, given his 750 pip drawdown debacle, surely it wouldnt be a fair fight?? :cheesy:
zuke said:
Lighthouse..Id be surprised if he actually takes it up given that I offered him the same challenges a while back. Also, given his 750 pip drawdown debacle, surely it wouldnt be a fair fight?? :cheesy:

Hi Zuke

You are probably right that he won't take up the offer. He just has such an overblown ego that I would love to publicly pop his bubble. as would a few others I think 😎
Lighthouse said:

You really are a fool. but I like to give everyone the opportunity to prove themselves so here's an offer for you.

I will post my LIVE trades (not your dumb beta testing a/c) here for a month. you do the same and if you come out on top in terms of pips I will publicly say that you are the best trader on the planet.

The only stipulation is that you post the trades in normal terms. ie. open price (long or short, stop if you have one and your limit.

Posting trades 3 hours after the event is not acceptable, they need to be posted within a reasonable time of taking the trade. Add on entry positions also need to be stated.

You may trade any pair/pairs you wish.

There you go. that's the challenge. Take it or shut the hell up as to how good you think you are.

I have set up a seperate thread so it's easier to keep track. I have posted my first trade



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7thSignalTrader said:
The 1st Generation of code was the "TradeVector" prototpye. I used that userid online.

From that same post...

7thSignalTrader said:
Multiple prototype names, multiple userids to represent the generational gaps over the course of multiple years (6 to be exact), and in every case, always discussing the exact same content, issues and substance relative to the excact same system as it developed over the years regardless of the prototype name, code generation or application version number. I could have done things differently, but that is the way I chose to do them. Another person might choose a different path.
{my emphasis}

Well, good for you. But unfortunately, t2w has a different view on multiple userids.

Mods: If guidelines have changed and multiple, serial or parallel nicks are now allowed, can you confirm so that I can stop beating on about this?

I only came here to put him right straight on Trends...
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You are correct that multiple nicks are not permitted. However, in light of the fact that TradeVector was never banned and that he admitted both in public & to the mods some time ago to being the same person I asked admin to merge the two accounts into one to clear this up. I'm sorry this has not yet been done but it will be soon.
It wasn't a question of him being banned Frugi (though excessive and consistent pointlessness SHOULD IMHO be a condition) it was the simple fact that he has more than one nick. Under current guidelines there is no basis for this being acceptable.

If anyone else now owns up to having more than one nick, will they have all their threads and posts merged - or will you simply ban them? If this amnesty is being offered to all or just to TV/7ST it makes a complete joke of guidelines, past moderator actions and one hell of an administrative headache for t2w.

It's getting back to that central issue about the guidelines being administered equitably, clearly and openly for the entire membership. They don't appear to be.
frugi said:

You are correct that multiple nicks are not permitted. However, in light of the fact that TradeVector was never banned and that he admitted both in public & to the mods some time ago to being the same person I asked admin to merge the two accounts into one to clear this up. I'm sorry this has not yet been done but it will be soon.
TheBramble said:
It wasn't a question of him being banned Frugi (though excessive and consistent pointlessness SHOULD IMHO be a condition) it was the simple fact that he has more than one nick. Under current guidelines there is no basis for this being acceptable.

If anyone else now owns up to having more than one nick, will they have all their threads and posts merged - or will you simply ban them? If this amnesty is being offered to all or just to TV/7ST it makes a complete joke of guidelines, past moderator actions and one hell of an administrative headache for t2w.

It's getting back to that central issue about the guidelines being administered equitably, clearly and openly for the entire membership. They don't appear to be.


The mob is baying for blood. They must be appeased.
Errare humanum est. Perseverare diabolicum. Panem et circenses!
I've decided to reply to you using your patented TrudVector Anangramizer V1.0. If I've read the manual (single sheet of A5 with typos and smudged with fake aviation oil finger marks) correctly, all I need to do is shove your posted text into the 'mangle hopper' and press the 'Turn your Words into Truds' button.

Here goes...

{start of output TrudVector Anagramizer V1.0}

Originally Posted by TheBramble said:
7th - what has anything in the last two dreadfully boring posts got to do with the real business of trading?

TradeVicar originally attempted to make sense with... said:
It was YOU who initiated this with your post #323 where you claim to know very little about the trading system that this thread is all about and where you also claim to “know me personally” – which was then and is now a complete lie. I don’t know you and you don’t know me or the horse I road in on and never have – nor will you, most likely. So, try asking yourself what your reply has to do with the “real business of trading”. Try that one on for size and see if it fits your agenda.
I tried it on for size to see if it fitted my agenda. I may know your horse. Is his name "Eric"? Did you accidentally dangle a participle with that one?

Originally Posted by TheBramble said:
1. You have too much time on your hands.

originally automatically typed by TradeVector's nose after he fell face down onto keyboard after reading his own draft post... said:
You’ve finally got one right. I’ve worked my butt off to get to the point where I call the shots on my time. No one calls my time, but me. I’ve earned that right by removing myself from the corporate scene through diligence and extremely hard work. So, congratulations – you amusingly enough got one right.
I'm sorry to hear about your butt. Have you considered a transplant? I think another member has posted a picture of one of your immediate family. The graft is far more likely to be a success with such close genetic ties. I am glad you are calling the shots on your time. Whatever that means. I'm glad no one calls your time but you. I'm glad those two sentences made sense to you and confirms my concerns. Removing yourself from the corporate scene seems like a sensible thing for you to have done. Did you get a helping hand?

Originally Posted by TheBramble said:
2. You appear to have above average intelligence and intellect, but are p!ssing it away. (JMHO)

Initially stammered in a flabbergasted manner by 7thAdventTrader said:
What is “intelligence”? Can you answer that question? I’ve flown a total of 38 combat sorties in some of the most sophisticated aircraft the world has ever known and I’ve flown those missions with people who I thought were a billion times smarter than myself (and I’ve often told them so). So, I don’t see myself as erudite. Rather, extremely committed to the concept of UNDERSTANDING that which I “need to know”.

It is all about “need to know” in my world. When you have the “need” – you will find a way to “know”. Most people on this planet are smarter than I am – I just work extremely hard at those things I “need to know” – when I need to know them. Intelligence has little to do with it – that’s a cop out. Everybody, short of some chemical imbalance in the brain (a physical defect), is intelligent and most people can (when called upon) demonstrate way above average intelligence.

The problem with people can be summed up in one word: Motivation. Give someone the proper motivation and they will find themselves doing things that others might think would require “above average intelligence” – not realizing that they had that capability inside them all along.
I have no idea what intelligence may mean to you. To me, it is the ability to amuse. Therefore, you are intelligent. 38 Combat sorties? Wow! I only got my Flight Sim V3 about the same time as you, and I've only flown 37. Which side do you choose? Do you do the interactive thing? Perhaps we've met? Are you Marcie von Richthofen in the knee-length patent red boots and matching pilot's skull-cap? I've also flown combat mission, in reality though. The 'world' doesn't know aircraft. Fliers and designers know aircraft. They're the only ones really interested. If you're really committed to 'understanding what you need to know' - try re-focussing n the last few days worth of posts that aren't from you or your other nicks. That'll help. A lot! Intelligence has little to do with it? OK. If you say so. I'm convinced.

Originally Posted by TheBramble said:
3. Inventing new terms for basic trading setups and phenomena can be anything from a fun pastime to an intellectual arrogance, but it's no substitute for actually trading.

TiredVictor almost tried to say said:
Being ignorant and not capable of admitting it is likewise a pastime of wayward fools. You continually make declarative statements while offering not one shred of evidence that you can actually back them up. Once again, you call your own credibility into question.

In order to prove what you say, you will need to show where a “new term” has been created for “basic trading set-ups” in this system. Define and outline each new term that was created and its associated basic trading set-up. If you cannot do this, then it will only be more proof of your arrogance and ignorance as you pretend to know something that you don’t about this system.

In order for you to be able to prove this, you will have to know something about this system. Now, prove that you have the slightest clue about what you speak by showing exactly which “new terms” were created and how they directly apply to this trading system. Anything less than this will prove my point about why I keep you off the Banned/Troll list.

LOL- you should really start to think before you type – you continually type yourself into deeper holes from which you have no recovery. This only one of many examples that I have highlighted about people like you who like to pretend they know what this system is all about without having the slightest clue.
How about if I was so ignorant I wasn't capable of admitting it? You can let me off for that, surely? (Do you mind if I call you Surely?) The reason I offer no shred of evidence to back up my declarative statements is that I don't need to. Only a fool would have seen them as declarative statements. Only a bigger fool would feel any need to back them up. My credibility has never been called into question. It's non-existent. Bit like a trend really...

I don't need to show a new term has been created. Everyone reading this thread knows you've done that. Next. Plus. I don't need to do that. Any hoop you construct with the hope of having me jump through it, is, well, a hoop. There! Sort that one out. Proof of my arrogance and ignorance - Lordy! Just look at any thread. It's there for all to see.

Banned/Troll list. Bet that ones crowded. LOL.

Think before I type? Are you kidding? I channel Livermore ands Wyckoff. I don't do this stuff consciously my man! Type myself into deeper holes. Whoa! Jung baby...!!!! Stay focussed. Both hands on the keyboard please.

Originally Posted by TheBramble said:
4. Unless I'm criminally wrong, you are/were Trade Vector. You amended to the point of deletion (but not quite - AR again?) most of your posts in a fit of pique and lack of the expected levels of adoration from the crowd.

defensively and circuitously fudged by TriedtoTrade... said:
This is the kind of useless, pointless, non-sequitur, non-responsive insertions that are a hallmark of your posts on this forum. This has been asked and answered almost 4 months ago with your post #3 in this thread and my reply post #7 in this thread. So, almost 400 posts later (lol) in an attempt to avoid the questions put to you in my last reply regarding your reply on “trends”, you ask a question you have already asked and that was already answered and you do it in a futile attempt to prove what – exactly?

You really, really need read, think and ponder your words just a bit before you type. You are being caught here on every single attempt to prevaricate on the questions put to you that you have failed miserably to answer with any coherence or congruency whatsoever. Every single word that you have posted in this thread has been irrelevant, off-topic (excluding your attempt to prove that one can actually trade a trend) and holistically non-sequitur at the core.
Oops. Target acquired. The fact the mods have decided to grant you special privs in allowing you to have more than one nick means you probably have friends in high places. I'm not THAT stupid. I know when I'm beat. No more mention about your multi-nicks. OK? I mean, not the ones you have owned up to OR the other ones. LOL.

originally posted by TrudgeSignal with unfortunately totally obvious envy of PostCountSize!!! said:
Furthermore, how many “nicks” do you have? How many have you used in various online forums? How many times have you logged on to this forum using another nick? You have thousands of posts (a “Legend”) on this forum – most of them are just like this – pointless, aimless and without regard for truth. Anybody can accumulate thousands of pointless posts and then attempt to pass that off as “trader knowledge”.

The number of posts means nothing – the content of those posts means everything. I’ve made just over 216 posts on this forum. What I’ve posted in those 216 posts contains infinitely more valuable information than the thousands that you have posted combined! The problem with guys like you is that you are too blind to recognize it.

Recall how this got started, now? YOU interrupted with YOUR silly, argumentative style and YOUR usual abundance of arrogance. Read some of your replies to people, guy. I’m not the only detecting the arrogance in your replies to people. You come off like some Mother Hen around here. Adults are on this board and no one needs your Mother Hen protection. If you don’t like something that somebody has posted, instead of posting a counter-argument intelligently, coherently, with details, technical facts and reasons that make your argument more sound – you monopolize a thread (that’s how you garnered the several thousand posts you now have – I’ve read MANY of them), start labeling people, inject pointless and useless drivel, while pretending to be “in the know” and “helpful”.

Do you realize that attitudes like yours in the online trading world are a dime a dozen? Anything you don’t understand, can’t see, don’t comprehend, can’t recognize, or otherwise can’t come to grips with (for whatever reasons) you attempt to trash.

The huge problem for you here is that you don’t know what you are doing here – lol. That’s makes trashing it a very difficult mission for you to accomplish.

Now, you have failed to answer one single relevant question regarding one’s ability to “trade a trend” as they were detailed for you in a reply to your initial reply. So, here’s a bit of advice for you and all the other people like you: Get a life and get out of this thread unless you have something relevant, on-topic, technically oriented and specifically geared towards the nature, content and purpose of this thread.

Otherwise, stop wasting my time with your silliness and youthful brilliance.

Understood? You are not yet on the Banned/Troll list - but you are getting very close. (unbelievable - )

I've only ever had the one nick. In all forums I've ever subscribed to I've always been "TheBramble". Yes, thousands of posts. You want some? I'll let you have all my post count if it will help you. Mods, please give TV/7ST et al all my post counts and I'll start from zero. When you say "most of them [my posts] are just like this – pointless, aimless and without regard for truth" did you mean my posts or your one you were posting that in? I doubt anybody could 'accumulate' (???) thousands of posts and pass it off as 'trader knowledge'. However, it's quite clear some attempt to pass off 'trader knowledge' which we all know, even with thousands of posts, ain't ever gonna convince anyone.

I'm glad you feel your 216 posts on this forum (are you only counting those just under the one nick?) are worth more than all of mine. Nice objective feel to that. As for blindness, if blindness is the inability to recognise your greatness, pass the white stick, I'm your man. [Unfortunately the simulator has run out of the word arrogance at this point].

Mother Hen says - Trends are for Friends. TCDs are for the bees.

I trash, trash basically.

Don't know where I'm going? Where is there to go on an on-line bulletin board for goodness sake? It's just a bulletin board. It's NOT real. Any more than your other nicks.

I will ge tout of this thread as you so helpfully suggest because my attention having been successfully brought to bear on your hallucinations about the non-existence of trends has done the job. Point proven.

The banned/troll list. What happens when I get on it. Do you disappear?

{end of output TrudVector Anagramizer V1.0}

I've put some special tags into my response to prevent you putting MY work into the TrudVector Anagamizer. Any attempt to process it as normal will result in total and complete gibberish.

That really was the last post from me on this thread. So, you wont need to respond.

Unless you have a chemical imbalance of course. 😆
Hi 7th,

I've just been perusing over the calculations in your recent screenshot of the Real-Time StealthIndicator Performance F(x) section of the system.

Something doesn't look right. I think that when you added the Annual data a bug may have crept in. The 5th row of the Fill% Synergy for Master F(x) appears to be a copy of the previous Annual Line, and seems as though it shouldn't be there at all because the values don't make sense to me.

I was interested to see references to targets on the lower edge of the same screen. As we can use the projected fills to determine where the price structure should be at the end of tomorrow, can we also use these fills in combination with the normal Omega magnitude to determine possible price targets for the high and low of tomorow ?

I would guess that knowing your magnitudes well makes determination of expected high and low pretty straightforward when the market is ranging, however the "trending" market is something else. A strongly trending market in the opposite direction to your predicted direction will cause Expected High and Low estimates to be miles out, so I would guess that determination of direction is crucial.

You've briefly referred to your "Direction Finder" before - is it essential to build such a beast to be able to determine direction adequately to get decent EH and EL targets or is it possible to determine direction well enough from TCD fills ?


echelon4x said:
Hi 7th,

I've just been perusing over the calculations in your recent screenshot of the Real-Time StealthIndicator Performance F(x) section of the system.

Something doesn't look right. I think that when you added the Annual data a bug may have crept in. The 5th row of the Fill% Synergy for Master F(x) appears to be a copy of the previous Annual Line, and seems as though it shouldn't be there at all because the values don't make sense to me.

I was interested to see references to targets on the lower edge of the same screen. As we can use the projected fills to determine where the price structure should be at the end of tomorrow, can we also use these fills in combination with the normal Omega magnitude to determine possible price targets for the high and low of tomorow ?

I would guess that knowing your magnitudes well makes determination of expected high and low pretty straightforward when the market is ranging, however the "trending" market is something else. A strongly trending market in the opposite direction to your predicted direction will cause Expected High and Low estimates to be miles out, so I would guess that determination of direction is crucial.

You've briefly referred to your "Direction Finder" before - is it essential to build such a beast to be able to determine direction adequately to get decent EH and EL targets or is it possible to determine direction well enough from TCD fills ?



Anyone prescribing to this drivel must be very much of the lower echelon. Unless, of course you are one of 7th Signals imaginary friends?
So just wondering. . . .

And I am not asking in any attempt to spread destructive mehem or vice. . . . .

But where did 7thtradesignal's charts go?? How come your not posting them anymore Tradevector?? Maybe you mentioned it in a previous post and I just missed. . . . :?:

Just curious. . .

Banned List (No-Fly-Zone) of Internet Trolls. :idea:

Begin List

7th Error9000

End List

Any replies and/or quotes from people on this list will be enough to add your own uid to the list until the moderator decides to do the right thing. If your uid was added to this list, it is because you either initiated foolish and/or off-topic childishness or you replied with a quote from one of the Trolls on the above list who have done the same in the past.

I don’t respond to other threads based on total incompetents and foolishness, or to foolish posters in this thread who post unimaginably clueless words lacking content, substance and meaning. So, any of clueless nonsense that gets replied to in your post automatically renders you on my personal Banned Troll List – right where all the rest of the trash belongs.

If you pay close attention, you will find that I do not post in other threads on this board related to the Forex, as I don’t find anything being discussed, produced, or alluded to adding any value to what I already know and do in the Interbank markets each day (when I’m actively trading). So, if you want to dialog with me regarding THIS system, then your approach needs to be respectful and on-topic.

I don’t have anymore time for fools and people pretending to know more about this system than the one who created it – nor do I have time for children and their amusing self-enveloping rants. I’ve asked the Moderator to remove those who inject off-topic nonsense in to this thread in the past. The Moderator refuses to do so, instead allowing off-topic and useless posts that have nothing to do with the topic, purpose or intent of this thread. Therefore, I have created my own Troll List of uids blocked under my account. So, I don’t see the nonsense proffered by fools when they post here.

I only see the posts of people that have demonstrated civility and a sense of what on-topic means. All others get torched.

Notice who is on the banned list above and notice that I don’t waste my time with their lunacy. They don’t have a clue about this system, the technology behind it, how it works, why it works, nor are they interesting in educating themselves to the point of becoming relevant in a dialog with the creator of the system.

They epitomize the very definition of Naysayer and Fool. And, I have no more time for either type of individual at this point. My time for any board is coming to a close as other projects require more and more of my personal time each day. But, I still try to make some time available to for the normal people on trading boards such as this. (this truly being the only board I’m on at this point).

So, if you wish to dialog about this system, or trades related to this system that have already been posted (view the thread from the start) then I’m all for that, but you will have to wait patiently for a reply sometimes as my time is now leveraged into other projects.

I think it takes a real fool to claim total knowledge about a concept they have never seen, don’t fully understand and have never sought an education regarding. I think it takes an even bigger fool to claim they know others can’t learn about said concept without first gaining an understanding of what they don’t already know. Only a fool does this and only a bigger fool would continue to do this.

If one wishes to make a total fool of him/herself (mostly men, because most women I know are not this lame) then that is their choice. Mine has always been to inspire based on my personal experience as a trader and my successful account growth over the years as a Trader. Mine has never been to hand-over on a silver platter that which I’ve worked so hard to produce. Thus, I can talk about certain aspects of the system without giving away the most critical components. Since nothing has ever been for sale, I have zero intent to “give away” anything on the most advanced side of this technology. However, I have demonstrated the system for YEARS online and have been willing to share SOME of the unique aspects of the system along the way. Anyone Naysaying on these facts obviously has deeply rooted problems within themselves that they need to resolve.

I executed thirty simultaneous (30) trades this session from Limit Entry Orders places yesterday after 0000GMT (30 of them). Each trade was for five hundred (500) lots. Do the math. That’s 500 x 30, or 15,000 lots total. It cost me more than $750,000.00 to execute that trade and I used a test target of 7 pips each, so I only made $107,058.00 in the aggregate, but that’s not important because it was a test trade using real cash and highly restricted targets given the test mode. What’s important about the trade is that I used a new form of TCD, that I call a TNCD – which is Non-Contiguous and one of many different TNCD forms.

So, even in my “test mode”, you can rest assured that I’m most likely executing on more lots (in the aggregate) than ALL of the Naysayers on this board combined – easily. I doubt very seriously that any of these Naysaying foolish people are anywhere near executing on anywhere near 15,000 lots (mini, regular or otherwise). So, wasting my time with people like this any further in an attempt to help them become better Traders then they are right now, is futile from where I sit, because they don’t have the capacity to lay aside their enormous egos long enough to learn what they don’t know and what keeps them chasing “trends” around like a dog wagging its tail.

In other words, there is trading and then there is Trading – with a capital T. Naysayers won’t ever get there until they realize the severe limitations that trading at 65% accuracy poses on their long term non-linear account growth.

We are simply talking about two entirely different worlds of “Trading” and the ability to recognize it when its placed directly under one’s nose. This is something that Naysayers simply cannot comprehend. They are too busy knowing it all – without really knowing anything at all about what they “attempt” to rail against in total, blind futility.

Rail on, Naysayer. Realizing that you don’t cut any figures here nor do you change or alter in anyway anything I do – and have been doing for years as a Trader.
kendog23 said:
So just wondering. . . .

And I am not asking in any attempt to spread destructive mehem or vice. . . . .

But where did 7thtradesignal's charts go?? How come your not posting them anymore Tradevector?? Maybe you mentioned it in a previous post and I just missed. . . . :?:

Just curious. . .


You can start by reading post #8 on this forum and then reading forward so that you can understand where things are right now.

I'm not a perpetual internet poster looking to store up several thousand posts under my name so that I can "look experienced" to others. I'm a former Combat Pilot turned Enterprise Software Systems Engineer, turned Professional Trader, managing a continuous flow of 7 accounts (in production mode - 3 more for beta purposes) who uses his education in physics, mathematics and aerodynamics to apply what I can to the research, design and construction of a real-time trading technology that can be used in any financially traded market, but that I use exclusively for the currency markets.

I do not trade retail accounts (other than my 3 small test arrangements) and use only commercial connections through a API based trading platform that enables me to execute multiple trades through several FX Intermediaries simultaneously for as many Lots as I have need to execute.

What I execute through my custom platform is what a retail trader might classify as a "mini lot". However, there is no such term in what I do. I have arrangements where I can simultaneously trade what you might call "mini", or what you might classify as "regular", at the same time or something in between. That's a distinction worth being aware of when you ask me questions related to trading - so that apples can be compared with apples.

As of June 1st, 2006, I trade at a combined 175:1 when aggregating all intermediaries. Last month was above 200:1 and the month before that was right around 190:1 in the aggregate. This type of gearing might not be fully recognizable to one only familiar with retail trading. On the commercial side, one can make "arrangements" with various intermediaries and those agreements won't always be the same across the board. Thus, the gearing is in the "aggregate" for each trade execute.

My last trade was what I call a 500/30 Block. It was executed and settled through 2 intermediaries at 500/15 Block per and returned to my trading platform under one (1)window as "Closed Executions" this morning as I rolled out of bed. Each taking about 25 hours to clear from entry to close.

Start with post #8 in this thread, note that all trades with the exception of one (1) were all posted in digital format. I no longer fool around with text based trade profile, especially when I don’t need to type them. Post #8 begins to describe what the relevant elements of the Dashboard are. Post #1 goes into further detail and talk about why this thread was created. Other posts along the way, give more description of the Dashboard and how I use it. Add that to what I’ve just posted here, and you should have an idea of what’s going on.

My online project is coming to a close. I restarted it after making some substantial changes to the system and began posting profiles again which is the way I like to do my testing before getting back into production mode. I approach trading the same way I do in running a business. I employ a strategic mindset in everything I do and I use protocol to structure the development process. Posting some live trades in public is one of those protocols – just something I like to do from a purely psychological standpoint. Along the way, I realize that there are people out there that have taken some of the concepts that I have shared over the years and they use these boards as a means to get some of their questions answered. So, I post on boards for that purpose as well.

I’m not a professional poster – so you won’t see thousands of posts under my uid. I’m a professional Trader and system developer (in this career) with future projects having nothing to do with trading, other than trading being the engine that funds those future projects. I’ve done many/countless other trade journals in text form over the years from Stocks, to Stock Options to Currency Pairs as well as live chat room trade profiles, so I’m just about tuckered out on spending the time to maintain journals online – I’ve even hosted a Yahoo Forum during my old Stock Option trading days.

Been there done ALL of that before.

That should just about sum it up in a nutshell. If you have a question about the system, the technology behind the system, or any trade posted on this or any other forum connected with this system, fire away. I came back to pick off a url link related to something else and found that more naysayers had joined in on this thread, so I decided to post the latest Troll Banned List – I saw your post in the process.


I think you also have an account over on ForexFactory as well. So, you have most likely already seen the 100% accurate trade journal that was rolling along just fine over there until the Moderator decided that I was selling something and decided to move the thread to the "classified" section - simply for posting live trade profiles. I did not bother to post Dashboard profiles on that forum because of that kind of bias.

If you have a trading system that trumps their James16Group deal that they are sponsoring for $99 a month, then you all of a sudden get your thread moved, or you get banned for "selling something" even when you clearly stated in your opening post that "Nothing was for sale and nothing ever would be for sale".

You cannot justify charging someone $99 a month for trading "expertise" when there is another system on the board trading at daily levels of 100% accuracy. If the link still works, you can find the journal under NaysayerTrader. It just goes to show the depths to which people go in the online community to demonstrate their level of foolishness. Shut down a perfectly find journal simply because it was running at 100%. That made a lot of sense. Here's the link:

Check the results for yourself and the content inside the thread and ask yourself: why was this thread moved into a "classified" section. Makes no sense at all, but that's what foolishness gets you in this business. Dumb moves made by foolish people trying hard to not be exposed. I could take ANY $99 a month member of that forum and boost their trading accuracy by at least 35% - 40%. But, there is no way in the world that I would EVER considering doing so. Not after the six (6) years of stupidity from the same Naysayers that I’ve had to put up with while trying to help those genuinely wanting to improve their trading.

Just not worth the hassle. So, I’m closing out my current trading project (which includes any online work) and leaving the online Naysayer community to the “experts” and the “legendary” types. They most certainly deserve each other and I most certainly don't want to hinder their oustanding growth! LOL! 🙂
non-dealing desk fx

Hi 7th

Got a simple question ... I know kinda off topic here. I came across this blog:

about some journalist talking about the so-called dealing-desk type fx broker is basically full
of manipulated "FX" data to suck retail traders in. However, he falls short of actually spelling
out non-dealing desk or direct access to interbank system.

Are you able to point me to the right source to start the due dilligence process ?

TheBramble said:

From that same post...

{my emphasis}

Well, good for you. But unfortunately, t2w has a different view on multiple userids.

Mods: If guidelines have changed and multiple, serial or parallel nicks are now allowed, can you confirm so that I can stop beating on about this?

I only came here to put him right straight on Trends...

Seems to me you are barking up the wrong tree. It also seems to me that you must think everybody here is a nut. Do you really think that anybody cares about the multiple userids that YOU have on this board? Furthermore, what's your hang-up? The Moderator already told you the facts - but just like "trends", you don't get it.

This is a prime example of your continual ranting and raving over something when the facts have been clearly outlines for you in full vivid color. Yet, you ignored the facts the Moderator gave you and insisted that your misunderstanding of the facts was correct. So, now you will initiate an argument with the Moderator when all he did was wake you up with facts. That makes all the sense in the world. More importantly, it illustrates why you can’t see that it is impossible to trade an historical trend. Your inability to handle the facts is mind blowing when you stop to think about it.

He gave you a perfectly good explanation and yet you want to deny it in full plain view. That's Senseless - but right in line with what you've produced in this thread, so I should not be that surprised.

I think if you were anymore sick, you'd need a 911 call made on your behalf every day of the week. Now we see where your "legendary" status on this forum comes from. You don't have a clue, and your posts reflect that. You post such meaningless extractions of idiocy (right down to the root of stupdity) that I hardly know where to start.

So, let me start by finishing. Finishing you off with the fact that not one single technical rebuttal have you even bothered to enumerate in this thread regarding your ability to even remotely describe how it is possible to travel back in time and trade that which has already happened relative to anyone’s frame of reference from the place you originated. You’ve made no technical argument to counter or rebut my technical statements to clearly prove (six billion ways from Sunday) how impossible it is to trade an historical trend.

The very fact that you are so out of touch with reality enough to even contemplate arguing such a dumb thing, is both pitiful and amazing at the exact same time. You’ve been given every light switch in the room complete with GPS guidance directly to each one, and yet you still can’t seem to find a single switch given to you on a silver platter for why and how thermodynamics prohibits your grand “theory” of experiencing what has not yet happened.

The fact that you don’t get these facts and have now resolved yourself to weak attempts at insults, while not realizing how foolish and transparent you are in the process, is mind numbing.

You are out of your league and you have demonstrated that clearly – this is the ONLY reason why you have been kept off of the Banned List, until now - so that a clear example can be made of your kind (the typical narrow minded Naysayer). You might be a “legendary” member as far as the T2W server is concerned, but you have proven yourself to be a “Thread Troll” in this thread, without a doubt. Underachieving trolls never cease to amaze me. You guys are sad and so incredibly inept.

As far as my previous career is concerned – I’d be as big a fool as you have proven your self to be for even thinking about dialoging with you along those lines. That conversation will only take place in your dreams.

Wake up.
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soccer_daemon said:
Hi 7th

Got a simple question ... I know kinda off topic here. I came across this blog:

about some journalist talking about the so-called dealing-desk type fx broker is basically full
of manipulated "FX" data to suck retail traders in. However, he falls short of actually spelling
out non-dealing desk or direct access to interbank system.

Are you able to point me to the right source to start the due dilligence process ?


Taken from his site - he wrote:

"A few of the aforementioned may be offering non-dealing desk brokerage for high rollers but from what I was able to gather from visits to their web sites, that’s not the case. All are currently offering mini (if not micro mini) accounts and, as we know, non-standard lots are only traded off-exchange."

And, you know what? He's dead on target. But, this is what trading boards will frown upon.

He then said what I've been saying to Naysayers for years and each time, I'm told that what I do is magical or the Naysayer will basically talk around the subject because they don't have a clue about what real Commercial Direct to Interbank trading is all about. Why? No body would touch them with a ten foot pole. You have to bring sizable capital to make the arrangements with Interbank intermediaries that those of us who really trade Interbank, have established. And, those relationships were built over time.

I've talked about this on DailyFX with the Naysayer Troll on this board known as LightHouse (ProFX on the DailyFX board) and in his total ignorance, he laughed it off. I made it clear that the way I traded the markets was not retail based and that I used multiple intermediaries to execute my trades through an custom designed API platform that I built over the years and that I never talked in detail about it - only about the signal generating trading system. I said on that forum that I don’t trade the “Forex” like most retail traders do. He (LightHouse) simply did not understand what was being said. That’s because he only knows retail. There is a complete different kind of “FX” market out there that most “Forex” traders don’t even know exist. I full well know and understand the difference between the two.

I don't discuss all of my personal business online for obvious reasons and some not so obvious. We’ll have to discuss this to “some” degree off-line. This is most definitely not for boards like this. You have to understand that some trader’s “connections” actually give them a tactical advantage over most other retail traders.

Important Note: This is NOT the Stock Market. Getting “in” on the “other game” is also not rocket science either. But, it does take some substance brought and laid upon the table when you approach people and tell them what you are attempting to accomplish. This is just now for this forum. I would not be willing to share this information with the Naysayers on this forum – that much is certain.

However, what he does not expressly say is that in order to do what I do with Banks requires more than just larger capital blocks. It requires relationship building with human beings. If one truly plans to get "large" in this business, relationships MUST be built. That will mean getting on aircraft and flying in to meet people in person and be willing to establish relationships. Not to mention be ready to demonstrate that you know what you are doing in the markets.

This is a huge topic and I typically stay away from it given the obvious and not so obvious connections to my business - I just don't discuss certain aspects of "how" I do what I do. Bottom line: security is my biggest concern.

I use these boards strictly to help others to the extent that I can with concepts that I've created and for the purposes of moving through my protocol for doing at least "some" public related to the development of the system. The rest is strictly business and off-topic generally speaking for me personally.

This is not going to “guide” you that much, but it does verify what I’ve been saying for quite some times now. There are “traders” and then there are “Traders”. There is the “Forex” and then there is “Interbank”.

I don’t trade the Forex and I have not traded the Forex for getting close to two years now. It will be two years since I got off the “Forex” track this year. The currency market is not the stock market and the same rules of engagement don’t always apply.

Read ever WORD of this site. You will learn enough to “guide” you in the right direction. This guy has obviously done his homework and I like people that do their homework. He’s probably an overachiever – another type of human being that I like work with.

I did intend to post here for a couple of weeks. I came here to pick up a url that I saw a while back ago and poked my head inside of my thread seeing all the Naysaying stupidity in full bloom. So, I decided to put up the newest version of the Banned List and in the process reply to a couple other valid questions. However, I am not officially back. I still need a couple more weeks before I get back to production mode and finish off my public protocol for profiles.

I'll see you guys then.