Timsk, a compromise solution would be to use this link at the top of the landing
page (above or below the new trader section):
Trade2Win Forums - Top 50 Stats
That is just the Top Ten Stats link that is currently at the bottom of the landing page.
In other words, put the Top Ten Stats link at the top of the landing page and
rename it discussion heatmap or similar
I would also put Trading journals into the Trading methods section as journals
are essentially a diary of someone's method.
Spreads could go into Trading methods, or as a subforum of Techical analysis.
Also, putting subforum links to Risk & Money Management & Trading Psychology
forums in First steps might be an idea.
On another note, I can see where Robster and a few others are coming from
regarding the dumping of general trading chat altogether.
Worth noting that Elite Trader does still have a General section at the top of
the forum landing page - "trading".
Forum - Day Trader Forum - Day Trading - EliteTrader.com
That would reamove the mammoth task of re-filing all the General trading chat threads...
Maybe just refile the dcurrently stickied, most viewed threads that are clearly
in the wrong section?
The discussion heatmap idea I mentioned earlier might negate the need for that though?
Just my 2c feedback on the changes so far.
On the whole, apart from the above points, I think its OK