A New Low?

That's not the final outcome.

The case was remanded back to a lower court. The jury found no malice on the part of Staples and returned a verdict in the company's favor.

End result: TRUTH is still an absolute defense in defamation lawsuits

Media Law: Jury Verdict in Noonan v. Staples

Jury says no to libel claim over truthful e-mail - National Law Journal


It's only 2-1 then....the problem with law is, nobody knows when the final whistle will be blown do they ! 😆
Invalid argument. No they don't deserve it. Women get raped by force not by choice regardless of what they were wearing or where they were walking. At the time of the incident they don't have the option of making an informed decision not to be raped.

99% of the population do not have the option of making an informed decision about trading, either.

Anyone who puts their complete life savings into ANY investment scheme is not being even remotely intelligent. Same people wouldn't bet it all on black (or red).


So unintelligent people deserve to be ripped off? Is that what you are saying? What's your IQ limit on that?

Getting taken in by a boiler room is a gradual process. They will 'invest' some money for you, show you a profit and gradually get you more & more committed.

It is not the same as putting it all on black by a long stretch.
99% of the population do not have the option of making an informed decision about trading, either.

How is that? You can choose to make a trade or not to. Choice.

So unintelligent people deserve to be ripped off? Is that what you are saying? What's your IQ limit on that?

Getting taken in by a boiler room is a gradual process. They will 'invest' some money for you, show you a profit and gradually get you more & more committed.

It is not the same as putting it all on black by a long stretch.

The addage "don't put all your money in 1 basket" has been around since money was invented. If you have money then you've heard it often. To then ignore it, well, you get what you deserve. Those people got greedy.

I'm not without compassion but when you have the choice to do or not do then you have to take responsibility for your decision.

the gullibles are living in a bubble.

a simple technique is to ask the system vendor to show real track records. Then verify that track record. Some of you might have seen a vendor publishing fake track records on t2w recently.

Anybody with IQ and common sense should ask questoins when a begger is promising them to turn $1000 to $1,000,000 in few weeks.

just look around you; and you will fine plenty of people who have given away their savings by beleiving the above. I have seen quite few in my lifetime. One of them is as close as my brother in law...🙁 sadly he didn't take my advice when he still had a chance to get his money back.

t2w and the forums alike; and its participants; have a responsibility to elevate the crowd's IQ; and expose the cowboys.

remember why Club3000 was invented in the first place. for this exact purpose.
Do women in short skirts deserve to be raped too?

There's elderly people that lose their life savings to boiler room operations. I don't think they deserve it either...

Maybe that's just me.
You forgot about kittens being dumped on motorways and puppies being tied up in sacks and thrown in the lake.

You go ahead and try in vain protect everyone and everything from everything and everyone else if it makes you happy. But clearly, most on this fool’s errand are not. For good reason. They’re trying to fight Nature. There are Prey and there are Predators. Each exist only in context to the other.

What I was suggesting was that if you have a desire to right wrongs, then find the rapist and sort him out rather than protest outside PriMark for selling short skirts. Close down the boiler room through legal means (or if you have the contacts, back street means) rather than write a stiff letter of complaint to the Mail on Sunday for carrying the ad.

As for the cute baby seals being eaten by killer whales I suggest you initially contact Greenpeace and see if they’re interested in supporting your cause.
In what circumstances is the truth not a valid defence in a defamation case?

DW and Wacky

Depends how you describe the "truth". You'll be familiar with the sort of thing that goes "Mr X makes false and totally misleading claims and is just a fraudulent scam artist".

The "truth" of the first part does not necessarily prove the second part.
well why not just hit the report button then - it takes no time and you don't even have to type anything - the report will be enough

I am sure you have some savvy developers behind this forum, so let me hit you with a groundbreaking idea.... 🙄

When someone reports a post, temporarily make the post invisible until it can be reviewed.

If a member abuses the 'report post' feature - give them a holiday.

If multiple members report multiple posts by the same poster (esp if new), then revoke their posting privileges until reviewed.

In this way, the person reporting the post can see they are doing some good and you also have the ability to stop people from reporting if they use it to attack people they don't like.
I don’t think the mods need anything that complex to make a decision on whether or not to delete a post. Personal religious views, time of day, mood, barometric pressure- normal stuff like that are all they need to make arbitrary decisions on that nature.
I am sure you have some savvy developers behind this forum, so let me hit you with a groundbreaking idea.... 🙄

When someone reports a post, temporarily make the post invisible until it can be reviewed.

If a member abuses the 'report post' feature - give them a holiday.

If multiple members report multiple posts by the same poster (esp if new), then revoke their posting privileges until reviewed.

In this way, the person reporting the post can see they are doing some good and you also have the ability to stop people from reporting if they use it to attack people they don't like.

Might be something in that, toastie, although I think the post would probably have to be replaced with something like "this post has been reported and the content temporarily removed pending moderation decision" otherwise it would likely cause a bit of havoc during an active discussion.

I've always been concerned that people are left in a bit of a vacuum when they've reported posts and don't get much thanks or reasons when no edit/deletion occurs. The reports are invaluable though.
What about a dislike button like youtube's available to old members , and after x numbers of dislikes the post will hidden ( still viewable though ) .... ?
How is that? You can choose to make a trade or not to. Choice.


I presume the concept of 'retirement' is not alien to you. Everyone with any disposable income is encouraged to put money into the financial markets as it's the only way to get a decent return back.

There is no choice about putting money into the markets.

The addage "don't put all your money in 1 basket" has been around since money was invented. If you have money then you've heard it often. To then ignore it, well, you get what you deserve. Those people got greedy.

Nope - not at all. The people got scammed. I hope it doesn't happen to you. It might because you don't actually know how these boiler rooms operate.

It's not all Vin Diesel you know.

I'm not without compassion but when you have the choice to do or not do then you have to take responsibility for your decision.


Nope - the scammers are at fault. The fact is we are all pushed to putting our disposable income into the markets to safeguard our future. You cannot expect everyone to be as financially savvy as the people on this site.

For example, if your Grandmother got ripped off by a boiler room spinning her a load of lies, would you say it was her fault?

My dad once sat on the jury in a case where a bunch of 'builders' convinced an elderly gentleman that he needed a low wall around his house. The guy was 86 years old. They ended up taking him for $120k.

These are typical boiler room victims, I really do think you've put too much stock in the movie on the topic.
No because if you put it all on black at least you have a chance of making money.
Interestingly, that is the best gaming option open to you if you are playing roulette.

The 2nd part of the strategy, even more important than choosing which colour, is you only play the one game; win or lose. Walk away.

This is a public service announcement sponsored by Drain the Casinos.
I don't know the ins and outs, peebee.

With all due respect, maybe you should take the time to research the ins and outs.

As a moderator, the decisions that you take have an impact. When you delete posts that are critical of t2w advertisers such as LTG Goldrock, or Mike Baghdady, or Traders Univertsity etc you are acting in the best intersts of t2w. You are not acting in the best interests of the membership.

If you are Mr Sharky, and you own the site, or a member of staff dependant on the sites revenue for your income, acting in your own selfish best interests is perfectly understandable. The morality is perhaps questionable, but the actions are perfectly understandable.

I would argue that an unpaid moderator is in a slightly different position. I would assume (perhaps incorrectly) that the motive for most moderators giving their time freely is generally from a desire to help the community of which they are a part. I honestly cannot see how anyone could reconsile a desire to help the community, with the protection of vendors preying on that community.

Whilst there is a tendancy to tar all vendors with the same brush, many of the cases that are mentioned by myself, pboyles and others where not a matter of idle speculation. They where a matter of public record after investigation by regulatory bodies such as the NFA and FSA.

I understand the commercial considerations, and if I where Mr Sharky I'd probably be even more draconian, but If I where a moderator at t2w, and I witnessed official warnings by the FSA being deleted from threads, I'd be asking myself some very serious questions indeed.

The excuse that you are not aware of the ins and outs of a particular issue dont really hold water these days, particularly when full details are available with a simple google search. I suppose you will argue that as a moderator its not your role to question, but simply to apply site guidelines and follow orders, but personally I'd be rather uneasy about that, and furthermore, most of the moderators past and present strike me as being independant thinkers capable of making their own decisions. I really do struggle to comprehend whats going on.

Although Im critical of t2w, they do deserve some credit for admitting that mistakes have been made in the past, and attempting to put procedures in place to prevent a re-occurrence of these types of problem. I also acknowledge that we dont see the full picture, or have any details regarding vendors who's advertsing campaigns where declined.
With all due respect, maybe you should take the time to research the ins and outs.

As a moderator, the decisions that you take have an impact. When you delete posts that are critical of t2w advertisers such as LTG Goldrock, or Mike Baghdady, or Traders Univertsity etc you are acting in the best intersts of t2w. You are not acting in the best interests of the membership.

If you are Mr Sharky, and you own the site, or a member of staff dependant on the sites revenue for your income, acting in your own selfish best interests is perfectly understandable. The morality is perhaps questionable, but the actions are perfectly understandable.

I would argue that an unpaid moderator is in a slightly different position. I would assume (perhaps incorrectly) that the motive for most moderators giving their time freely is generally from a desire to help the community of which they are a part. I honestly cannot see how anyone could reconsile a desire to help the community, with the protection of vendors preying on that community.

Whilst there is a tendancy to tar all vendors with the same brush, many of the cases that are mentioned by myself, pboyles and others where not a matter of idle speculation. They where a matter of public record after investigation by regulatory bodies such as the NFA and FSA.

I understand the commercial considerations, and if I where Mr Sharky I'd probably be even more draconian, but If I where a moderator at t2w, and I witnessed official warnings by the FSA being deleted from threads, I'd be asking myself some very serious questions indeed.

The excuse that you are not aware of the ins and outs of a particular issue dont really hold water these days, particularly when full details are available with a simple google search. I suppose you will argue that as a moderator its not your role to question, but simply to apply site guidelines and follow orders, but personally I'd be rather uneasy about that, and furthermore, most of the moderators past and present strike me as being independant thinkers capable of making their own decisions. I really do struggle to comprehend whats going on.

Although Im critical of t2w, they do deserve some credit for admitting that mistakes have been made in the past, and attempting to put procedures in place to prevent a re-occurrence of these types of problem. I also acknowledge that we dont see the full picture, or have any details regarding vendors who's advertsing campaigns where declined.


I agree with a lot that you say but, as in life, things are rarely starkly black or white.

The "ins and outs" I was referring to was about the acceptance/non-acceptance of advertising and the "due diligence" that takes place. It's precisely because I'm an independent and volunteer moderator that I'm not involved in such things beyond knowing that they exist.

Yes, it's my brief to moderate as guided by the site "rules" and the interests of members - the latter is why moderators are set up as independent. When it comes to vendors, should they complain about criticism then T2W pass the complaint to moderators for their decision without any "instruction" whatsoever. Should the complaint go beyond that and into the "legal" arena then T2W take over and decide.

Sure, some of those decisions are unpalatable to me but I understand why they need to be made and you could stretch an argument to say that it's not in members' interests either that T2W should be fatally damaged.

You could also argue, probably quite rightly, that I should not spend time defending T2W less it blur the independent nature of my moderator role.

You forgot about kittens being dumped on motorways and puppies being tied up in sacks and thrown in the lake.

You go ahead and try in vain protect everyone and everything from everything and everyone else if it makes you happy. But clearly, most on this fool’s errand are not. For good reason. They’re trying to fight Nature. There are Prey and there are Predators. Each exist only in context to the other.

What I was suggesting was that if you have a desire to right wrongs, then find the rapist and sort him out rather than protest outside PriMark for selling short skirts. Close down the boiler room through legal means (or if you have the contacts, back street means) rather than write a stiff letter of complaint to the Mail on Sunday for carrying the ad.

As for the cute baby seals being eaten by killer whales I suggest you initially contact Greenpeace and see if they’re interested in supporting your cause.

I see you are having comprehension issues.

I am merely pointing out that this whole "blame the victim" thing on here is ridiculous and based on having no clue how these people operate.

One look @ a Vin Diesel movie and now everyone is an expert in how boiler rooms work. Marvellous.

Still - it was an opportunity for you to act like a smartar$e and I appreciate you find such opportunities hard to pass by.

Before you label T2W a "complete and total wimp" and "choosing to kick their own members in the guts etc" maybe you can draw some conclusions by browsing for threads that are still on the boards which are highly critical of various companies and their products.
