they are easily spotted jon, you don't have to physically see the ad, i don't think that is its function anyway, and very difficult to replicate the ad itself. it some sort of google thing, but i know not its purpose. if you see the hidden web text then it is a guarantee that the post is a copy from either the post above it, up, or a copied yahoo answer question.
when a new nic pops up that looks odd, one would have thought it worthy a quick look?? same with dodgy thread titles "Anyone willing to trade me these Pokemon?" and "Where could I trade in my Astro A40 headset and 5.8 MixAmp?" my post on easy spotting appears to have been removed. so i post again, with added info, so anyone can spot these clowns and report if they wish to.
it don't matter whether it explorer, chrome or firefox, you see the same whatever browser you use, it makes no difference. there are live examples to look at from yesterday, only 1 post was deleted from this clown, incidently was the thread where this info resides lol, the rest were left up.
ok first thing is to go to new posts page 7 where it currently resides as of now, and mouse over the title "Where could I trade in my Astro A40 headset and 5.8 MixAmp?" the post will pop up in a box and reveal the hidden web text. a quick mouse over through new posts takes seconds, these clowns can easily be revealed and be rid of. again, it doesn't matter what browser is used.
another way of doing it is go to the prime suspects posts. there too, all can be easily revealed, see you can see the hidden web text from there too, no matter the browser.
if all else fails and actually looking at a post, hit reply button, there too you can see the hidden web text. again, no matter what browser is used.
i hope the info is useful, and not deleted this time lol