Ban All New Members With...


Legendary member
Ban all new members with a board name that is also the same as a URL.

If their board name is the same name as their site, then their intentions are crystal clear, they are using the site for free advertising.

I don't see any reason to let such people onto the site unless they are registered as vendors up front.

Now - your board software must allow temporary bans (I know my 1 man board does) and so this temp ban can come along with an email to the user that they must state their intentions and either register as a vendor or leave. The opportunity could also be taken to offer some ad space to them.

In terms of policing - usual method - current members will let you know when this occurs.


to be fair, toast is correct. it is against site guidelines to include site names/urls as a t2w user name.

yes, we've been slack, usually we message the offender and get them to contact admin for a name change as we can't do name changes ourselves. calling for a ban is a bit harsh though imv.