Pboyles can't offer any evidence for his sweeping accusations


Active member
Hello everyone,

This is a thread for pboyles to offer any evidence of the accusations he has made against me the past few days. Nobody else need get involved. My hunch is that pboyles leaves posts that he knows he has made up about others because he knows they will get lost in the noise. If everybody leaves this thread between him and i it will be clear that he owes me an apology.
Pboyles can post evidence here. I can rebut. Simple format that will prove he has either been lying. Or is just sadly mistaken about me..either way, the apology that you will all agree I deserve can be made on this thread.

Please feel free to respond mr pboyles.
Hello everyone,

This is a thread for pboyles to offer any evidence of the accusations he has made against me the past few days. Nobody else need get involved. My hunch is that pboyles leaves posts that he knows he has made up about others because he knows they will get lost in the noise. If everybody leaves this thread between him and i it will be clear that he owes me an apology.
Pboyles can post evidence here. I can rebut. Simple format that will prove he has either been lying. Or is just sadly mistaken about me..either way, the apology that you will all agree I deserve can be made on this thread.

Please feel free to respond mr pboyles.

An excellent notion.

Whilst we wait, you will doubtless wish to extend the same courtesy to me. You made a post stating that I suggested he will not apologise to you (or indeed anyone else) under any circumstances. I did not say this. In fact, in contradistinction I said that if you are not doing anything wrong you may well receive the desired apology. The posts are here:



A small matter perhaps, but you are clearly a person to whom accuracy is important, and will wish to correct the error.
Didin't take long for nobody else to post! You are right, I am a stickler for accuracy. Where have I stated that you said he wouldn't apologise? I do not see it.
Hello everyone,

This is a thread for pboyles to offer any evidence of the accusations he has made against me the past few days. Nobody else need get involved. My hunch is that pboyles leaves posts that he knows he has made up about others because he knows they will get lost in the noise. If everybody leaves this thread between him and i it will be clear that he owes me an apology.
Pboyles can post evidence here. I can rebut. Simple format that will prove he has either been lying. Or is just sadly mistaken about me..either way, the apology that you will all agree I deserve can be made on this thread.

Please feel free to respond mr pboyles.

It further occurs to me that since you abhor baseless accusations (as I do) you will wish to either proffer evidence, or withdraw and apologise, for the ones you made against Pboyles earlier.

You made the following accusations (bold emphasis mine):

The setting up of a false Internet affiliate website or whatever ******** that pboyles has done on my behalf is truly despicable. It is amazing how you could have the time to do that and feel good about it afterwards. You should truly feel ashamed of yourself. The media are getting onto Internet trolls at the moment so public opinion is truly being swayed against shameless individuals such as yourself. It is just a matter of time before such activity becomes easily prosecutable. You should look for a new hobby.

Thank you. I am free to admit that the attacks have genuinely upset me. This guy called Pboyles has gone to the effort of creating fake LinkedIn profiles of me. He has created some affiliate Internet marketing scam with my name on it, I am waiting for more fake stuff. It is nuts.

You will note that the accusations are unequivocal. They are presented as simple statements of fact.

The posts have been deleted (in so far as anything can be, which is to say not very). Here however is a link to a post where they are quoted:


I understand that no evidence has been offered to support the accusation that Pboyles created fake profiles and websites. Neither has there been an apology for the accusation.

Naturally, you will wish to correct this regrettable state of affairs by producing one or the other.
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Didin't take long for nobody else to post! You are right, I am a stickler for accuracy. Where have I stated that you said he wouldn't apologise? I do not see it.

Not long indeed. But surely it is better from the point of view of your aim if you demonstrate good faith by doing first what you demand of others? I merely wish to assist.

"I've been told by one of your poodles that you never say sorry so I won't expect an apology.."


No need to apologise for the poodle remark - that is simply a matter of opinion and a perfectly acceptable, if rather limp, insult.
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One final one, and then I depart your thread in accordance with your wishes:

"Why do you hang on pboyles word the way you do? Do some research for yourself and you will see that pboyles is a habitual liar."


Intent is often difficult to prove, but you will presumably wish to produce some evidence at least to suggest that Pboyles deliberately told untruths about you (if indeed such is the case)? Rather than, for example, having a sincere belief and being merely mistaken (and not lying) because of a confusion over names?
You are right. I apologise for saying that pboyles has set up fake accounts of me. I had reason to believe he had because he posts on multiple occasions (with links) that I am someone that I am not. But again, you are right that I cannot prove he set up the account. I can only prove that he says I am somebody that I am not by linking me to fake accounts. I would copy and paste the posts but you have all read them so why bother. I never said you were a poodle.
I don't really get it. Why are you so concerned with public image on here if you're not selling anything? Does it really matter? If everyone thinks I am a vendor who hasn't got a clue, so what? It shouldn't affect anything unless you're trying to sell something.

If you want a private convo with pboyles, just mail him. Calling him out on a public thread and hoping nobody comments is just silly.
I don't really get it. Why are you so concerned with public image on here if you're not selling anything? Does it really matter? If everyone thinks I am a vendor who hasn't got a clue, so what? It shouldn't affect anything unless you're trying to sell something.

If you want a private convo with pboyles, just mail him. Calling him out on a public thread and hoping nobody comments is just silly.

He doesn't accept Pm's. It is a matter principle. If somebody associates me with something untoward it is reason for me to get upset..do not be naive. In this day and age the web is used by many different people to verify the credentials of others. If you had been falsely accused of anything and didn't feel the compulsion to clear your name then more fool you.
He doesn't accept Pm's. It is a matter principle. If somebody associates me with something untoward it is reason for me to get upset..do not be naive. In this day and age the web is used by many different people to verify the credentials of others. If you had been falsely accused of anything and didn't feel the compulsion to clear your name then more fool you.

I, on the other hand, do accept PMs, as you are aware, since you sent me some last night. These contained statements and strong implications regarding which I requested clarification.

Your response I found to be a little odd. I can post the exchange here if you are having trouble remembering what you wrote, but I do think the clarification should be forthcoming. Given what you written above, I imagine you will be keen to provide such clarification, and will understand and approve of my motivation for desiring it.
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